Source code for sym.util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)

import numpy as np

[docs]def banded_jacobian(y, x, ml, mu): """ Calculates a banded version of the jacobian Compatible with the format requested by :func:`scipy.integrate.ode` (for SciPy >= v0.15). Parameters ---------- y: array_like of expressions x: array_like of symbols ml: int number of lower bands mu: int number of upper bands Returns ------- 2D array of shape ``(1+ml+mu, len(y))`` """ ny = len(y) nx = len(x) packed = np.zeros((mu+ml+1, nx), dtype=object) def set(ri, ci, val): packed[ri-ci+mu, ci] = val for ri in range(ny): for ci in range(max(0, ri-ml), min(nx, ri+mu+1)): set(ri, ci, y[ri].diff(x[ci])) return packed