Source code for stalker.models.auth

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Stalker a Production Asset Management System
# Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Erkan Ozgur Yilmaz
# This file is part of Stalker.
# Stalker is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the Lesser GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License.
# Stalker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the Lesser GNU General Public License
# along with Stalker.  If not, see <>

import sys
import os
import json
import re
import base64
import datetime
import pytz

from sqlalchemy import (Table, Column, Integer, ForeignKey, String, Enum,
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, synonym, validates
from sqlalchemy.schema import UniqueConstraint

from stalker.db.declarative import Base
from stalker.db.types import GenericDateTime
from stalker.models.mixins import ACLMixin
from stalker.models.entity import Entity, SimpleEntity
from stalker.log import logging_level

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

LOGIN = 'login'
LOGOUT = 'logout'

[docs]class Permission(Base): """A class to hold permissions. Permissions in Stalker defines what one can do or do not. A Permission instance is composed by three attributes; access, action and class_name. Permissions for all the classes in SOM are generally created by Stalker when initializing the database. If you created any custom classes to extend SOM you are also responsible to create the Permissions for it by calling :meth:`stalker.db.register` and passing your class to it. See the :mod:`stalker.db` documentation for details. :param str access: An Enum value which can have the one of the values of ``Allow`` or ``Deny``. :param str action: An Enum value from the list ['Create', 'Read', 'Update', 'Delete', 'List']. Can not be None. The list can be changed from stalker.config.Config.default_actions. :param str class_name: The name of the class that this action is applied to. Can not be None or an empty string. Example: Let say that you want to create a Permission specifying a Group of Users are allowed to create Projects:: from stalker import db from stalker import db from stalker.models.auth import User, Group, Permission # first setup the db with the default database # # stalker.db.init() will create all the Actions possible with the # SOM classes automatically # # What is left to you is to create the permissions db.setup() user1 = User( name='Test User', login='test_user1', password='1234', email='' ) user2 = User( name='Test User', login='test_user2', password='1234', email='' ) group1 = Group(name='users') group1.users = [user1, user2] # get the permissions for the Project class project_permissions = Permission.query\ .filter(Permission.access='Allow')\ .filter(Permission.action='Create')\ .filter(Permission.class_name='Project')\ .first() # now we have the permission specifying the allowance of creating a # Project # to make group1 users able to create a Project we simply add this # Permission to the groups permission attribute group1.permissions.append(permission) # and persist this information in the database DBSession.add(group) DBSession.commit() """ from stalker import defaults # I know it is a weird place to import but we # need to do it in that way to limit the # import statement with a scope, because the # default can be updated __tablename__ = 'Permissions' __table_args__ = ( UniqueConstraint('access', 'action', 'class_name'), {"extend_existing": True} ) id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) _access = Column('access', Enum('Allow', 'Deny', name='AccessNames')) _action = Column('action', Enum(*defaults.actions, name='AuthenticationActions')) _class_name = Column('class_name', String(32)) def __init__(self, access, action, class_name): self._access = self._validate_access(access) self._action = self._validate_action(action) self._class_name = self._validate_class_name(class_name) def __hash__(self): """returns the hash value for this instance """ return hash(self.access + self.action + self.class_name) def _validate_access(self, access): """validates the given access value """ from stalker import __string_types__ if not isinstance(access, __string_types__): raise TypeError( '%s.access should be an instance of str not %s' % ( self.__class__.__name__, access.__class__.__name__ ) ) if access not in ['Allow', 'Deny']: raise ValueError( '%s.access should be "Allow" or "Deny" not %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, access) ) return access def _access_getter(self): """returns the _access value """ return self._access access = synonym('_access', descriptor=property(_access_getter)) def _validate_class_name(self, class_name): """validates the given class_name value """ from stalker import __string_types__ if not isinstance(class_name, __string_types__): raise TypeError( '%s.class_name should be an instance of str not %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, class_name.