Source code for tethne.readers.pubmed

Methods for working with PubMed data are still under development. Please use
with care.

.. autosummary::



import as ds
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import uuid

# PubMed functions
def _pubmed_file_id(filename):
    """Future (not implemented).

    Given a filename (presumed to contain PubMed compatible IDs)
    return an xml string for each article associated with that ID.

    filename : string
        Path to a file containing PubMed-compatible IDs.

    list : list
        A list of XML strings.


    return None

[docs]def read(filepath): """ Given a file with PubMed XML, return a list of :class:`.Paper` instances. See the following hyperlinks regarding possible structures of XML: * * Each :class:`.Paper` is tagged with an accession id for this read/conversion. **Usage** .. code-block:: python >>> import tethne.readers as rd >>> papers ="/Path/to/PubMedData.xml") Parameters ---------- filepath : string Path to PubMed XML file. Returns ------- meta_list : list A list of :class:`.Paper` instances. """ try: with open(filepath,'r') as f: tree = ET.fromstring(text, parser)(filepath) root = tree.getroot() except IOError: # File does not exist, or couldn't be read. raise IOError("File does not exist, or cannot be read.") accession = str(uuid.uuid4()) # define location of simple article meta data relative to xml tree rooted # at 'article' meta_loc = {'atitle':'./front/article-meta/title-group/article-title', 'jtitle':('./front/journal-meta/journal-title-group/' + 'journal-title'), 'volume':'./front/article-meta/volume', 'issue':'./front/article-meta/issue', 'spage':'./front/article-meta/fpage', 'epage':'./front/article-meta/lpage'} # location relative to element-citation element cit_meta_loc = {'atitle':'./article-title', 'jtitle':'./source', 'date':'./year', 'volume':'./volume', 'spage':'./fpage', 'epage':'./epage'} meta_list = [] for article in root.iter('article'): paper = ds.Paper() # collect information from the 'front' section of the article # collect the simple data for key in meta_loc.iterkeys(): key_data = article.find(meta_loc[key]) if key_data is not None: paper[key] = key_data.text else: paper[key] = None # collect doi and pmid id_list = article.findall('./front/article-meta/article-id') for identifier in id_list: id_type = identifier.get('pub-id-type') if id_type == 'doi': paper['doi'] = identifier.text elif id_type == 'pmid': paper['pmid'] = identifier.text else: # if never found, remain at None from initialization pass # collect aulast and auinint aulast = [] auinit = [] contribs = article.findall('./front/article-meta/contrib-group/contrib') # if contrib is not found then loop is skipped for contrib in contribs: contrib_type = contrib.get('contrib-type') if contrib_type == 'author': surname = contrib.find('./name/surname') if surname is not None: # then it was found aulast.append(surname.text) else: aulast.append(None) # multiple given names? this takes first one given_name = contrib.find('./name/given-names') if given_name is not None: # then it was found auinit.append(given_name.text[0]) else: auinit.append(None) paper['aulast'] = aulast paper['auinit'] = auinit # collect date pub_dates = article.findall('./front/article-meta/pub-date') # if pub-date is not found then loop is skipped for pub_date in pub_dates: pub_type = pub_date.get('pub-type') print pub_type if pub_type == 'collection': year = pub_date.find('./year') if year is not None: # then it was found paper['date'] = year.text else: paper['date'] = None meta_list.append(paper) # construct ayjid paper['ayjid'] = create_ayjid(**paper) # THIS IS BROKEN. # citations citations_list = [] # element-citation handling different from mixed-citation handling citations = article.findall('./back/ref-list/ref/element-citation') for cite in citations: cite_dict = ds.Paper() # simple meta data for key in cit_meta_loc.iterkeys(): key_data = cite.find(cit_meta_loc[key]) if key_data is not None: paper[key] = key_data.text else: paper[key] = None # doi and pmid pub_id = cite.find('./pub-id') if pub_id is not None: pub_id_type = pub_id.get('pub-id-type') if pub_id_type == 'doi': cite_dict['doi'] = pub_id.text elif pub_id_type == 'pmid': cite_dict['pmid'] = pub_id.text # aulast and auinit cite_aulast = [] cite_auinit = [] # determine if person group is authors person_group = cite.find('./person-group') if person_group is not None: group_type = person_group.get('person-group-type') else: group_type = None # then add the authors to the cite_dict if group_type == 'author': names = person_group.findall('./name') for name in names: # add surname surname = name.find('./surname') if surname is not None: # then it was found cite_aulast.append(surname.text) else: cite_aulast.append(None) # add given names given_names = name.find('./given-names') if given_names is not None: # then it was found cite_auinit.append(given_names.text[0]) else: cite_auinit.append(None) if not cite_aulast: # then empty cite_aulast = None if not cite_auinit: # then empty cite_auinit = None cite_dict['aulast'] = cite_aulast cite_dict['auinit'] = cite_auinit citations_list.append(cite_dict) # end cite loop paper['citations'] = citations_list paper['accession'] = accession meta_list.append(paper) # end article loop return meta_list
def _expand_pubmed(meta_list): """Future (not implemented). Given a list of first-level meta dicts and their second-level meta dicts, first['citations'], expand the network by adding the second-level meta dicts to the first level. That is, for the second-level meta dicts with sufficient information (either a DOI, PubMed ID, enough metadata to query for a DOI, etc.), query PubMed for their more expansive set of meta data, most notably their citation data, parse the associated xml, and append their :class:`.Paper` to the meta_list. Parameters ---------- meta_list : list A list of :class:`.Paper` instances. Returns ------- list : list A list of :class:`.Paper` instances. Notes ----- Do something about the redundent information about them stored still in the first level? """ pass