Source code for statsbiblioteket.harvest.synch.harvest_synch

import argparse
import logging
import logging.config
import typing
from datetime import datetime, date
from os import path
from os.path import expanduser
from pprint import pformat

import inflection
import sqlalchemy
import sqlalchemy.orm
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session, sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.sql.ddl import CreateTable

from statsbiblioteket.harvest.synch import logger
from statsbiblioteket.harvest import Harvest
from statsbiblioteket.harvest.harvest_types import DayEntry, Project, Task, \
    User, Expense, HarvestDBType, Client, TaskAssignment, HarvestType, Invoice

curdir = path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__))

[docs]def create_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Backups all harvest data from your harvest domain ' 'to a SQL database', ) parser.add_argument('--domain', action='store', required=True, help='The Harvest domain to backup', dest='harvestDomain') parser.add_argument('--user', action='store', required=False, help='The harvest user to connect as', dest='harvestUser') parser.add_argument('--password', action='store', required=False, help='The harvest password.\n If not specified, ' 'the username and password is read from the ' 'file ~/.harvest, in the format ' '"username=password"', dest='harvestPassword') parser.add_argument('--sql', action='store', default='sqlite:///data.db', help='The sql connect string (default: %(' 'default)s)\n' + 'The string form of the URL is ' 'dialect[' '+driver]://user:password@host/dbname[?key=value..], where dialect is a database name such as mysql, oracle, postgresql, etc., and driver the name of a DBAPI, such as psycopg2, pyodbc, cx_oracle, etc. ', dest='dbConnectString') parser.add_argument('--from', action='store', default='1970-01-01', dest='fromDate', help='Get timesheets starting from this date, ' 'format YYYY-MM-DD (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('--to', action='store', default="{:%Y-%d-%m}".format(, dest='toDate', help='Get timesheets until this date, format ' 'YYYY-MM-DD (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('--logLevel', default='DEBUG', help='the log level (default: %(default)s)', dest='loglevel') parser.add_argument('--logFile', default=curdir+'/default_log.ini', help='the log file (default: %(default)s)', dest='logfile') return parser
[docs]def main(): parser = create_parser() args = parser.parse_args() harvest_user = None harvest_pass = None if not args.harvestPassword: with open(expanduser('~/.harvest')) as harvestPassFile: lines = harvestPassFile.readlines() for line in lines: if line.startswith("#") or line.isspace(): continue parts = line.strip().split("=", maxsplit=1) harvest_user = parts[0] harvest_pass = parts[1] else: harvest_user = args.harvestUser harvest_pass = args.harvestPassword logfile = path.expanduser(path.expandvars(args.logfile)) if path.exists(logfile): logging.config.fileConfig(fname=logfile) else: logging.config.fileConfig(fname=curdir+'/default_log.ini') backup(args, harvest_user, harvest_pass) logging.shutdown()
[docs]def backup(args, harvest_user, harvest_pass): engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(args.dbConnectString) session_maker = sessionmaker(bind=engine) session = session_maker() # type: Session hrvst = Harvest.basic(uri=args.harvestDomain, email=harvest_user, password=harvest_pass) # type: Harvest # Determine modules, for what not to back up who_am_i = hrvst.who_am_i # True/false if we have installed this module backup_expenses = who_am_i['company']['modules']['expenses'] or False backup_invoices = who_am_i['company']['modules']['invoices'] or False # printDDL(engine) # Create the tables that are missing HarvestDBType.metadata.create_all(engine) recreate(session, User, hrvst.users()) projects = recreate(session, Project, hrvst.projects()) recreate(session, Task, hrvst.tasks()) recreate(session, Client, hrvst.clients()) for project in projects: # Get Tasks for each project"For Project %s", logger.add() task_assignments = hrvst.get_all_tasks_from_project( recreate(session, TaskAssignment, task_assignments, TaskAssignment.project_id == # get Timesheets for each project timesheets = hrvst.timesheets_for_project(, start_date=args.fromDate, end_date=args.toDate, ) recreate(session, DayEntry, timesheets, DayEntry.project_id ==, DayEntry.spent_at >= args.fromDate, DayEntry.spent_at <= args.toDate) if backup_expenses: recreate(session, Expense, hrvst.expenses_for_project(, Expense.project_id == logger.sub() if backup_invoices: recreate(session, Invoice, hrvst.invoices()) session.flush() session.commit() session.close()
[docs]def recreate(session: Session, cls: HarvestType, objects: typing.Set, project_id=None, *criterion) -> typing.Set: """ Upserts the given objects in the database and removes any objects not given. To elaborate, all objects of the same type, matching the project_id, if given and any other criterion will be deleted, if they are not present in :param session: The database session :param cls: The class of the objects (which implicitly denote the sql table) :param objects: The objects to create :param project_id: The project id :param criterion: Other criterion for the delete :return: The updated objects """ query = session.query(cls) if project_id is not None and hasattr(cls, 'project_id'): query = query.filter(cls.project_id == project_id) query = query.filter(*criterion) existing = set(query.all()) toDelete = existing.difference(set(objects)) for dbObj in toDelete: session.delete(dbObj) classname = inflection.pluralize(cls.__name__)"%s: Removed %d objects", classname, len(toDelete))"%s: Merging %d harvest objects with database", classname, len(objects)) updates = 0 for object in objects: result = session.merge(object) if session.is_modified(result): updates += 1"%s: Added/updated %d objects", classname, updates) session.flush() return objects
[docs]def printDDL(engine): tables = HarvestDBType.metadata.sorted_tables for table in tables: print(CreateTable(table).compile(engine))
if __name__ == '__main__': main()