__class__.__name__) ) return class_name def _class_name_getter(self): """returns the _class_name attribute value """ return self._class_name class_name = synonym( '_class_name', descriptor=property(_class_name_getter) ) def _validate_action(self, action): """validates the given action value """ from stalker import __string_types__ if not isinstance(action, __string_types__): raise TypeError( '%s.action should be an instance of str not %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, action.__class__.__name__) ) from stalker import defaults if action not in defaults.actions: raise ValueError( "%s.action should be one of the values of %s not '%s'" % (self.__class__.__name__, defaults.actions, action) ) return action def _action_getter(self): """returns the _action value """ return self._action action = synonym('_action', descriptor=property(_action_getter)) def __eq__(self, other): """the equality of two Permissions """ return isinstance(other, Permission) \ and other.access == self.access \ and other.action == self.action \ and other.class_name == self.class_name
[docs]class Group(Entity, ACLMixin): """Creates groups for users to be used in authorization system. A Group instance is nothing more than a list of :class:`.User`\ s created to be able to assign permissions in a group level. The Group class, as with the :class:`.User` class, is mixed with the :class:`.ACLMixin` which adds ability to hold :class:`.Permission` instances and serve ACLs to Pyramid. :param str name: The name of this group. :param list users: A list of :class:`.User` instances, holding the desired users in this group. """ __auto_name__ = False __tablename__ = 'Groups' __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'Group'} gid = Column("id", Integer, ForeignKey(""), primary_key=True) users = relationship( "User", secondary="Group_Users", back_populates="groups", doc="""Users in this group. Accepts:class:`.User` instance. """ ) def __init__(self, name='', users=None, permissions=None, **kwargs): if users is None: users = [] if permissions is None: permissions = [] kwargs.update({'name': name}) super(Group, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.users = users self.permissions = permissions @validates('users') def _validate_users(self, key, user): """validates the given user instance """ if not isinstance(user, User): raise TypeError( '%s.users attribute must all be stalker.models.auth.User ' 'instances not %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, user.__class__.__name__) ) return user def __hash__(self): """the overridden __hash__ method """ return super(Group, self).__hash__()
[docs]class User(Entity, ACLMixin): """The user class is designed to hold data about a User in the system. .. note:: .. versionadded 0.2.0: Task Watchers New to version 0.2.0 users can be assigned to a :class:`.Task` as a **Watcher**. Which can be used to inform the users in watchers list about the updates of certain Tasks. .. note:: .. versionadded 0.2.0: Vacations It is now possible to define Vacations per user. .. note:: .. versionadded 0.2.7: Resource Efficiency .. note:: .. versionadded 0.2.11: Users not have a :attr:`.rate` attribute. :param rate: For future usage a rate attribute is added to the User to record the daily cost of this user as a resource. It should be either 0 or a positive integer or float value. Default is 0. :param efficiency: The efficiency is a multiplier for a user as a resource to a task and defines how much of the time spent for that particular task is counted as an actual effort. The default value is 1.0, lowest possible value is 0.0 and there is no upper limit. The efficiency of a resource can be used for three purposes. First you can use it as a crude way to model a team. A team of 5 people should have an efficiency of 5.0. Keep in mind that you cannot track the members of the team individually if you use this feature. They always act as a group. Another use is to model performance variations between your resources. Again, this is a fairly crude mechanism and should be used with care. A resource that isn't every good at some task might be pretty good at another. This can't be taken into account as the resource efficiency can only set globally for all tasks. One another and interesting use is to model the availability of passive resources like a meeting room or a workstation or something that needs to be free for a task to take place but does not contribute to a task as an active resource. All resources that do not contribute effort to the task, that is a passive resource, should have an efficiency