Command-line usage

The main function of the SVGIS command line tool is to draw maps. SVGIS also comes with several helper tools for modifying maps and getting generating map projections.

svgis draw

Draw SVGs from input geodata.

Usage: svgis draw [OPTIONS] LAYER...

  Draw SVGs from input geodata

  -o, --output FILENAME           Defaults to stdout
  -b, --bounds minx miny maxx maxy
                                  In the same coordinate system as the first
                                  input layer
  -c, --style CSS                 CSS file or string
  -f, --scale INTEGER             Scale for the map (units are divided by this
  -p, --padding INTEGER           Buffer the map (in projection units)
  -i, --id-field FIELD            Geodata field to use as ID
  -a, --class-fields FIELDS       Geodata fields to use as class (comma-
  -j, --crs KEYWORD               Specify a map projection. Accepts either an
                                  EPSG code (e.g. epsg:4456), a proj4 string,
                                  a file containing a proj4 string, "utm" (use
                                  local UTM), "file" (use existing), "local"
                                  (generate a local projection)
  -s, --simplify FACTOR           Simplify geometries, accepts an integer
                                  between 1 and 100, the percentage of each
                                  geometry to retain.
  -P, --precision INTEGER         Rounding precision for coordinates (default:
  --clip / -n, --no-clip          Clip shapes to bounds. Slightly slower,
                                  produces smaller files (default: clip).
  -l, --inline / --no-inline      Inline CSS styles to each element. Slightly
                                  slower, but required by some clients (e.g.
                                  Adobe) (default: inline).
  --viewbox / -x, --no-viewbox    Draw SVG using a ViewBox (default: no
  -q, --quiet                     Ignore warnings
  -v, --verbose                   Talk a lot
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.


Layers may be paths or an zip/gzip archive:

svgis draw data/cook.shp data/lake.shp
svgis draw zip:// zip://
svgis draw tar://archive.tar.gz/boston.geojson tar://archive.tar.gz/cambridge.geojson


Takes four arguments in min-lon, min-lat, max-lon, max-lat order.

This example draw the portion of the input file between latitudes 40 and 41 and longitudes -74 and -73 (roughly the New York City area).

svgis draw --bounds -74 40 -73 41 in.geojson out.svg

Note that coordinates are given in longitude, latitude order, since in the world of the computer, it’s better to be consistent with things like (x, y) order.


A integer scale. The map will be scaled by 1 over this number. In other words, for a map at a 1:1000 scale, use:

svgis draw --scale 1000 in.shp -o out.svg

This will produce a map where 1000 map units are scaled to one SVG unit. Clients will vary in how they represent a single unit (pixels, fractions of an inch). Additionally, clients may have trouble handling very large numbers, so using the scale option can be a handy way to produce usable drawings.

Scale won’t alter geometries in any way other than scaling. To create smaller drawings, use the simplify option.

(The shorthand option for --scale is -f as in factor.)


The crs argument accepts a particular projection or a keyword that helps SVGIS pick a projection for you. It accepts:

  • EPSG code
  • Proj4 string
  • A text file containing a Proj4 string
  • Either the ‘utm’ or ‘local’ keyword

If this flag isn’t given, SVGIS will check to see if the file is already in non lat-lng projection (e.g. a state plane system or the British National Grid). If the first input file is projected, that projection will be used for the output. If the first file is in lat-long coordinates, a local projection will be generated, just like if --crs=local was given.

This example will draw an svg with EPSG:2908, the New York Long Island state plane projection:

svgis draw --crs EPSG:2908 nyc.shp -o nyc.svg

This example uses a Proj.4 string to draw with the North America Albers Equal Area Conic projection, which doesn’t have an EPSG code.

svgis draw in.shp -o out.svg \
    --crs "+proj=aea +lat_1=20 +lat_2=60 +lat_0=40 \
    +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs"

This is equivalent to the above, and uses a proj.4 file:

echo "+proj=aea +lat_1=20 +lat_2=60 +lat_0=40 \
+lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs" > proj4.txt

svgis draw in.shp --crs proj4.txt -o out.svg

With the utm keyword, SVGIS attempts to draw coordinates in the local UTM projection. The centerpoint of the bounding box will be used to pick the zone. Expect poor results for input data that crosses several UTM boundaries.

svgis draw --crs utm in.shp -o out.svg
svgis draw -j utm in2.shp -o out2.svg

When the local argument is given, SVGIS will generate a Transverse Mercator projection that centers on the input bounding box. This generally gives good results for an region roughly the size of a large urban area.

svgis draw --crs local input.shp -o out.svg
svgis draw -j local input.shp -o out.svg

If, for some reason you want to draw an SVG in lat-long coordinates, use the file keyword to force the projection of the first passed file:

svgis draw --crs file input.shp -o out.svg
svgis draw -j file one.shp two.geojson -o out.svg

To properly convert the input coordinate, svgis needs to know your input projection. If the input file doesn’t specify an internal projection, SVGIS will assume that the coordinates are given in WGS84.

