
The restler package is a simple and flexible serialization to JSON and XML of App Engine Models and Queries.

A Simple Example

First, we’ll need to import some appengine and restler package classes and functions.

>>> from google.appengine.ext import db
>>> from restler.serializers import ModelStrategy, to_json, to_xml, SKIP

To help with our examples, let’s create a simple db.Model class that we’ll later serialize.

>>> class Person(db.Model):
...     first_name = db.StringProperty()
...     last_name = db.StringProperty()
...     ssn = db.StringProperty()

Next, we’ll create an instance of the Person class.

>>> jean = Person(first_name="Jeanne", last_name="d'Arc", ssn="N/A")

Now, let’s try serializing it:

>>> to_json(jean)
'{"first_name": "Jeanne", "last_name": "d'Arc", "ssn": "N/A"}'

How about to XML?

>>> to_xml(jean)

Include/Exclude Fields

Perfect, that’s exactly what we wanted. Almost... An SSN is rather sensitive information that we really shouldn’t expose.

To keep SSN from being serialized, we have to introduce restler.serializers.ModelStrategy which describes how to serialize a google.ext.db.Model i.e. which properties to serialize.

To only serialize first_name and last_name we’d create a ModelStrategy as follows:

>>> person_strategy = ModelStrategy(Person).include("first_name", "last_name")
>>> to_json(jean, person_strategy)
'{"first_name": "Jeanne", "last_name": "d'Arc"}'

If we supply a ModelStrategy without including any fields, we’ll get an empty json object.

>>> person_strategy = ModelStrategy(Person)
>>> to_json(jean, person_strategy)

If our Person model defined a lot of properties, it might be tedious to add all of the fields. It would be nice to declare that we want all properties of the Person model except for SSN. And, in fact, we can do that as follows:

>>> person_strategy = ModelStrategy(Person, include_all_fields=True).exclude("ssn")
>>> to_json(jean, person_strategy)
'{"first_name": "Jeanne", "last_name": "d'Arc"}'

To summarize, Restler will serialize all properties of a Model unless there is a ModelStrategy that defines which properties are to be serialized.

Renaming Fields

What if we wanted to use family_name instead of last_name and given_name instead of first_name? We do that as follows:

>>> person_strategy = ModelStrategy(Person).include("ssn", given_name="first_name", family_name="last_name")
>>> to_json(jean, person_strategy)
'{"family_name": "d'Arc", "ssn": "N/A", "given_name": "Jeanne"}'

Derived Fields

What if we wanted one field called full_name instead of the individual first_name and last_name properties? We’d do that by creating a callable (generally a function) that will be called with an instance of the model and an optional context (any object).

>>> def full_name_func(obj):
...     return obj.first_name + ' ' + obj.last_name
>>> person_strategy = ModelStrategy(Person).include(full_name=full_name_func)
>>> to_json(jean, person_strategy)
'{"full_name": "Jeanne d'Arc"}'

Ok, let’s assume we want to include the SSN field only if it looks like a real SSN. We’ll do that by overriding the default ssn property that returns a special SKIP object that will tell the serializer to not include the field in the json output.

>>> def ssn_func(obj):
...     if len(obj.ssn) and obj.ssn[0].isdigit():
...         return obj.ssn
...     return SKIP

NOTE: restler won’t allow you to hide an exposed field by just redefining it. You must explicitly override it. Here, since we’re explicitly saying to include_all_fields we need to override ssn

>>> person_strategy = ModelStrategy(Person, include_all_fields=True).override(ssn=ssn_func)

So here we see that the ssn field is skipped for Jean.

>>> to_json(jean, person_strategy)
'{"first_name": "Jeanne", "last_name": "d'Arc"}'

But in Kurt’s json, ssn is included:

>>> to_json(Person(first_name="Kurt", last_name="Cobain", ssn="536-90-4399"), person_strategy)
'{"first_name": "Kurt", "last_name": "Cobain", "ssn": "536-90-4399"}'

Context Objects

Sometimes it’s important to change how serialization is done based on some state of the system. For example, perhaps we want to display ssn only if the user is logged in. We’d do that by passing in a context object (usually a dictionary) which will be passed to each callable that takes two parameters (the first parameter being the model instance). Let’s redo the above example using a context object.

