Source code for tango_simlib.sim_sdd_xml_parser

#!/usr/bin/env python
# SKA South Africa (                                        #
# Author:                                                       #
# Copyright @ 2013 SKA SA. All rights reserved.                               #
#                                                                             #
# WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SKA SA.                                               #
"""This module performs the parsing of the SKA Self-Description Data XML schema
file generated from the DSL.


import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

from PyTango import DevDouble, DevLong, DevBoolean, DevString

    'name': 'name',
    'Description': 'description',
    'DataType': 'data_type',
    'MinValue': 'min_value',
    'MaxValue': 'max_value',
    'RWType': 'writable'}

    'int': DevLong,
    'float': DevDouble,
    'boolean': DevBoolean,
    'string': DevString}

[docs]class SDDParser(object): """Parses the SDD XML file generated from DSL. Attributes ---------- monitoring_points: dict commands: dict """ def __init__(self): self.data_description_file_name = '' self.monitoring_points = {} self.commands = {} self._formatted_mnt_pts_info = {} self._formatted_cmds_info = {}
[docs] def parse(self, sdd_xml_file): # TODO (KM 18-11-2016) Might make use of the libraries mentioned to parse XML # files in this URL self.data_description_file_name = sdd_xml_file tree = ET.parse(sdd_xml_file) root = tree.getroot() self.commands.update(self.extract_command_info(root.find( 'CommandList'))) self.monitoring_points.update(self.extract_monitoring_point_info( root.find('MonitoringPointsList'))) self._convert_mnt_pt_info()
[docs] def extract_command_info(self, cmd_info): """Extracts all the information of the XML element 'CommandList' Parameters ---------- cmd_info: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element e.g. <CommandList> <Command> <CommandID></CommandID> <CommandName>ON</CommandName> <CommandDescription></CommandDescription> <CommandType></CommandType> <Timeout></Timeout> <MaxRetry></MaxRetry> <TimeForExecution></TimeForExecution> <AvailableInModes> <Mode></Mde> <Mode></Mode> </AvailableInModes> <CommandParameters></CommandParameters> <ResponseList> <Response> <ResponseID></ResponseID> <ResponseName>RES_ON</ResponseName> <ResponseType></ResponseType> <ResponseParameters> <Parameter> <ParameterID></ParameterID> <ParameterName>msg</ParameterName> <ParameterValue></ParameterValue> </Parameter> </ResponseParameters> </Response> </ResponseList> </Command> </CommandList> Returns ------- cmds: dict A dictionary of all the commands and their metadata. e.g. { 'cmd_name': { 'CommandID': '', 'Command_Name: '', 'CommandDescription: '', 'CommandType: '', 'Timeout': '', 'MaxRetry': '', 'TimeForExecution': '', 'AvailableInModes': {}, 'CommandParameters': {}, 'ResponseList': { 'response_name': { 'ResponseID': '', 'ResponseName': '', 'ResponseType': '', 'ResponseDescription': '', 'ResponseParameters': { 'parameter_name': { 'ParameterID': '', 'ParameterName': '', 'ParameterValue': '', } } } } } } """ cmds = {} commands = cmd_info.getchildren() for command in commands: cmd_metadata = {} for prop in command: cmd_metadata[prop.tag] = {} if prop.tag in ['CommandParameters']: cmd_meta_prop = {} for parameter in prop: cmd_param_meta = {} for parameter_prop in parameter: cmd_param_meta[parameter_prop.tag] = ( parameter_prop.text) cmd_meta_prop[cmd_param_meta['ParameterName']] = ( cmd_param_meta) cmd_metadata[prop.tag].update(cmd_meta_prop) elif prop.tag in ['ResponseList']: self._extract_response_list_info(cmd_metadata, prop) elif prop.tag in ['AvailableInModes']: for prop_param in prop: cmd_metadata[prop.tag][prop_param.tag] = prop_param.text else: cmd_metadata[prop.tag] = prop.text cmds[cmd_metadata['CommandName']] = cmd_metadata return cmds
def _extract_response_list_info(self, cmd_meta, prop): """Extracts the cmd response info from the command information and adds it to cmd_meta dictionary. Parameter --------- cmd_meta: dict A dictionary containing the extracted cmd metadata. prop: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element e.g. <ResponseList> <Response> <ResponseID></ResponseID> <ResponseName>RES_ON</ResponseName> <ResponseType></ResponseType> <ResponseParameters> <Parameter> <ParameterID></ParameterID> <ParameterName>msg</ParameterName> <ParameterValue></ParameterValue> </Parameter> </ResponseParameters> </Response> </ResponseList> Notes ===== Adds the cmd response dictionary to the cmd meta dictionary. e.g. 