of 0.0. Again a typical example would be a conference room. It's necessary for a meeting, but it does not contribute any work. :param email: holds the e-mail of the user, should be in [part1]@[part2] format :type email: str :param login: This is the login name of the user, it should be all lower case. Giving a string that has uppercase letters, it will be converted to lower case. It can not be an empty string or None and it can not contain any white space inside. :type login: str :param departments: It is the departments that the user is a part of. It should be a list of Department objects. One user can be listed in multiple departments. :type departments: list of :class:`.Department`\ s :param password: it is the password of the user, can contain any character. Stalker doesn't store the raw passwords of the users. To check a stored password with a raw password use :meth:`.check_password` and to set the password you can use the :attr:`.password` property directly. :type password: str :param groups: It is a list of :class:`.Group` instances that this user belongs to. :type groups: list of :class:`.Group` :param tasks: it is a list of Task objects which holds the tasks that this user has been assigned to :type tasks: list of :class:`.Task`\ s :param last_login: it is a datetime.datetime object holds the last login date of the user (not implemented yet) :type last_login: datetime.datetime """ __auto_name__ = False __tablename__ = "Users" __mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_identity": "User"} user_id = Column( "id", Integer, ForeignKey(""), primary_key=True ) departments = association_proxy( 'department_role', 'department', creator=lambda d: create_department_user(d) ) department_role = relationship( 'DepartmentUser', back_populates='user', cascade='all, delete-orphan', primaryjoin='', doc="""A list of :class:`.Department`\ s that this user is a part of""" ) companies = association_proxy( 'company_role', 'client', creator=lambda n: create_client_user(n) ) company_role = relationship( "ClientUser", back_populates="user", cascade='all, delete-orphan', primaryjoin="", doc="""A list of :class:`.Client`\ s that this user is a part of.""" ) email = Column( String(256), unique=True, nullable=False, doc="email of the user, accepts string" ) password = Column( String(256), nullable=False, doc="""The password of the user. It is scrambled before it is stored. """ ) login = Column( String(256), nullable=False, unique=True, doc="""The login name of the user. Can not be empty. """ ) authentication_logs = relationship( "AuthenticationLog", primaryjoin="", back_populates="user", cascade='all, delete-orphan', doc="""A list of :class:`.AuthenticationLog` instances which holds the login/logout info for this :class:`.User`. """ ) groups = relationship( 'Group', secondary='Group_Users', back_populates='users', doc="""Permission groups that this users is a member of. Accepts :class:`.Group` object. """ ) projects = association_proxy( 'project_role', 'project', creator=lambda p: create_project_user(p) ) project_role = relationship( 'ProjectUser', back_populates='user', cascade='all, delete-orphan', primaryjoin='' ) tasks = relationship( "Task", secondary="Task_Resources", back_populates="resources", doc=""":class:`.Task`\ s assigned to this user. It is a list of :class:`.Task` instances. """ ) watching = relationship( 'Task', secondary='Task_Watchers', back_populates='watchers', doc=''':class:`.Tasks`\ s that this user is assigned as a watcher. It is a list of :class:`.Task` instances. ''' ) responsible_of = relationship( 'Task', secondary='Task_Responsible', primaryjoin='', secondaryjoin='', back_populates='_responsible', uselist=True, doc="""A list of :class:`.Task` instances that this user is responsible of.""" ) time_logs = relationship( "TimeLog", primaryjoin="", back_populates="resource", cascade='all, delete-orphan', doc="""A list of :class:`.TimeLog` instances which holds the time logs created for this :class:`.User`. """ ) vacations = relationship( 'Vacation', primaryjoin='', back_populates='user', cascade='all, delete-orphan', doc="""A list of :class:`.Vacation` instances which holds the vacations created for this :class:`.User` """ ) efficiency = Column(Float, default=1.0) rate = Column(Float, default=0.0) def __init__( self, name=None, login=None, email=None, password=None, departments=None, companies=None, groups=None, efficiency=1.0, rate=0.0, **kwargs): kwargs['name'] = name super(User, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.login = login if departments is None: departments = [] # from stalker import DepartmentUser # for department in departments: # self.department_role.append( # DepartmentUser(user=self, department=department) # ) self.departments = departments if companies is None: companies = [] self.companies = companies = email # to be able to mangle the password do it like this self.password = password if groups is None: groups = [] self.groups = groups self.tasks = [] self.efficiency = efficiency self.rate = rate def __repr__(self): """return the representation of the current User """ return "<%s ('%s') (User)>" % (, self.login) def __eq__(self, other): """the equality operator """ return super(User, self).