Source code for statsbiblioteket.harvest.projects

import typing

from statsbiblioteket.harvest.harvest_types import Project, DayEntry, Expense
from import Rest

[docs]class Projects(Rest):
[docs] def projects(self, client_id: str =None) -> typing.List[Project]: """ Get all the projects (optinally restricted to a particular client) """ params = {} if client_id: # You can filter by client_id and updated_since. # For example to show only the projects belonging to client with the id 23445. # GET /projects?client=23445 params = {'client': client_id} return self._get('/projects', params=params)
[docs] def projects_for_client(self, client_id: str) -> typing.List[Project]: """ Get the projects for a particular client """ params = {'client': client_id} url = '/projects' return self._get(url, params=params)
[docs] def timesheets_for_project(self, project_id, start_date, end_date) -> \ typing.List[DayEntry]: """ Get the timesheets for a project """ params = {'from': start_date.replace('-', ''), 'to': end_date.replace('-', '')} url = '/projects/{0}/entries'.format(project_id) return self._get(url, params=params)
[docs] def expenses_for_project(self, project_id) -> \ typing.List[Expense]: """ Get the expenses for a project """ #params = {'from': start_date, 'to': end_date} url = '/projects/{0}/expenses'.format(project_id) return self._get(url)
[docs] def get_project(self, project_id) -> Project: """ Get a particular project """ url = '/projects/{0}'.format(project_id) return self._get(url)
[docs] def create_project(self, project) -> str: """ Create a project and return the project id """ return self._post('/projects', data=project)
[docs] def update_project(self, project_id, project:Project): """ Update a project Post similar XML or JSON as with create a new project, but include project-id as part of the project. """ url = '/projects/{0}'.format(project_id) return self._put(url, data=project)
[docs] def toggle_project_active(self, project_id): """ Toggle the active flag of a project """ return self._put('/projects/{0}/toggle'.format(project_id))
[docs] def delete_project(self, project_id): """ Delete a project If the project does not have any timesheet data tracked to it, it is deleted with HTTP Response: 200 OK. If the project does have timesheet entries associated, the project is not deleted and HTTP Response: 400 Bad Request is returned. """ url = '/projects/{0}'.format(project_id) return self._delete(url)
# User Assignment: Assigning users to projects
[docs] def assign_user_to_project(self, project_id, user_id): """ ASSIGN A USER TO A PROJECT POST /projects/#{project_id}/user_assignments """ url = '/projects/{0}/user_assignments'.format(project_id) data = {"user": {"id": user_id}} return self._post(url, data)