Source code for tethne.matrices.dfr

Methods for generating Numpy data objects from JSTOR Data-for-Research datasets.

.. autosummary::



import numpy as np

[docs]class Map(object): """ Maps integer indices to string values. """ def __init__(self): self.by_str = {} self.by_int = {} def __setitem__(self, key, value): if type(key) == str: self.by_str[key] = value self.by_int[value] = key if type(key) == int: self.by_int[key] = value self.by_str[value] = key def __getitem__(self, key): if type(key) == str: return self.by_str[key] if type(key) == int: return self.by_int[key] def __len__(self): return len(self.by_str)
[docs]def array(data, normalize=False, verbose=False): """ Yields a Numpy array, along with feature-index and document-index mappings. **Usage** .. code-block:: python >>> import tethne.readers as rd >>> import tethne.matrices as mt >>> data = rd.dfr.ngrams("/Path/to/DfR/data") >>> A, doc_index, feat_index = mt.dfr.array(data, normalize=True) Parameters ---------- data : dict Keys are document identifiers (e.g. DOIs), values are lists of feature- frequency tuples. normalize : bool If True, matrix values are relative to the maximum value in the matrix. Returns ------- A : Numpy array Columns are documents, rows are features. document_index : class:`.Map` Maps column indices to document identifiers (keys of provided data). feature_index : :class:`.Map` Maps row indices to features. """ document_index, feature_index = _index_data(data, verbose) N_docs = len(document_index) N_feat = len(feature_index) max_v = np.max([ np.float(v[1]) for doc in data.keys() for v in data[doc] ]) if verbose: print "array(): {0} documents, {1} features".format(N_docs, N_feat) if normalize: dtype = np.float else: dtype = A = np.zeros((N_docs, N_feat), dtype=dtype) d = 0 for doc, features in data.iteritems(): if verbose: d += 1 if d%200 == 0: print "array(): Processed {0} of {1} documents"\ .format(d, N_docs) i = document_index[doc] for f, v in features: j = feature_index[f] if normalize: v = v/max_v A[i, j] = v if verbose: print "array(): Processed all documents." return A, document_index, feature_index
[docs]def matrix(data, normalize=False, verbose=False): """ Yields a Numpy matrix, along with feature-index and document-index mappings. **Usage** .. code-block:: python >>> import tethne.readers as rd >>> import tethne.matrices as mt >>> data = rd.dfr.ngrams("/Path/to/DfR/data") >>> M, doc_index, feat_index = mt.dfr.matrix(data, normalize=True) Parameters ---------- data : dict Keys are document identifiers (e.g. DOIs), values are lists of feature- frequency tuples. normalize : bool If True, matrix values are relative to the maximum value in the matrix. Returns ------- M : Numpy matrix Columns are documents, rows are features. document_index : class:`.Map` Maps column indices to document identifiers (keys of provided data). feature_index : :class:`.Map` Maps row indices to features. """ if verbose: print "matrix(): converting array to matrix." A, document_index, feature_index = array(data, normalize, verbose) M = np.asmatrix(A) if verbose: print "matrix(): done." return M, document_index, feature_index
def _index_data(data, verbose=False): """ Yields document and feature indices from a data dict. Parameters ---------- data : dict Keys are document identifiers (e.g. DOIs), values are lists of feature- frequency tuples. Returns ------- document_index : class:`.Map` Maps integer indices to document identifiers (keys of provided data). feature_index : :class:`.Map` Maps integer row indices to features. """ document_index = Map() feature_index = Map() N_docs = len(data) if verbose: print "_index_data(): Indexing {0} documents".format(N_docs) features = set() for i in xrange(N_docs): # Index documents. if verbose and i%200 == 0: print "_index_data(): Indexed {0} of {1} documents"\ .format(i, N_docs) document_index[i] = data.keys()[i] for f,c in data.values()[i]: features.add(f) # Build a set of features. N_feat = len(features) if verbose: print "_index_data(): Done indexing documents." print "_index_data(): Indexing {0} features.".format(N_feat) features = list(features) for i in xrange(N_feat): # Index features. if verbose and i %10000 == 0: print "_index_data(): Indexed {0} of {1} features."\ .format(i, N_feat) feature_index[i] = features[i] if verbose: print "_index_data(): Done indexing features." return document_index, feature_index