__eq__(other) and \ isinstance(other, User) and \ == and \ self.login == other.login and \ == def __hash__(self): """the overridden __hash__ method """ return super(User, self).__hash__() @validates("login") def _validate_login(self, key, login): """validates the given login value """ if login is None: raise TypeError( '%s.login can not be None' % self.__class__.__name__ ) login = self._format_login(login) # raise a ValueError if the login is an empty string after formatting if login == '': raise ValueError( '%s.login can not be an empty string' % self.__class__.__name__ ) logger.debug("name out: %s" % login) return login @validates("email") def _validate_email(self, key, email_in): """validates the given email value """ # check if email_in is an instance of string from stalker import __string_types__ if not isinstance(email_in, __string_types__): raise TypeError( " should be an instance of str not %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, email_in.__class__.__name__) ) return self._validate_email_format(email_in) def _validate_email_format(self, email_in): """formats the email """ # split the mail from @ sign splits = email_in.split("@") len_splits = len(splits) # there should be one and only one @ sign if len_splits > 2: raise ValueError( "check the formatting of, there are more than one @ " "sign" % self.__class__.__name__ ) if len_splits < 2: raise ValueError( "check the formatting of, there is no @ sign" % self.__class__.__name__ ) if splits[0] == "": raise ValueError( "check the formatting of, the name part is missing" % self.__class__.__name__ ) if splits[1] == "": raise ValueError( "check the formatting, the domain part is missing" % self.__class__.__name__ ) return email_in @classmethod def _format_login(cls, login): """formats the given login value """ # strip white spaces from start and end login = login.strip() # remove all the spaces login = login.replace(" ", "") # make it lowercase login = login.lower() # remove any illegal characters login = re.sub("[^\\(a-zA-Z0-9)]+", "", login) # remove any number at the beginning login = re.sub("^[0-9]+", "", login) return login @validates("password") def _validate_password(self, key, password_in): """validates the given password Note: This function was updated to support both Python 2.7 and 3.5. It will now explicitly convert the base64 bytes object into a string object. """ if password_in is None: raise TypeError( "%s.password cannot be None" % self.__class__.__name__ ) if password_in == "": raise ValueError( "%s.password can not be an empty string" % self.__class__.__name__ ) # mangle the password mangled_password_bytes = base64.b64encode(password_in.encode('utf-8')) if sys.version_info[0] == 2: mangled_password_str = str(mangled_password_bytes) else: # Assuming Python >= 3.5 mangled_password_str = \ str(mangled_password_bytes.decode('utf-8')) return mangled_password_str
[docs] def check_password(self, raw_password): """Checks the given raw_password. Checks the given raw_password with the current User object's mangled password. Handles the encryption process behind the scene. Note: This function was updated to support both Python 2.7 and 3.5. It will now compare the string (str) versions of the given raw_password and the current Users object encrypted password. """ mangled_password_str = str(self.password) raw_password_bytes = base64.b64encode( bytes(raw_password.encode('utf-8'))) if sys.version_info[0] == 2: raw_password_encrypted_str = str(raw_password_bytes) else: # Assuming Python >= 3.5 raw_password_encrypted_str = \ str(raw_password_bytes.decode('utf-8')) return mangled_password_str == raw_password_encrypted_str
