Source code for stravalib.model

Entity classes for representing the various Strava datatypes.
from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import abc
import logging
from collections import Sequence

import six

from stravalib import exc
from stravalib import unithelper as uh

from stravalib.attributes import (META, SUMMARY, DETAILED, Attribute,
                                  TimestampAttribute, LocationAttribute,
                                  EntityCollection, EntityAttribute,
                                  TimeIntervalAttribute, TimezoneAttribute,
                                  DateAttribute, ChoicesAttribute)

[docs]class BaseEntity(object): """ A base class for all entities in the system, including objects that may not be first-class entities in Strava. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.log = logging.getLogger('{0.__module__}.{0.__name__}'.format(self.__class__)) self.from_dict(kwargs)
[docs] def from_dict(self, d): """ Populates this object from specified dict. Only defined attributes will be set; warnings will be logged for invalid attributes. """ for (k, v) in d.items(): # Handle special keys such as `hub.challenge` in `SubscriptionCallback` if '.' in k: k = k.replace('.', '_') # Only set defined attributes. if hasattr(self.__class__, k): self.log.debug("Setting attribute `{0}` [{1}] on entity {2} with value {3!r}".format(k, getattr(self.__class__, k).__class__.__name__, self, v)) try: setattr(self, k, v) except AttributeError as x: raise AttributeError("Could not find attribute `{0}` on entity {1}, value: {2!r}. (Original: {3!r})".format(k, self, v, x)) else: self.log.warning("No such attribute {0} on entity {1}".format(k, self))
[docs] def deserialize(cls, v): """ Creates a new object based on serialized (dict) struct. """ o = cls() o.from_dict(v) return o
def __repr__(self): attrs = [] if hasattr(self.__class__, 'id'): attrs.append('id={0}'.format( if hasattr(self.__class__, 'name'): attrs.append('name={0!r}'.format( if hasattr(self.__class__, 'resource_state'): attrs.append('resource_state={0}'.format(self.resource_state)) return '<{0} {1}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, ' '.join(attrs))
[docs]class ResourceStateEntity(BaseEntity): """ Mixin for entities that include the resource_state attribute. """ resource_state = Attribute(int, (META, SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The detail-level for this entity.
[docs]class IdentifiableEntity(ResourceStateEntity): """ Mixin for entities that include an ID attribute. """ id = Attribute(int, (META, SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The numeric ID for this entity.
[docs]class BoundEntity(BaseEntity): """ Base class for entities that support lazy loading additional data using a bound client. """ bind_client = None #: The :class:`stravalib.client.Client` that can be used to load related resources. def __init__(self, bind_client=None, **kwargs): """ Base entity initializer, which accepts a client parameter that creates a "bound" entity which can perform additional lazy loading of content. :param bind_client: The client instance to bind to this entity. :type bind_client: :class:`stravalib.simple.Client` """ self.bind_client = bind_client super(BoundEntity, self).__init__(**kwargs) @classmethod
[docs] def deserialize(cls, v, bind_client=None): """ Creates a new object based on serialized (dict) struct. """ if v is None: return None o = cls(bind_client=bind_client) o.from_dict(v) return o
def assert_bind_client(self): if self.bind_client is None: raise exc.UnboundEntity("Unable to fetch objects for unbound {0} entity.".format(self.__class__))
[docs]class LoadableEntity(BoundEntity, IdentifiableEntity): """ Base class for entities that are bound and have an ID associated with them. In theory these entities can be "expaned" by additional Client queries. In practice this is not implemented, since usefulness is limited due to resource-state limitations, etc. """
[docs] def expand(self): """ Expand this object with data from the bound client. (THIS IS NOT IMPLEMENTED CURRENTLY.) """ raise NotImplementedError() # This is a little harder now due to resource states, etc.
[docs]class Club(LoadableEntity): """ Class to represent a club. Currently summary and detail resource states have the same attributes. """ name = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Name of the club. profile_medium = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: URL to a 62x62 pixel club picture profile = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: URL to a 124x124 pixel club picture description = Attribute(six.text_type, (DETAILED, )) #: Description of the club club_type = Attribute(six.text_type, (DETAILED, )) #: Type of club (casual_club, racing_team, shop, company, other) sport_type = Attribute(six.text_type, (DETAILED, )) #: Sport of the club (cycling, running, triathlon, other) city = Attribute(six.text_type, (DETAILED, )) #: City the club is based in state = Attribute(six.text_type, (DETAILED, )) #: State the club is based in country = Attribute(six.text_type, (DETAILED, )) #: Country the club is based in private = Attribute(bool, (DETAILED, )) #: Whether the club is private member_count = Attribute(int, (DETAILED, )) #: Number of members in the club verified = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) url = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: vanity club URL slug featured = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) cover_photo = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: URL to a ~1185x580 pixel cover photo cover_photo_small = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: URL to a ~360x176 pixel cover photo @property def members(self): """ An iterator of :class:`stravalib.model.Athlete` members of this club. """ if self._members is None: self.assert_bind_client() self._members = self.bind_client.get_club_members( return self._members @property def activities(self): """ An iterator of reverse-chronological :class:`stravalib.model.Activity` activities for this club. """ if self._activities is None: self.assert_bind_client() self._activities = self.bind_client.get_club_activities( return self._activities
[docs]class Gear(IdentifiableEntity): """ Information about Gear (bike or shoes) used during activity. """ id = Attribute(six.text_type, (META, SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Alpha-numeric gear ID. name = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Name athlete entered for bike (does not apply to shoes) distance = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED), units=uh.meters) #: Distance for this bike/shoes. primary = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: athlete's default bike/shoes brand_name = Attribute(six.text_type, (DETAILED,)) #: Brand name of bike/shoes. model_name = Attribute(six.text_type, (DETAILED,)) #: Modelname of bike/shoes. description = Attribute(six.text_type, (DETAILED,)) #: Description of bike/shoe item. @classmethod
[docs] def deserialize(cls, v): """ Creates a new object based on serialized (dict) struct. """ if v is None: return None if cls == Gear and v.get('resource_state') == 3: if 'frame_type' in v: o = Bike() else: o = Shoe() else: o = cls() o.from_dict(v) return o
[docs]class Bike(Gear): """ Represents an athlete's bike. """ frame_type = Attribute(int, (DETAILED,)) #: (detailed-only) Type of bike frame.
