
This class implements a set backed by an sqlite database.

from sqlite_object import SqliteSet

Be careful what kind of items you put into the set and how they are serialized in JSON. If you are inserting items into the set that do not serialize deterministically (i.e. unordered containers like set and map), their behavior in the set may be unpredictable (i.e. there could be multiple differently-serialized copies of your objects in the SqliteSet). If you need to insert containers like this into the set, you should define a different coder and decoder.

Supported set behavior

  • for item in set:

    Iterating: SqliteList objects can be iterated over just like a normal set. Iterating over the set will lock the set so nothing else can use it.

  • len(set)

    len() works as normal, returning the size of the set.

  • item in set

    Membership testing: Membership testing will be slow for large sets with indexing turned off (indexing is turned on by default)

  • set <= other_set

    Subset testing: Test if this set is a subset of another set

  • set < other_set

    Proper subset testing: Test if this set is a proper subset of another set (i.e. set <= other_set && set != other_set)

  • set >= other_set

    Superset testing: Test if this set is a superset of another set

  • set > other_set

    Proper superset testing: Test if this set is a proper superset of another set (i.e. set >= other_set && set != other_set)

  • set == other_set

    Set equality: Test equality of this set to another set

Other functions

SqliteList(init_set = [], filename=None, coder=json.dumps, decoder=json.loads, index=True, persist=False, commit_every=0)

Create an sql-backed set.

By default, this will create a new sqlite database with a random filename in the current working directory.

  • init_set – Initialize the set with an iterable. The objects in init_set will always be added to the backing database, regardless of whether the database exists already or not.
  • filename – If you don’t want a randomly generated filename for the sqlite db, specify your filename here. If the database file already exists, this SqliteList will reflect whatever is already in the database (useful for re-opening persisted databases). You can use the “filename” parameter to make SqliteList clones that will stay up-to-date with eachother (since they share the same DB). This is useful in multithreading/multiprocessing situations. If you do this, you MUST set persist=True, otherwise the backing DB will be deleted every time an SqliteList object is garbage collected.
  • coder – The serializer to use before inserting things into the database. All items inserted into the set will first be serialized to a string. The backing sqlite db uses “TEXT” fields to store data, so any serialization should play nice with sqlite TEXT (i.e. pickle or other binary formats may not work well)
  • decoder – The deserializer to use when reading items from the database.
  • index (True or False) – Whether or not to create indexes in the backing DB. Indexes make lookups much faster, but will increase the size of the DB, and will probably decrease write performance.
  • persist – Whether or not to delete the database when the SqliteObject is deleted. Setting persist=True will permit the database to be re-openend with a new SqliteList at a later date.
  • commit_every – A hint for the SqliteList to decide how many writes should be between commits. The default (0) will cause every write to immediately commit. Some types of write actions may commit regardless of this counter.

Add an item to the set. If the item is already in the set, nothing happens

Parameters:item – The item to add to the set.

Remove an item from the set, if the item does not exist in the set, raise a KeyError

Parameters:item – The item to remove from the set.

Remove an item from the set, if the item does not exist in the set, nothing happens.

Parameters:item – The item to remove from the set.

Remove an item from the set and return it. If the set is empty, raise a KeyError


Test if this set is disjoint from other (i.e. if the intersection of this set and other is an empty set).

Parameters:other – Another set to test.

Test if this set is a subset of other. This is also accessible through the <= operator, i.e. set <= other

Parameters:other – Another set to test.

Test if this set is a superset of other. This is also accessible through the >= operator, i.e. set >= other

Parameters:other – Another set to test.

Add each item from iterable to the set.

Parameters:iterable – An iterable of items to add to the set.

Write the entire set out to a file as a JSON list

Parameters:file – A file object to write to
write_lines(file, coder=json.dumps, separator="\n")

Write each item in the set to a file as JSON, one item per line.

  • file – A file object to write to
  • coder – A function to serialize each object before writing it to file
  • separator – A string to use as a separator if you don’t want newline characters

Explicitly close the database, deleting the database file if persist=False

You do not need to call close on SqliteObjects, close will be called automatically when the object is cleaned up


Explicitly commit any unsaved changes to disk. If commit_every is set to 0 or 1, (the default), this is unnessecary since all writes are automatically committed immediately.


Return the name of the underlying database file.

Thread safety

SqliteList uses python multithreading RLock to make the set somewhat threadsafe, but the underlying python sqlite3 library is not itself threadsafe, so your mileage may vary.

If you want to share an SqliteList between threads, it would be safer to create a new SqliteList object in each thread and use the same filename for each SqliteList. sqlite itself uses filesystem locks to ensure database integrity so this type of use would be just fine.

If you are using a SqliteList between multiple threads, some operations may be unpredictable (iteration, read-modify-write actions, etc), so use good judgement and put locks around your code.

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