@validates("groups") def _validate_groups(self, key, group): """check the given group """ if not isinstance(group, Group): raise TypeError( "Any group in %s.groups should be an instance of " "stalker.models.auth.Group not %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, group.__class__.__name__) ) return group @validates("tasks") def _validate_tasks(self, key, task): """validates the given tasks attribute """ from stalker.models.task import Task if not isinstance(task, Task): raise TypeError( "Any element in %s.tasks should be an instance of " "stalker.models.task.Task not %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, task.__class__.__name__) ) return task @validates("watching") def _validate_watching(self, key, task): """validates the given watching attribute """ from stalker.models.task import Task if not isinstance(task, Task): raise TypeError( "Any element in %s.watching should be an instance of " "stalker.models.task.Task not %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, task.__class__.__name__) ) return task @validates('vacations') def _validate_vacations(self, key, vacation): """validates the given vacation value """ from import Vacation if not isinstance(vacation, Vacation): raise TypeError( "All of the elements in should be a " " instance, not %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, vacation.__class__.__name__) ) return vacation @validates('efficiency') def _validate_efficiency(self, key, efficiency): """validates the given efficiency value """ if efficiency is None: efficiency = 1.0 if not isinstance(efficiency, (int, float)): raise TypeError( '%(class)s.efficiency should be a float number greater or ' 'equal to 0.0, not %(efficiency_class)s' % { 'class': self.__class__.__name__, 'efficiency_class': efficiency.__class__.__name__ } ) if efficiency < 0: raise ValueError( '%(class)s.efficiency should be a float number greater or ' 'equal to 0.0, not %(efficiency)s' % { 'class': self.__class__.__name__, 'efficiency': efficiency } ) return efficiency @validates('rate') def _validate_rate(self, key, rate): """validates the given rate value """ if rate is None: rate = 0.0 if not isinstance(rate, (int, float)): raise TypeError( '%(class)s.rate should be a float number greater or ' 'equal to 0.0, not %(rate_class)s' % { 'class': self.__class__.__name__, 'rate_class': rate.__class__.__name__ } ) if rate < 0: raise ValueError( '%(class)s.rate should be a float number greater or ' 'equal to 0.0, not %(rate)s' % { 'class': self.__class__.__name__, 'rate': rate } ) return rate @property def tickets(self): """The list of :class:`.Ticket`\ s that this user has. returns a list of :class:`.Ticket` instances which this user is the owner of. """ # do it with sqlalchemy from stalker import Ticket return Ticket.query \ .filter(Ticket.owner == self) \ .all() @property def open_tickets(self): """The list of open :class:`.Ticket`\ s that this user has. returns a list of :class:`.Ticket` instances which has a status of `Open` that this user is assigned as the owner. """ from stalker import Ticket, Status return Ticket.query \ .join(Status, Ticket.status) \ .filter(Ticket.owner == self) \ .filter(Status.code != 'CLS') \ .all() @property def to_tjp(self): """outputs a TaskJuggler formatted string """ from jinja2 import Template from stalker import defaults temp = Template(defaults.tjp_user_template, trim_blocks=True) return temp.render({'user': self})
[docs]class LocalSession(object): """A simple temporary session object which simple stores session data. This class will later be removed, it is here because we need a login window for the Qt user interfaces. On initialize it will load the SessionData from the users .strc folder """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.logged_in_user_id = None self.valid_to = None self.session_data = None self.load()
[docs] @classmethod def default_json_serializer(cls, obj): """default serializer for json data """ if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime): return cls.datetime_to_millis(obj) elif isinstance(obj, User): return elif isinstance(obj, int): return obj
[docs] @classmethod def datetime_to_millis(cls, dt): """Default JSON serializer for datetime objects. code is based on the answer of Jay Taylor in :param dt: datetime.datetime instance """ import calendar if isinstance(dt, datetime.datetime): if dt.utcoffset() is not None: dt = dt - dt.utcoffset() millis = int( calendar.timegm(dt.timetuple()) * 1000 + dt.microsecond / 1000 ) return millis
[docs] @classmethod def millis_to_datetime(cls, millis): """ :param int millis: an int value showing the millis from unix EPOCH :return: """ epoch = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc) return epoch + datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=millis)
[docs] def load(self): """loads the data from the saved local session """ try: with open(LocalSession.session_file_full_path(), 'r') as s: # try: json_object = json.load(s) valid_to = self.millis_to_datetime(json_object.get('valid_to')) if valid_to > # fill __dict__ with the loaded one self.valid_to = valid_to self.logged_in_user_id = \ json_object.get('logged_in_user_id') except IOError: pass
@property def logged_in_user(self): """returns the logged in user """ return User.query.filter_by(id=self.logged_in_user_id).first()
[docs] def store_user(self, user): """stores the given user instance :param user: The user instance. """ if user: self.logged_in_user_id =