[docs]class Shoe(Gear): """ Represent's an athlete's pair of shoes. """
[docs]class ActivityTotals(BaseEntity): """ Represent ytd/recent/all run/ride totals. """ achievement_count = Attribute(int) #: How many achievements count = Attribute(int) #: How many activities distance = Attribute(float, units=uh.meters) #: Total distance travelled elapsed_time = TimeIntervalAttribute() #: :class:`datetime.timedelta` of total elapsed time elevation_gain = Attribute(float, units=uh.meters) #: Total elevation gain moving_time = TimeIntervalAttribute() #: :class:`datetime.timedelta` of total moving time
[docs]class AthleteStats(BaseEntity): """ Represents a combined set of an Athlete's statistics. """ biggest_ride_distance = Attribute(float, units=uh.meters) #: Longest ride for athlete. biggest_climb_elevation_gain = Attribute(float, units=uh.meters) #: Greatest single elevation gain for athlete. recent_ride_totals = EntityAttribute(ActivityTotals) #: Recent totals for rides. (:class:`stravalib.model.ActivityTotals`) recent_run_totals = EntityAttribute(ActivityTotals) #: Recent totals for runs. (:class:`stravalib.model.ActivityTotals`) ytd_ride_totals = EntityAttribute(ActivityTotals) #: Year-to-date totals for rides. (:class:`stravalib.model.ActivityTotals`) ytd_run_totals = EntityAttribute(ActivityTotals) #: Year-to-date totals for runs. (:class:`stravalib.model.ActivityTotals`) all_ride_totals = EntityAttribute(ActivityTotals) #: All-time totals for rides. (:class:`stravalib.model.ActivityTotals`) all_run_totals = EntityAttribute(ActivityTotals) #: All-time totals for runs. (:class:`stravalib.model.ActivityTotals`)
[docs]class Athlete(LoadableEntity): """ Represents a Strava athlete. """ firstname = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Athlete's first name. lastname = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Athlete's last name. profile_medium = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: URL to a 62x62 pixel profile picture profile = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: URL to a 124x124 pixel profile picture city = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Athlete's home city state = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Athlete's home state country = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Athlete's home country sex = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Athlete's sex ('M', 'F' or null) friend = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: 'pending', 'accepted', 'blocked' or 'null' the authenticated athlete's following status of this athlete follower = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: 'pending', 'accepted', 'blocked' or 'null' this athlete's following status of the authenticated athlete premium = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Whether athlete is a premium member (true/false) created_at = TimestampAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: :class:`datetime.datetime` when athlete record was created. updated_at = TimestampAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: :class:`datetime.datetime` when athlete record was last updated. approve_followers = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Whether athlete has elected to approve followers badge_type_id = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: (undocumented) follower_count = Attribute(int, (DETAILED,)) #: (detailed-only) How many people are following this athlete friend_count = Attribute(int, (DETAILED,)) #: (detailed-only) How many people is this athlete following mutual_friend_count = Attribute(int, (DETAILED,)) #: (detailed-only) How many people are both following and being followed by this athlete athlete_type = ChoicesAttribute(six.text_type, (DETAILED,), choices={0: "cyclist", 1: "runner"}) #: athlete's default sport: 0 is cyclist, 1 is runner date_preference = Attribute(six.text_type, (DETAILED,)) #: (detailed-only) Athlete's preferred date representation (e.g. "%m/%d/%Y") measurement_preference = Attribute(six.text_type, (DETAILED,)) #: (detailed-only) How athlete prefers to see measurements (i.e. "feet" (or what "meters"?)) email = Attribute(six.text_type, (DETAILED,)) #: (detailed-only) Athlete's email address clubs = EntityCollection(Club, (DETAILED,)) #: (detailed-only) Which clubs athlete belongs to. (:class:`list` of :class:`stravalib.model.Club`) bikes = EntityCollection(Bike, (DETAILED,)) #: (detailed-only) Which bikes this athlete owns. (:class:`list` of :class:`stravalib.model.Bike`) shoes = EntityCollection(Shoe, (DETAILED,)) #: (detailed-only) Which shoes this athlete owns. (:class:`list` of :class:`stravalib.model.Shoe`) super_user = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: (undocumented) Whether athlete is a super user (not email_language = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The user's preferred lang/locale (e.g. en-US) # A bunch of undocumented detailed-resolution attribs weight = Attribute(float, (DETAILED,), #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Athlete's configured weight. max_heartrate = Attribute(float, (DETAILED,)) #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Athlete's configured max HR username = Attribute(six.text_type, (DETAILED)) #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Athlete's username. description = Attribute(six.text_type, (DETAILED,)) #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Athlete's personal description instagram_username = Attribute(six.text_type, (DETAILED,)) #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Associated instagram username offer_in_app_payment = Attribute(bool, (DETAILED,)) #: (undocumented, detailed-only) global_privacy = Attribute(bool, (DETAILED,)) #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Whether athlete has global privacy enabled. receive_newsletter = Attribute(bool, (DETAILED,)) #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Whether athlete has elected to receive newsletter email_kom_lost = Attribute(bool, (DETAILED,)) #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Whether athlete has elected to receive emails when KOMs are lost. dateofbirth = DateAttribute((DETAILED,)) #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Athlete's date of birth facebook_sharing_enabled = Attribute(bool, (DETAILED,)) #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Whether Athlete has enabled sharing on Facebook ftp = Attribute(six.text_type, (DETAILED,)) #: (undocumented, detailed-only) profile_original = Attribute(six.text_type, (DETAILED,)) #: (undocumented, detailed-only) premium_expiration_date = Attribute(int, (DETAILED,)) #: (undocumented, detailed-only) When