'ResponseList': { 'response_name': { 'ResponseID': '', 'ResponseName': '', 'ResponseType': '', 'ResponseDescription': '', 'ResponseParameters': { 'parameter_name': { 'ParameterID': '', 'ParameterName': '', 'ParameterValue': '', } } } } """ cmd_responses = {} # To store a list of the cmd_responses for response in prop: cmd_response_meta = {} # Stores the response properties for resp_prop in response: if resp_prop.tag in ['ResponseParameters']: response_params = {} # Stores the response paramaters cmd_response_meta[resp_prop.tag] = {} for parameter in resp_prop: # Stores the properties of the parameter resp_params_prop = {} for parameter_prop in parameter: resp_params_prop[parameter_prop.tag] = ( parameter_prop.text) response_params[resp_params_prop['ParameterName']] = ( resp_params_prop) cmd_response_meta[resp_prop.tag].update( response_params) else: cmd_response_meta[resp_prop.tag] = resp_prop.text cmd_responses[cmd_response_meta['ResponseName']] = ( cmd_response_meta) cmd_meta[prop.tag].update(cmd_responses)
[docs] def extract_monitoring_point_info(self, mp_info): """Extracts all the information of the XML element 'MonitoringPointsList' Parameters ---------- mp_info: xml.etree.ElementTree.Element e.g. <MonitoringPointsList> <MonitoringPoint id="" name="Temperature" mandatory="TRUE/FALSE"> <Description></Description> <DataType>float</DataType> <Size>0</Size> <RWType></RWType> <PossibleValues> <PossibleValue></PossibleValue> <PossibleValue></PossibleValue> </PossibleValues> <ValueRange> <MinValue>-10</MinValue> <MaxValue>55</MaxValue> </ValueRange> <SamplingFrequency> <DefaultValue></DefaultValue> <MaxValue></MaxValue> </SamplingFrequency> <LoggingLevel></LoggingLevel> </MonitoringPoint> </MonitoringPointsList> Returns ------- dev_mnt_pts: dict A dictionary of all the element's commands and their metadata. e.g. { 'monitoring_pt_name': { 'id': '', 'name': '', 'Description': '', 'DataType': '', 'Size': '', 'RWType': '', 'PossibleValues': [], 'ValueRange': { 'MinValue': '', 'MaxValue': '', }, 'SamplingFrequecy': { 'DefaultValue': '', 'MaxValue': '', } 'LoggingLevel' :'' } } """ dev_mnt_pts = {} monitoring_points = mp_info.getchildren() for mnt_pt in monitoring_points: dev_mnt_pts_meta = {} dev_mnt_pts_meta['name'] = mnt_pt.attrib['name'] dev_mnt_pts_meta['id'] = mnt_pt.attrib['id'] for prop in mnt_pt: if prop.tag in ['ValueRange', 'SamplingFrequency']: dev_mnt_pts_meta[prop.tag] = {} for inner_prop in prop: dev_mnt_pts_meta[prop.tag][inner_prop.tag] = ( inner_prop.text) elif prop.tag == "PossibleValues": vals = [] for possible_val in prop: vals.append(possible_val.text) dev_mnt_pts_meta[prop.tag] = vals elif prop.tag == "DataType": try: dev_mnt_pts_meta[prop.tag] = SDD_TYPES_TO_TANGO_TYPES[prop.text] except KeyError: raise KeyError("The monitoring point '{}''s data type '{}' cannot" " be mapped to any TANGO type" .format(mnt_pt, prop)) else: dev_mnt_pts_meta[prop.tag] = prop.text dev_mnt_pts[mnt_pt.attrib['name']] = dev_mnt_pts_meta return dev_mnt_pts
[docs] def get_reformatted_device_attr_metadata(self): return self._formatted_mnt_pts_info
# TODO(KM 15-12-2016) Will need to implement a method that unpacks the commands # dictionary to be 'un-nested' for easier lookups, which this method is going to # return.
[docs] def get_reformatted_cmd_metadata(self): return self._formatted_cmds_info
[docs] def get_reformatted_override_metadata(self): return {}
def _convert_mnt_pt_info(self): """Converts the monitoring points data structure into a dictionary to make searching easier. A dictionary of all the element's monitoring points together with their metadata specified in the DSL generated xml file. The key represents the name of the monitoring point and the value is a dictionary of all the monitoring point's metadata. e.g. { 'monitoring_pt_name': { 'id': '', 'name': '', 'description': '', 'data_type': '', 'size': '', 'writable': '', 'possiblevalues': [], 'min_value': '', 'max_value': '', 'samplingfrequecy': { 'DefaultValue': '', 'MaxValue': '', }, 'logginglevel' :'' } } """ monitoring_pts = {} for mpt_name, mpt_metadata in self.monitoring_points.items(): monitoring_pts[mpt_name] = {} for metadata_prop_name, metadata_prop_val in mpt_metadata.items(): # Unpack the min and max values from the ValueRange dictionary if metadata_prop_name == "ValueRange": for extremity, extremity_val in metadata_prop_val.items(): # This will not raise a keyerror exception as the the keys # (MaxValue/MinValue) will be available in the tag 'ValueRange' # appears in the SDD XML file. monitoring_pts[mpt_name][SDD_MP_PARAMS_TANGO_MAP[extremity]] = ( extremity_val) else: try: parameter_name = SDD_MP_PARAMS_TANGO_MAP[metadata_prop_name] monitoring_pts[mpt_name][parameter_name] = metadata_prop_val except KeyError: monitoring_pts[mpt_name][metadata_prop_name.lower()] = ( metadata_prop_val) self._formatted_mnt_pts_info = monitoring_pts