(The shorthand option for --crs is -j as in ject.)


The style parameter takes either a CSS file or a CSS string.

svgis draw --style style.css in.shp -o out.svg
svgis draw --style "line { stroke: green; }" in.shp -o out.svg

SVGIS adds a polygon class to paths that drawn to represent multi-part polygons (polygons with holes).

This argument can be provided multiple times.

(The shorthand option for --style is -c as in CSS.)


Adds a padding around the output image. Accepts an integer in svg units.

svgis draw --padding 100 in.shp -o out.svg


By default, SVGIS uses a viewbox. If you have a problem opening the created svg file in your drawing program (e.g. Adobe Illustrator), try the ‘–no-viewbox’ option, which will create an svg where the contents are translated into the frame.

svgis draw --no-viewbox in.shp -o out.svg
svgis draw -x in.shp -o out.svg

class-fields and id-field

Use these options to specify fields in the source geodata file to use to determine the class or id attributes of the output SVG features. In the output fields, whitespace is be replaced with underscores. See Styling maps for details.

For example, the Natural Earth admin_0 file contains nation polygons, and includes continent, income_grp and name fields:

svgis draw --class-fields continent,income_grp --id-field name \
  ne_110m_admin_0_countries.shp -o out.svg

The result will include something like:

<g id="ne_110m_admin_0_countries" class="scalerank featurecla labelrank ...">
    <g id="Afghanistan" class="ne_110m_admin_0_countries continent_Asia income_grp_5_Low_income">/* Afghanistan */</g>
    <g id="Angola" class="ne_110m_admin_0_countries continent_Africa income_grp_3_Upper_middle_income">/* Angola */</g>
    /* ... */
    <g id="Zimbabwe" class="ne_110m_admin_0_countries continent_Africa income_grp_5_Low_income">/* Zimbabwe */</g>

Note that each layer is always wrapped in a group with id set to the its name, and class set to the names of the its fields.

The id (ne_110m_admin_0_countries) is repeated as a classes in each element of a layer. This makes writing CSS that addresses particular layers easier, given that some implementations of SVG don’t properly implement css rules with ids (e.g. Adobe Illustrator, ImageMagick).

Note that the income\_grp field contains values like “5. Low income”, which resultes in a class like income_grp_5_Low_income. Whitespace is replaced with underscores, periods and number signs (#) are removed. Missing values will be represented with the Pythonic “None”.

.income_grp_5_Low_income {
    fill: teal;
    stroke: none;
.income_grp_None {
    fill: gray;

The class-fields argument can be provided multiple times.


Requires numpy. Install with pip install svgis[simplify] to make this available.

This option uses the Visvalingam algorithm to draw smaller shapes. The ideal setting will depend on source data and the requirements of the map.

The --simplify option takes a number between 1 and 100, which is the percentage of points to retain. Numbers above 80 usually produce output with few visible changes. Inputs below 20 often produce highly abstracted results.

svgis draw --simplify 75 in.shp -o out.svg
svgis draw -s 25 in.shp -o out.svg


By default, the svg coordinates in drawings are rounded to five decimal places. The precision option allows for control over this rounding. Large values will create clunky and hard-to-use files. Small values (0 is the minimum) will yield smaller but possibly distorted files.

svgis draw --precision 10 in.geojson -o out.svg
svgis draw --precision 0 in.geojson -o out.svg

This will produce output like this (respectively):

<polyline points="2.7182818284,3.1415926535 1.0000000000,1.0000000000">
<polyline points="3,3 1,1">


Run with this option to prevent svgis from adding style attributes onto each element. This will be quicker than the default, which requires parsing the CSS and examining each element. Some SVG clients (Adobe Illustrator) prefer inline styles.

Without --no-inline (or with --inline), SVG elements will look like:

<polyline style="stroke: green; ..." points="0,0 1,1">
svgis draw --style example.css --inline in.geojson -o out.svg
svgis draw -s example.css -l in.geojson -o out.svg


Install with pip install svgis[clip] to make this available. This requires additional libraries, see the shapely installation notes.