does premium membership expire (:class:`int` unix epoch) email_send_follower_notices = Attribute(bool, (DETAILED,)) #: (undocumented, detailed-only) plan = Attribute(six.text_type, (DETAILED,)) #: (undocumented, detailed-only) agreed_to_terms = Attribute(six.text_type, (DETAILED,)) #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Whether athlete has agreed to terms follower_request_count = Attribute(int, (DETAILED,)) #: (undocumented, detailed-only) How many people have requested to follow this athlete email_facebook_twitter_friend_joins = Attribute(bool, (DETAILED,)) #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Whether athlete has elected to receve emails when a twitter or facebook friend joins Strava receive_kudos_emails = Attribute(bool, (DETAILED,)) #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Whether athlete has elected to receive emails on kudos receive_follower_feed_emails = Attribute(bool, (DETAILED,)) #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Whether athlete has elected to receive emails on new followers receive_comment_emails = Attribute(bool, (DETAILED,)) #: (undocumented, detailed-only) Whether athlete has elected to receive emails on activity comments sample_race_distance = Attribute(int, (DETAILED,)) # (undocumented, detailed-only) sample_race_time = Attribute(int, (DETAILED,)) # (undocumented, detailed-only) _friends = None _followers = None _stats = None _is_authenticated = None def __str__(self): return '<Athlete id={id} firstname={fname} lastname={lname}>'.format(, fname=self.firstname, lname=self.lastname) def __repr__(self): return '<Athlete id={id} firstname={fname!r} lastname={lname!r}>'.format(, fname=self.firstname, lname=self.lastname)
[docs] def is_authenticated_athlete(self): """ :return: Boolean as to whether the athlete is the authenticated athlete. """ if self._is_authenticated is None: if self.resource_state == DETAILED: # If the athlete is in detailed state it must be the authenticated athlete self._is_authenticated = True else: # We need to check this athlete's id matches the authenticated athlete's id self.assert_bind_client() authenticated_athlete = self.bind_client.get_athlete() self._is_authenticated = == return self._is_authenticated
@property def friends(self): """ :return: Iterator of :class:`stravalib.model.Athlete` friend objects for this athlete. """ if self._friends is None: self.assert_bind_client() if self.friend_count > 0: self._friends = self.bind_client.get_athlete_friends( else: # Shortcut if we know there aren't any self._friends = [] return self._friends @property def followers(self): """ :return: Iterator of :class:`stravalib.model.Athlete` followers objects for this athlete. """ if self._followers is None: self.assert_bind_client() if self.follower_count > 0: self._followers = self.bind_client.get_athlete_followers( else: # Shortcut if we know there aren't any self._followers = [] return self._followers @property def stats(self): """ :return: Associated :class:`stravalib.model.AthleteStats` """ if not self.is_authenticated_athlete(): raise exc.NotAuthenticatedAthlete("Statistics are only available for the authenticated athlete") if self._stats is None: self.assert_bind_client() self._stats = self.bind_client.get_athlete_stats( return self._stats
[docs]class ActivityComment(LoadableEntity): """ Comments attached to an activity. """ activity_id = Attribute(int, (META, SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: ID of activity text = Attribute(six.text_type, (META, SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Text of comment created_at = TimestampAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: :class:`datetime.datetime` when was coment created athlete = EntityAttribute(Athlete, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Associated :class:`stravalib.model.Athlete` (summary-level representation)
[docs]class ActivityPhotoPrimary(LoadableEntity): """ A primary photo attached to an activity (different structure from full photo record) """ id = Attribute(int, (META, SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: ID of photo, if external. unique_id = Attribute(six.text_type, (META, SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: ID of photo, if internal. urls = Attribute(dict, (META, SUMMARY, DETAILED)) source = Attribute(int, (META, SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: 1=internal, 2=instagram use_primary_photo = Attribute(bool,(META, SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: (undocumented)
[docs]class ActivityPhotoMeta(BaseEntity): """ The photos structure returned with the activity, not to be confused with the full loaded photos for an activity. """ count = Attribute(int, (META, SUMMARY, DETAILED)) primary = EntityAttribute(ActivityPhotoPrimary, (META, SUMMARY, DETAILED)) use_primary_photo = Attribute(bool, (META, SUMMARY, DETAILED)) def __repr__(self): return '<{0} count={1}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.count)
[docs]class ActivityPhoto(LoadableEntity): """ A full photo record attached to an activity. """ athlete_id = Attribute(int, (META, SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: ID of athlete activity_id = Attribute(int, (META, SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: ID of activity activity_name = Attribute(six.text_type, (META, SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Name of activity. ref = Attribute(six.text_type, (META, SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: ref eg. "" uid = Attribute(six.text_type, (META, SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: unique id for instagram photo unique_id = Attribute(six.text_type, (META, SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: unique id for strava photos caption = Attribute(six.text_type, (META, SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: caption on photo type = Attribute(six.text_type, (META, SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: type of photo (currently only InstagramPhoto) uploaded_at = TimestampAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: :class:`datetime.datetime` when was photo uploaded created_at = TimestampAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: :class:`datetime.datetime` when was photo created created_at_local = TimestampAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: :class:`datetime.datetime` when was photo created location = LocationAttribute() #: Start lat/lon of photo urls = Attribute(dict, (META, SUMMARY, DETAILED)) sizes = Attribute(dict, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) post_id = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) default_photo = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) source = Attribute(int, (META, SUMMARY, DETAILED)) def __repr__(self): if self.source == 1: photo_type = 'native' idfield = 'unique_id' idval = self.unique_id elif self.source == 2: photo_type = 'instagram' idfield = 'uid' idval = self.uid else: photo_type = '(no type)' idfield='id' idval = return '<{clz} {type} {idfield}={id}>'.format(clz=self.__class__.__name__, type=photo_type, idfield=idfield, id=idval)
