Source code for tethne.analyze.collection

Methods for analyzing :class:`.GraphCollection` objects.

For the most part, these methods simply provide systematic access to algorithms
in NetworkX.

import networkx as nx
import types
import graph

[docs]def algorithm(C, method, **kwargs): """ Apply NetworkX method to each ``Graph`` in :class:`.GraphCollection`\. Passes kwargs to specified NetworkX method for each Graph, and returns a dictionary of results indexed by element (node or edge) and graph index (e.g. ``date``). Parameters ---------- C : :class:`.GraphCollection` The :class:`.GraphCollection` to analyze. The specified method will be applied to each :class:`.Graph` in **C**. method : string Name of a method in NetworkX to execute on graph collection. **kwargs A list of keyword arguments that should correspond to the parameters of the specified method. Returns ------- results : dict A nested dictionary of results: results/elem(node or edge)/graph index. Raises ------ ValueError If name is not in networkx, or if no such method exists. Examples -------- *Betweenness centrality:* .. code-block:: python >>> import tethne.analyze as az >>> BC = az.collection.algorithm(C, 'betweenness_centrality') >>> print BC[0] {1999: 0.010101651117889644, 2000: 0.0008689093723107329, 2001: 0.010504898852426189, 2002: 0.009338654511194512, 2003: 0.007519105636349891} """ results = {} if not method in nx.__dict__: raise(ValueError("No such name in networkx.")) else: if type(nx.__dict__[method]) is not types.FunctionType: raise(ValueError("No such method in networkx.")) else: for k, G in C.graphs.iteritems(): r = nx.__dict__[method](G, **kwargs) for elem, value in r.iteritems(): try: results[elem][k] = value except KeyError: results[elem] = { k: value } nx.set_node_attributes(G, method, r) # [#61510128] return results
[docs]def connected(C, method, **kwargs): """ Performs analysis methods from networkx.connected on each graph in the collection. Parameters ---------- C : :class:`.GraphCollection` The :class:`.GraphCollection` to analyze. The specified method will be applied to each :class:`.Graph` in **C**. method : string Name of method in networkx.connected. **kwargs : kwargs Keyword arguments, passed directly to method. Returns ------- results : dictionary Keys are graph indices, values are output of method for that graph. Raises ------ ValueError If name is not in networkx.connected, or if no such method exists. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> import as ds >>> import tethne.analyze as az >>> import networkx as nx >>> C = ds.GraphCollection() >>> # Generate some random graphs >>> for graph_index in xrange(1999, 2004): >>> g = nx.random_regular_graph(4, 100) >>> C[graph_index] = g >>> results = az.collection.connected(C, 'connected', k=None) >>> print results {1999: False, 2000: False, 2001: False, 2002: False, 2003: False } """ results = {} if not method in nx.connected.__dict__: raise(ValueError("No such name in networkx.connected.")) else: if type(nx.connected.__dict__[method]) is not types.FunctionType: raise(ValueError("No such method in networkx.connected.")) else: for k, G in C.graphs.iteritems(): results[k] = nx.connected.__dict__[method](G, **kwargs) return results
[docs]def node_history(C, node, attribute, verbose=False): """ Returns a dictionary of attribute values for each Graph in C for a single node. Parameters ---------- C : :class:`.GraphCollection` node : str The node of interest. attribute : str The attribute of interest; e.g. 'betweenness_centrality' verbose : bool If True, prints status and debug messages. Returns ------- history : dict Keys are Graph keys in C; values are attribute values for node. """ history = {} for k,G in C.graphs.iteritems(): asdict = { v[0]:v[1] for v in G.nodes(data=True) } try: history[k] = asdict[node][attribute] except KeyError: if verbose: print "No such node or attribute in Graph " + str(k) return history
[docs]def edge_history(C, source, target, attribute, verbose=False): """ Returns a dictionary of attribute vales for each Graph in C for a single edge. Parameters ---------- C : :class:`.GraphCollection` source : str Identifier for source node. target : str Identifier for target node. attribute : str The attribute of interest; e.g. 'betweenness_centrality' verbose : bool If True, prints status and debug messages. Returns ------- history : dict Keys are Graph keys in C; values are attribute values for edge. """ history = {} for k,G in C.graphs.iteritems(): try: attributes = G[source][target] try: history[k] = attributes[attribute] except KeyError: if verbose: print "No such attribute for edge in Graph " \ + str(k) except KeyError: if verbose: print "No such edge in Graph " + str(k) return history
[docs]def node_global_closeness_centrality(C, node): """ Calculates global closeness centrality for node in each graph in :class:`.GraphCollection` C. """ results = {} for key, g in C.graphs.iteritems(): results[key] = graph.node_global_closeness_centrality(g, node) return results
[docs]def attachment_probability(C): """ Calculates the observed attachment probability for each node at each time-step. """ probs = {} G_ = None for k,G in C.graphs.iteritems(): print k new_edges = {} print len(G.nodes()) if G_ is not None: for n in G.nodes(): try: old_neighbors = set(G_[n].keys()) new_neighbors = set(G[n].keys()) - old_neighbors new_edges[n] = float(len(new_neighbors)) except KeyError: pass N = sum( new_edges.values() ) if N > 0.: probs[k] = { k:v/N for k,v in new_edges.iteritems() } else: probs[k] = None if probs[k] is not None: nx.set_node_attributes(C.graphs[k], 'attachment', probs[k]) G_ = G return C, probs
if __name__ == '__main__': import tethne.readers as rd from import DataCollection from import authorCollectionBuilder import tethne.writers as wr papers ="/Users/erickpeirson/Dropbox/Research/Phenotypic Plasticity/Web of Science/20110219_WoS_full record/download1.txt") D = DataCollection(papers) D.slice('date', method='time_period', cumulative=True) builder = authorCollectionBuilder(D) C ='date', 'coauthors') C, probs = attachment_probability(C) wr.collection.to_dxgmml(C, '/Users/erickpeirson/Desktop/test.xgmml')