When installed with the clip option, SVGIS will try to clip output shapes to just outside of the bounding box. Use this option to disable that behavior.

svgis draw –bounds -170 40 -160 30 –no-clip in.shp –o out.shp svgis draw -b 125 30 150 50 -n in.shp –o out.shp

SVGIS always omits features that fall completely outside the bounding box, clipping edits the shapes so that the parts that lie outside of the bounding box are omitted.

Clipping won’t occur when no bounding box is given.


svgis bounds

Get the bounds of a layer. The --crs option will transform the bounds into the given projection, otherwise the native coordinates are returned.

The result is four coordinates in minx, miny, maxx, maxy order:

svgis bounds in.shp
-87.8098 41.6444 -87.5209 42.0201

This is useful for setting the bounds of a drawing based on the bounds of a layer:

svgis bounds in.shp |
xargs -n 4 svgis draw --crs EPSG:3003 in.shp in2.json in3.shp --bounds > out.svg

Or, check what projection SVGIS will generate given a file:

svgis bounds in.shp |
xargs -n 4 svgis project --

Keep in mind that when converting between projections, svgis bounds is lazy. The returned bounding box will cover the geometry, but may include extra space.

Usage: svgis bounds [OPTIONS] [LAYER]

  Return the bounds for a given layer.

  -j, --crs KEYWORD  Specify a map projection. Accepts either an EPSG code
                     (e.g. epsg:4456), a proj4 string, a file containing a
                     proj4 string, "utm" (use local UTM), "file" (use
                     existing), "local" (generate a local projection)
  --latlon           Print bounds in latitude, longitude order
  -h, --help         Show this message and exit.

svgis graticule

Generate a graticule (grid) in a given projection. The output file is in geojson format, with WGS84 coordinates.

Specifying a projection will produce a grid in that projection, and the step must reflect projection units. However, the output file will always be in WGS84 lon/lat coordinates, but that shouldn’t make a difference in it’s use.

For coordinates with negative numbers, use the -- argument separator to prevent the utility getting confused:

svgis graticule -o graticule.json – 16.3 -34.8 32.8 -22.0
Usage: svgis graticule [OPTIONS] minx miny maxx maxy

  Generate a GeoJSON containing a graticule. Accepts a bounding box in
  longitude and latitude (WGS84).

  -s, --step FLOAT       Step between lines (in projected units)  [required]
  -j, --crs TEXT         Specify a map projection. Accepts either an EPSG code
                         (e.g. epsg:4456), a proj4 string, a file containing a
                         proj4 string, "utm" (use local UTM), "local"
                         (generate a local projection)
  -o, --output FILENAME  Defaults to stdout.
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.

svgis scale

Scale all coordinates in an SVG by a given factor.

Usage: svgis scale [OPTIONS] [INPUT] [OUTPUT]

  -f, --scale INTEGER
  -h, --help           Show this message and exit.

svgis style

Add or replace the CSS style in an SVG.

Usage: svgis style [OPTIONS] [INPUT] [OUTPUT]

  -s, --style TEXT    Style to append to SVG. Either a valid CSS string, a
                      file path (must end in '.css'). Use '-' for stdin.
  -r, --replace TEXT
  -h, --help          Show this message and exit.

svgis project

SVGIS can automatically generate local projections or pick the local UTM projection for input geodata. This utility gives the projection SVGIS would pick for a given boundary box in PROJ4 syntax. The input can be either a bounding box or a single coordinate pair.

By default, svgis project expects WGS84 coordinates. Specify another projection with the --crs argument.

The output projection will be a local Transverse Mercator projection. Use --method utm to return the local UTM projection.

For coordinates with negative numbers, use the -- argument separator to prevent the utility getting confused:


svgis project -m utm – 16.3449768409 -34.8191663551 32.830120477 -22.0913127581 +proj=utm +zone=35 +south +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs

svgis project -m local – -110.277906 35.450777 +ellps=GRS80 +lat_0 +lat_1=35.450777 +lat_2=35.450777 +lon_0=-111.0 +no_defs +proj=lcc +towgs84 +y_0=0

Usage: svgis project [OPTIONS] minx miny maxx maxy | x y

  -m, --method [utm|local]  Defaults to local
  -j, --crs TEXT            Projection of the bounding coordinates
  -h, --help                Show this message and exit.