[docs]class ActivityKudos(LoadableEntity): """ Activity kudos are a subset of athlete properties. """ firstname = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Athlete's first name. lastname = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Athlete's last name. profile_medium = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: URL to a 62x62 pixel profile picture profile = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: URL to a 124x124 pixel profile picture city = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Athlete's home city state = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Athlete's home state country = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Athlete's home country sex = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Athlete's sex ('M', 'F' or null) friend = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: 'pending', 'accepted', 'blocked' or 'null' the authenticated athlete's following status of this athlete follower = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: 'pending', 'accepted', 'blocked' or 'null' this athlete's following status of the authenticated athlete premium = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Whether athlete is a premium member (true/false) created_at = TimestampAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: :class:`datetime.datetime` when athlete record was created. updated_at = TimestampAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: :class:`datetime.datetime` when athlete record was last updated. approve_followers = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Whether athlete has elected to approve followers
class ActivityLap(LoadableEntity): name = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Name of lap activity = EntityAttribute("Activity", (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The associated :class:`stravalib.model.Activity` athlete = EntityAttribute(Athlete, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The associated :class:`stravalib.model.Athlete` elapsed_time = TimeIntervalAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: :class:`datetime.timedelta` of elapsed time for lap moving_time = TimeIntervalAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: :class:`datetime.timedelta` of moving time for lap start_date = TimestampAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: :class:`datetime.datetime` when lap was started in GMT start_date_local = TimestampAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED), tzinfo=None) #: :class:`datetime.datetime` when lap was started local distance = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED), units=uh.meters) #: The distance for this lap. start_index = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: end_index = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: total_elevation_gain = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED,), units=uh.meters) #: What is total elevation gain for lap average_speed = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED,), units=uh.meters_per_second) #: Average speed for lap max_speed = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED,), units=uh.meters_per_second) #: Max speed for lap average_cadence = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED,)) #: Average cadence for lap average_watts = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED,)) #: Average watts for lap average_heartrate = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED,)) #: Average heartrate for lap max_heartrate = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED,)) #: Max heartrate for lap lap_index = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Index of lap device_watts = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) # true if the watts are from a power meter, false if estimated pace_zone = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: (undocumented) class Map(IdentifiableEntity): id = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Alpha-numeric identifier polyline = Attribute(str, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Google polyline encoding summary_polyline = Attribute(str, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Google polyline encoding for summary shape
[docs]class Split(BaseEntity): """ A split -- may be metric or standard units (which has no bearing on the units used in this object, just the binning of values). """ distance = Attribute(float, units=uh.meters) #: Distance for this split elapsed_time = TimeIntervalAttribute() #: :class:`datetime.timedelta` of elapsed time for split elevation_difference = Attribute(float, units=uh.meters) #: Elevation difference for split moving_time = TimeIntervalAttribute() #: :class:`datetime.timedelta` of moving time for split average_heartrate = Attribute(float) #: Average HR for split split = Attribute(int) #: Which split number pace_zone = Attribute(int) #: (undocumented) average_speed = Attribute(float, units=uh.meters_per_second) def __repr__(self): return '<Split split={} distance={} elapsed_time={}>'.format(self.split, self.distance, self.elapsed_time)
[docs]class SegmentExplorerResult(LoadableEntity): """ Represents a segment result from the segment explorer feature. (These are not full segment objects, but the segment object can be fetched via the 'segment' property of this object.) """ _segment = None id = Attribute(int) #: ID of the segment. name = Attribute(six.text_type) #: Name of the segment climb_category = Attribute(int) #: Climb category for the segment (0 is higher) climb_category_desc = Attribute(six.text_type) #: Climb category text avg_grade = Attribute(float) #: Average grade for segment. start_latlng = LocationAttribute() #: Start lat/lon for segment end_latlng = LocationAttribute() #: End lat/lon for segment elev_difference = Attribute(float, units=uh.meters) #: Total elevation difference over segment. distance = Attribute(float, units=uh.meters) #: Distance of segment. points = Attribute(str) #: Encoded Google polyline of points in segment starred = Attribute(bool) #: Whether this segment is starred by authenticated athlete @property def segment(self): """ Associated (full) :class:`stravalib.model.Segment` object. """ if self._segment is None: self.assert_bind_client() if is not None: self._segment = self.bind_client.get_segment( return self._segment