[docs] def save(self): """remembers the data in user local file system """ self.valid_to = + \ datetime.timedelta(days=10) # serialize self dumped_data = json.dumps({ 'valid_to': self.valid_to, 'logged_in_user_id': self.logged_in_user_id }, default=self.default_json_serializer) logger.debug('dumped session data : %s' % dumped_data) self._write_data(dumped_data)
[docs] def delete(self): """removes the cache file """ try: os.remove(self.session_file_full_path()) except OSError: pass
[docs] @classmethod def session_file_full_path(cls): """ :return str: the session file full path """ from stalker import defaults return os.path.normpath(os.path.join( defaults.local_storage_path, defaults.local_session_data_file_name ))
def _write_data(self, data): """Writes the given data to the local session file :param data: the data to be written (generally serialized LocalSession class itself) """ file_full_path = self.session_file_full_path() # create the path first file_path = os.path.dirname(file_full_path) try: os.makedirs(file_path) except OSError: # dir exists pass finally: with open(file_full_path, 'w') as data_file: data_file.write(data)
[docs]class Role(Entity): """Defines a User role. .. versionadded 0.2.11: Roles When :class:`.User`\ s are assigned to a :class:`.Client`/:class:`.Department`, they also can be assigned to a role for that client/department. Also, because Users can be assigned to multiple clients/departments they can have different roles for each of this clients/departments. The duty of this class is to defined different roles that can be reused when required. So one can defined a **Lead** role and then assign a User to a department with its role is set to "lead". This essentially generalizes the previous implementation of now removed *Department.lead* attribute. """ __auto_name__ = False __tablename__ = 'Roles' __mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_identity": "Role"} role_id = Column( 'id', Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True ) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Role, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def create_department_user(department): """helper function to create DepartmentUser instance on association proxy """ from stalker.models.department import DepartmentUser return DepartmentUser(department=department) def create_client_user(client): """helper function to create ClientUser instance on association proxy """ from stalker.models.client import ClientUser return ClientUser(client=client) def create_project_user(project): """helper function to create ProjectUser instance on association proxy """ from stalker.models.project import ProjectUser return ProjectUser(project=project) # Group_Users Group_Users = Table( "Group_Users", Base.metadata, Column("uid", Integer, ForeignKey(""), primary_key=True), Column("gid", Integer, ForeignKey(""), primary_key=True) )
[docs]class AuthenticationLog(SimpleEntity): """Keeps track of login/logout dates and the action (login or logout). """ __auto_name__ = True __tablename__ = "AuthenticationLogs" __mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_identity": "AuthenticationLog"} log_id = Column( 'id', Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True ) user_id = Column( 'uid', Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False ) user = relationship( 'User', primaryjoin='', uselist=False, back_populates='authentication_logs', doc="The :class:`.User` instance that this AuthenticationLog is " "created for" ) action = Column( 'action', Enum(LOGIN, LOGOUT, name='ActionNames'), nullable=False ) date = Column( GenericDateTime, nullable=False ) def __init__(self, user=None, date=None, action=LOGIN, **kwargs): super(AuthenticationLog, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.user = user = date self.action = action def __lt__(self, other): """make this orderable """ return ( '%s %s %s' % (, self.action,, '%s %s %s' % (, other.action, ) @validates('user') def __validate_user__(self, key, user): """validates the given user argument value """ if not isinstance(user, User): raise TypeError( '%s.user should be a User instance, not %s' % ( self.__class__.__name__, user.__class__.__name__ ) ) return user @validates('action') def __validate_action__(self, key, action): """validates the given action argument value """ if action is None: import copy action = copy.copy(LOGIN) if action not in [LOGIN, LOGOUT]: raise ValueError( '%s.action should be one of "login" or "logout", not "%s"' % ( self.__class__.__name__, action ) ) return action @validates('date') def __validate_date__(self, key, date): """validates the given date value """ if date is None: date = if not isinstance(date, datetime.datetime): raise TypeError( ' should be a "datetime.datetime" instance, not %s' % ( self.__class__.__name__, date.__class__.__name__ ) ) return date