After following the Installation using pip guide, go to your installation directory and activate your virtualenv:
source .env/bin/activate
Alternatively, if you used the second Installation using conda guide, activate your env:
source activate stormtracks
Make sure that stormtracks_settings.py has sensible values for the various data directories, and that you have at least 14GB of free disk space. Download 20CR 2005 data and all IBTrACS data, process and analyse 2005. Processing should take around 20 mins, analysis around 2s.
python download_2005.py
python process_2005.py
python analyse_2005.py
If everything has worked, you should see output similar to the following after the last command:
(.env)user@machine ~/stormtracks/dev $ python analyse_2005.py
vort850, max_ws, pmin, t850
tp: 14
tn: 789334
fp: 3
fn: 9954
sens: 0.00140449438202
ppv : 0.823529411765
sens*ppv : 0.00115664243225
Analysed 2005 in 0:00:01.596812
What to do now¶
Open an ipython shell, and experiment with the three scripts above:
(.env)user@machine ~/stormtracks/dev $ ipython
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In [1]: from stormtracks.c20data import C20Data
In [2]: c20data = C20Data(2005)
2015-08-07 13:48:31,962:st.find_vortmax:INFO : C20Data: year=2005, version=v1
2015-08-07 13:48:31,963:st.find_vortmax:INFO : Using: u9950, v9950, u850, v850, prmsl, t9950, t850, cape, pwat
In [3]: print c20data.fields
['u9950', 'v9950', 'u850', 'v850', 'prmsl', 't9950', 't850', 'cape', 'pwat']
In [4]: print(c20data.prmsl.shape)
(56, 91, 180)
In [5]: c20data.next_date()
Out[5]: datetime.datetime(2005, 1, 1, 6, 0)