[docs]class AthleteSegmentStats(BaseEntity): """ An undocumented structure being returned for segment stats for current athlete. """ effort_count = Attribute(int) #: (UNDOCUMENTED) Presumably how many efforts current athlete has on segment. pr_elapsed_time = TimeIntervalAttribute() #: (UNDOCUMENTED) Presumably PR elapsed time for segment. pr_date = DateAttribute() #: (UNDOCUMENTED) Presumably date of PR :)
[docs]class Segment(LoadableEntity): """ Represents a single Strava segment. """ _leaderboard = None name = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Name of the segment. activity_type = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Activity type of segment ('Ride' or 'Run') distance = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED), units=uh.meters) #: Distance of segment average_grade = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Average grade (%) for segment maximum_grade = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Maximum grade (%) for segment elevation_high = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED), units=uh.meters) #: The highest point of the segment. elevation_low = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED), units=uh.meters) #: The lowest point of the segment. start_latlng = LocationAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The start lat/lon (:class:`tuple`) end_latlng = LocationAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The end lat/lon (:class:`tuple`) start_latitude = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The start latitude (:class:`float`) end_latitude = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The end latitude (:class:`float`) start_longitude = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The start longitude (:class:`float`) end_longitude = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The end longitude (:class:`float`) climb_category = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) # 0-5, lower is harder city = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The city this segment is in. state = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The state this segment is in. country = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The country this segment is in. private = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Whether this is a private segment. starred = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Whether this segment is starred by authenticated athlete athlete_segment_stats = EntityAttribute(AthleteSegmentStats, (DETAILED,)) #: Undocumented attrib holding stats for current athlete. # detailed attribs created_at = TimestampAttribute((DETAILED,)) #: :class:`datetime.datetime` when was segment created. updated_at = TimestampAttribute((DETAILED,)) #: :class:`datetime.datetime` when was segment last updated. total_elevation_gain = Attribute(float, (DETAILED,), units=uh.meters) #: What is total elevation gain for segment. map = EntityAttribute(Map, (DETAILED,)) #: :class:`stravalib.model.Map` object for segment. effort_count = Attribute(int, (DETAILED,)) #: How many times has this segment been ridden. athlete_count = Attribute(int, (DETAILED,)) #: How many athletes have ridden this segment hazardous = Attribute(bool, (DETAILED,)) #: Whether this segment has been flagged as hazardous star_count = Attribute(int, (DETAILED,)) #: number of stars on this segment. @property def leaderboard(self): """ The :class:`stravalib.model.SegmentLeaderboard` object for this segment. """ if self._leaderboard is None: self.assert_bind_client() if is not None: self._leaderboard = self.bind_client.get_segment_leaderboard( return self._leaderboard
[docs]class SegmentEfforAchievement(BaseEntity): """ An undocumented structure being returned for segment efforts. """ rank = Attribute(int) #: Rank in segment (either overall leaderboard, or pr rank) type = Attribute(six.text_type) #: The type of achievement -- e.g. 'year_pr' or 'overall' type_id = Attribute(int) #: Numeric ID for type of achievement? (6 = year_pr, 2 = overall ??? other?)
[docs]class BaseEffort(LoadableEntity): """ Base class for a best effort or segment effort. """ name = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The name of the segment segment = EntityAttribute(Segment, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The associated :class:`stravalib.model.Segment` for this effort activity = EntityAttribute("Activity", (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The associated :class:`stravalib.model.Activity` athlete = EntityAttribute(Athlete, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The associated :class:`stravalib.model.Athlete` kom_rank = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: 1-10 segment KOM ranking for athlete at time of upload pr_rank = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: 1-3 personal record ranking for athlete at time of upload moving_time = TimeIntervalAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: :class:`datetime.timedelta` elapsed_time = TimeIntervalAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: :class:`datetime.timedelta` start_date = TimestampAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: :class:`datetime.datetime` when effort was started in GMT start_date_local = TimestampAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED), tzinfo=None) #: :class:`datetime.datetime` when effort was started in activity timezone for this effort distance = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED), units=uh.meters) #: The distance for this effort. average_watts = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Average power during effort device_watts = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: True if the watts are from a power meter, false if estimated average_heartrate = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Average HR during effort max_heartrate = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Max HR during effort average_cadence = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Average cadence during effort start_index = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The activity stream index of the start of this effort end_index = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The activity stream index of the end of this effort achievements = EntityCollection(SegmentEfforAchievement, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Undocumented attribute includes list of achievements for this effort.