>>> def ssn_func(obj, context):
...     if context.has_key('is_logged_in') and bool(context['is_logged_in']):
...         return obj.ssn
...     return SKIP
>>> person_strategy = ModelStrategy(Person, include_all_fields=True).override(ssn=ssn_func)
>>> to_json(Person(first_name="Kurt", last_name="Cobain", ssn="536-90-4399"), person_strategy, dict(is_logged_in=True))
'{"first_name": "Kurt", "last_name": "Cobain", "ssn": "536-90-4399"}'
>>> to_json(Person(first_name="Kurt", last_name="Cobain", ssn="536-90-4399"), person_strategy, dict(is_logged_in=False))
'{"first_name": "Kurt", "last_name": "Cobain"}'

Serialization Strategies

Most of the time we’re not dealing with just one model but rather a collection of models that we want to serialize in a consistent manner – most likely for a specific version of an API. The container is called a SerializationStrategy. You don’t normally instantiate a SerializationStrategy. Rather, you combine two or more ModelStrategy instances together and the result is a SerializationStrategy

Here’s an example:

>>> class Address(db.Model):
...     street1 = db.StringProperty()
...     street2 = db.StringProperty()
...     city = db.StringProperty()
...     state = db.StringProperty()
...     zip = db.StringProperty()
>>> ser_strategy = ModelStrategy(Person, include_all_fields=True) + ModelStrategy(Address, include_all_fields=True)
>>> addr = Address(street1="4422 Colfax Ave.", city="Minneapolis", state="MN", zip="55407")
>>> to_json([jean, addr], ser_strategy)
'[{"first_name": "Jeanne", "last_name": "d'Arc", "ssn": "N/A"}, {"city": "Minneapolis", "street2": null, "state": "MN", "zip": "55407", "street1": "4422 Colfax Ave."}]'

Here’s an example of how you might version an API

>>> v1_person_strategy = ModelStrategy(Person, include_all_fields=True)
>>> v1_address_strategy = ModelStrategy(Address).include("street1", "city", "state", "zip")
>>> v2_person_strategy =  v1_person_strategy.exclude("ssn") # shouldn't include ssn
>>> v2_address_strategy = v1_address_strategy.include("street2") # forgot street2
>>> v1_strategy = v1_person_strategy + v1_address_strategy
>>> v2_strategy = v2_person_strategy + v2_address_strategy
>>> to_json([jean, addr], v1_strategy)
'[{"first_name": "Jeanne", "last_name": "d'Arc", "ssn": "N/A"}, {"street1": "4422 Colfax Ave.", "state": "MN", "zip": "55407", "city": "Minneapolis"}]'
>>> to_json([jean, addr], v2_strategy)
'[{"first_name": "Jeanne", "last_name": "d'Arc"}, {"street1": "4422 Colfax Ave.", "state": "MN", "street2": null, "zip": "55407", "city": "Minneapolis"}]'

API Reference

class restler.serializers.ModelStrategy(model, include_all_fields=False, output_name=None)

Defines how to serialize an AppEngine model i.e. which fields to include, exclude or map to a callable.


Exclude fields for serialization

Parameters:args – one or more field names (strings) to exclude in the format "field1", "field2",...
Returns:a new instance of a ModelStrategy
include(*args, **kwargs)

Include fields for serialization

  • args – one of more field names (strings) to include
  • kwargs – renamed properties in the format new_name="property_name" or derived properties in the format property_name=callable

a new instance of a ModelStrategy


Change a previously exposed property either by renaming it or delegating it to a callable.

Parameters:kwargs – properties to override either by renaming it with the format new_name="property_name" or derived properties in the format property_name=callable
Returns:a new instance of a ModelStrategy
class restler.serializers.SerializationStrategy(mappings={}, style=None)

A container for multiple mappings (shouldn’t be used directly)

restler.serializers.json_response(response, model_or_query, strategy=None, status_code=200, context={})

Render json to a webapp response

restler.serializers.xml_response(response, model_or_query, strategy=None, status_code=200, context={})

Render xml to a webapp response

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