[docs]class BestEffort(BaseEffort): """ Class representing a best effort (e.g. best time for 5k) """
[docs]class SegmentEffort(BaseEffort): """ Class representing a best effort on a particular segment. """ hidden = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED,)) # indicates a hidden/non-important effort when returned as part of an activity, value may change over time. device_watts = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: True if the watts are from a power meter, false if estimated
[docs]class Activity(LoadableEntity): """ Represents an activity (ride, run, etc.). """ # "Constants" for types of activities RIDE = "Ride" RUN = "Run" SWIM = "Swim" HIKE = "Hike" WALK = "Walk" ALPINESKI = "AlpineSki" BACKCOUNTRYSKI = "BackcountrySki" CANOEING = "Canoeing" CROSSCOUNTRYSKIING = "CrossCountrySkiing" CROSSFIT = "Crossfit" EBIKERIDE = "EBikeRide" ELLIPTICAL = "Elliptical" ICESKATE = "IceSkate" INLINESKATE = "InlineSkate" KAYAKING = "Kayaking" KITESURF = "Kitesurf" NORDICSKI = "NordicSki" ROCKCLIMBING = "RockClimbing" ROLLERSKI = "RollerSki" ROWING = "Rowing" SNOWBOARD = "Snowboard" SNOWSHOE = "Snowshoe" STAIRSTEPPER = "StairStepper" STANDUPPADDLING = "StandUpPaddling" SURFING = "Surfing" VIRTUALRIDE = "VirtualRide" WEIGHTTRAINING = "WeightTraining" WINDSURF = "Windsurf" WORKOUT = "Workout" YOGA = "Yoga" _comments = None _zones = None _kudos = None _photos = None # _gear = None _laps = None _related = None TYPES = (RIDE, RUN, SWIM, WALK, ALPINESKI, BACKCOUNTRYSKI, CANOEING, CROSSCOUNTRYSKIING, CROSSFIT, ELLIPTICAL, HIKE, ICESKATE, INLINESKATE, KAYAKING, KITESURF, NORDICSKI, ROCKCLIMBING, ROLLERSKI, ROWING, SNOWBOARD, SNOWSHOE, STAIRSTEPPER, STANDUPPADDLING, SURFING, WEIGHTTRAINING, WINDSURF, WORKOUT, YOGA) guid = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: (undocumented) external_id = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: An external ID for the activity (relevant when specified during upload). upload_id = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The upload ID for an activit. athlete = EntityAttribute(Athlete, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The associated :class:`stravalib.model.Athlete` that performed this activity. name = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The name of the activity. distance = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED), units=uh.meters) #: The distance for the activity. moving_time = TimeIntervalAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The moving time duration for this activity. elapsed_time = TimeIntervalAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The total elapsed time (including stopped time) for this activity. total_elevation_gain = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED), units=uh.meters) #: Total elevation gain for activity. elev_high = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) elev_low = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) type = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The activity type. start_date = TimestampAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: :class:`datetime.datetime` when activity was started in GMT start_date_local = TimestampAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED), tzinfo=None) #: :class:`datetime.datetime` when activity was started in activity timezone timezone = TimezoneAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The timezone for activity. start_latlng = LocationAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The start location (lat/lon :class:`tuple`) end_latlng = LocationAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The end location (lat/lon :class:`tuple`) location_city = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The activity location city location_state = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The activity location state location_country = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The activity location state start_latitude = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The start latitude start_longitude = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The start longitude achievement_count = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: How many achievements earned for the activity pr_count = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: How many new personal records earned for the activity kudos_count = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: How many kudos received for activity comment_count = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: How many comments for activity. athlete_count = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: How many other athlete's participated in activity photo_count = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Number of Instagram photos total_photo_count = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Total number of photos (Instagram and Strava) map = EntityAttribute(Map, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: :class:`stravavlib.model.Map` of activity. trainer = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Whether activity was performed on a stationary trainer. commute = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Whether activity is a commute. manual = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Whether activity was manually entered. private = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Whether activity is private flagged = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Whether activity was flagged. gear_id = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Which bike/shoes were used on activity. gear = EntityAttribute(Gear, (DETAILED,)) average_speed = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED), units=uh.meters_per_second) #: Average speed for activity. max_speed = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED), units=uh.meters_per_second) #: Max speed for activity device_watts = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: True if the watts are from a power meter, false if estimated has_kudoed = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: If authenticated user has kudoed this activity best_efforts = EntityCollection(BestEffort, (DETAILED,)) #: :class:`list` of metric :class:`stravalib.model.BestEffort` summaries segment_efforts = EntityCollection(SegmentEffort, (DETAILED,)) #: :class:`list` of :class:`stravalib.model.SegmentEffort` efforts for activity. splits_metric = EntityCollection(Split, (DETAILED,)) #: :class:`list` of metric :class:`stravalib.model.Split` summaries (running activities only) splits_standard = EntityCollection(Split, (DETAILED,)) #: :class:`list` of standard/imperial :class:`stravalib.model.Split` summaries (running activities only) average_watts = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: (undocumented) Average power during activity weighted_average_watts = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) # rides with power meter data only similar to xPower or Normalized Power max_watts = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: rides with power meter data only suffer_score = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: a measure of heartrate intensity, available on premium users' activities only has_heartrate = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: true if recorded with heartrate average_heartrate = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: only if recorded with heartrate average over moving portion max_heartrate = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: (undocumented) Max HR during activity average_cadence = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: (undocumented) Average cadence during activity kilojoules = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: (undocumented) Kilojoules of energy used during activity average_temp = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: (undocumented) Average temperature (when available from device) during activity. device_name = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: the name of the device used to record the activity. embed_token = Attribute(six.text_type, (DETAILED,)) #: the token used to embed a Strava activity in the form[activity_id]/embed/[embed_token]. Only included if requesting athlete is activity owner. calories = Attribute(float, (DETAILED,)) #: Calculation of how many calories burned on activity description = Attribute(six.text_type, (DETAILED,)) #: Description of activity. workout_type = Attribute(six.text_type, (DETAILED,)) #: (undocumented) photos = EntityAttribute(ActivityPhotoMeta, (DETAILED,)) #: A new photo metadata structure. instagram_primary_photo = Attribute(six.text_type, (DETAILED,)) #: (undocumented) Appears to be the ref to first associated instagram photo partner_logo_url = Attribute(six.text_type, (DETAILED,)) #: (undocumented) partner_brand_tag = Attribute(six.text_type, (DETAILED,)) #: (undocumented) @property def comments(self): """ Iterator of :class:`stravalib.model.ActivityComment` objects for this activity. """ if self._comments is None: self.assert_bind_client() if self.comment_count > 0: self._comments = self.bind_client.get_activity_comments( else: # Shortcut if we know there aren't any self._comments = [] return self._comments @property def laps(self): """ Iterator of :class:`stravalib.model.ActivityLap` objects for this activity. """ if self._laps is None: self.assert_bind_client() self._laps = self.bind_client.get_activity_laps( return self._laps @laps.setter def laps(self, v): # Note: Strava began returning laps as a list, not requiring a subsequent call to fetch it, # so we're allowing this property to also be set. # see self._laps = v @property def zones(self): """ :class:`list` of :class:`stravalib.model.ActivityZone` objects for this activity. """ if self._zones is None: self.assert_bind_client() self._zones = self.bind_client.get_activity_zones( return self._zones @property def kudos(self): """ :class:`list` of :class:`stravalib.model.ActivityKudos` objects for this activity. """ if self._kudos is None: self.assert_bind_client() self._kudos = self.bind_client.get_activity_kudos( return self._kudos @property def full_photos(self): """ Gets a list of photos using default options. :class:`list` of :class:`stravalib.model.ActivityPhoto` objects for this activity. """ if self._photos is None: if self.total_photo_count > 0: self.assert_bind_client() self._photos = self.bind_client.get_activity_photos( else: self._photos = [] return self._photos @property def related(self): """ Iterator of :class:`stravalib.model.Activty` objects for activities matched as with this activity. """ if self._related is None: if self.athlete_count - 1 > 0: self.assert_bind_client() self._related = self.bind_client.get_related_activities( else: self._related = [] return self._related
[docs]class SegmentLeaderboardEntry(BoundEntity): """ Represents a single entry on a segment leaderboard. The :class:`stravalib.model.SegmentLeaderboard` object is essentially a collection of instances of this class. """ _athlete = None _activity = None _effort = None effort_id = Attribute(int) #: The numeric ID for the segment effort. athlete_id = Attribute(int) #: The numeric ID for the athlete. athlete_name = Attribute(six.text_type) #: The athlete's name. athlete_gender = Attribute(six.text_type) #: The athlete's sex (M/F) athlete_profile = Attribute(six.text_type) #: Link to athlete profile photo average_hr = Attribute(float) #: The athlete's average HR for this effort average_watts = Attribute(float) #: The athlete's average power for this effort distance = Attribute(float, units=uh.meters) #: The distance for this effort. elapsed_time = TimeIntervalAttribute() #: The elapsed time for this effort moving_time = TimeIntervalAttribute() #: The moving time for this effort start_date = TimestampAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: :class:`datetime.datetime` when this effot was started in GMT start_date_local = TimestampAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED), tzinfo=None) #: :class:`datetime.datetime` when this effort was started in activity timezone activity_id = Attribute(int) #: The numeric ID of the associated activity for this effort. rank = Attribute(int) #: The rank on the leaderboard. def __repr__(self): return '<SegmentLeaderboardEntry rank={0} athlete_name={1!r}>'.format(self.rank, self.athlete_name) @property def athlete(self): """ The related :class:`stravalib.model.Athlete` (performs additional server fetch). """ if self._athlete is None: self.assert_bind_client() if self.athlete_id is not None: self._athlete = self.bind_client.get_athlete(self.athlete_id) return self._athlete @property def activity(self): """ The related :class:`stravalib.model.Activity` (performs additional server fetch). """ if self._activity is None: self.assert_bind_client() if self.activity_id is not None: self._activity = self.bind_client.get_activity(self.activity_id) return self._activity @property def effort(self): """ The related :class:`stravalib.model.SegmentEffort` (performs additional server fetch). """ if self._effort is None: self.assert_bind_client() if self.effort_id is not None: self._effort = self.bind_client.get_segment_effort(self.effort_id) return self._effort
[docs]class SegmentLeaderboard(Sequence, BoundEntity): """ The ranked leaderboard for a segment. This class is effectively a collection of :class:`stravalib.model.SegmentLeaderboardEntry` objects. """ effort_count = Attribute(int) entry_count = Attribute(int) entries = EntityCollection(SegmentLeaderboardEntry) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.entries) def __len__(self): return len(self.entries) def __contains__(self, k): return k in self.entries def __getitem__(self, k): return self.entries[k]
[docs]class DistributionBucket(BaseEntity): """ A single distribution bucket object, used for activity zones. """ max = Attribute(int) #: Max datatpoint min = Attribute(int) #: Min datapoint time = Attribute(int, units=uh.seconds) #: Time in seconds (*not* a :class:`datetime.timedelta`)
[docs]class BaseActivityZone(LoadableEntity): """ Base class for activity zones. A collection of :class:`stravalib.model.DistributionBucket` objects. """ distribution_buckets = EntityCollection(DistributionBucket, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The collection of :class:`stravalib.model.DistributionBucket` objects type = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Type of activity zone (heartrate, power, pace). sensor_based = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Whether zone data is sensor-based (as opposed to calculated) @classmethod
[docs] def deserialize(cls, v, bind_client=None): """ Creates a new object based on serialized (dict) struct. """ if v is None: return None az_classes = {'heartrate': HeartrateActivityZone, 'power': PowerActivityZone, 'pace': PaceActivityZone} try: clazz = az_classes[v['type']] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Unsupported activity zone type: {0}".format(v['type'])) else: o = clazz(bind_client=bind_client) o.from_dict(v) return o
[docs]class HeartrateActivityZone(BaseActivityZone): """ Activity zone for heart rate. """ score = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The score (suffer score) for this HR zone. points = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The points for this HR zone. custom_zones = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Whether athlete has setup custom zones. max = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The max heartrate
[docs]class PaceActivityZone(BaseActivityZone): """ Activity zone for pace. """ score = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The score for this zone. sample_race_distance = Attribute(int, (SUMMARY, DETAILED), units=uh.meters) #: (Not sure?) sample_race_time = TimeIntervalAttribute((SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: (Not sure?)
[docs]class PowerActivityZone(BaseActivityZone): """ Activity zone for power. """ # these 2 below were removed according to June 3, 2014 update @ # bike_weight = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED), units=uh.kgs) #: Weight of bike being used (factored into power calculations) athlete_weight = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED), units=uh.kgs) #: Weight of athlete (factored into power calculations)
[docs]class Stream(LoadableEntity): """ Stream of readings from the activity, effort or segment. """ type = Attribute(six.text_type) data = Attribute(list) #: array of values series_type = Attribute(six.text_type) #: type of stream: time, latlng, distance, altitude, velocity_smooth, heartrate, cadence, watts, temp, moving, grade_smooth original_size = Attribute(int) #: the size of the complete stream (when not reduced with resolution) resolution = Attribute(six.text_type) #: (optional, default is 'all') the desired number of data points. 'low' (100), 'medium' (1000), 'high' (10000) or 'all' def __repr__(self): return '<Stream type={} resolution={} original_size={}>'.format(self.type, self.resolution, self.original_size,)
[docs]class Route(LoadableEntity): """ Represents a Route. """ name = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Name of the route. description = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED,)) #: Description of the route. athlete = EntityAttribute(Athlete, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: The associated :class:`stravalib.model.Athlete` that performed this activity. distance = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED), units=uh.meters) #: The distance for the route. elevation_gain = Attribute(float, (SUMMARY, DETAILED), units=uh.meters) #: Total elevation gain for the route. map = EntityAttribute(Map, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: :class:`stravalib.model.Map` object for route. type = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Activity type of route (1 for ride, 2 for run). sub_type = Attribute(six.text_type, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Activity sub-type of route (1 for road (ride and run), 2 for mtb, 3 for cx, 4 for trail, 5 for mixed). private = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Whether the route is private. starred = Attribute(bool, (SUMMARY, DETAILED)) #: Whether the route is starred.
# timestamp = NOT IMPLEMENTED # segments = NOT IMPLEMENTED
[docs]class Subscription(LoadableEntity): """ Represents a Webhook Event Subscription. """ OBJECT_TYPE_ACTIVITY = 'activity' ASPECT_TYPE_CREATE = 'create' VERIFY_TOKEN_DEFAULT = 'STRAVA' application_id = Attribute(int) object_type = Attribute(six.text_type) aspect_type = Attribute(six.text_type) callback_url = Attribute(six.text_type) created_at = TimestampAttribute() updated_at = TimestampAttribute()
[docs]class SubscriptionCallback(LoadableEntity): """ Represents a Webhook Event Subscription Callback. """ hub_mode = Attribute(six.text_type) hub_verify_token = Attribute(six.text_type) hub_challenge = Attribute(six.text_type) def validate(self, verify_token=Subscription.VERIFY_TOKEN_DEFAULT): assert self.hub_verify_token == verify_token
[docs]class SubscriptionUpdate(LoadableEntity): """ Represents a Webhook Event Subscription Update. """ subscription_id = Attribute(six.text_type) owner_id = Attribute(six.text_type) object_id = Attribute(six.text_type) object_type = Attribute(six.text_type) aspect_type = Attribute(six.text_type) event_time = TimestampAttribute()