
This module contains some functions to read and write csarray objects in various file formats.

Functions, storagetype='col')

Read from a matrix market file. Note that we do not allow comments (%) in the body of the elements, only in the header lines.

  • filename – The filename of the matrix market file.
  • storagetype – The desired storage type (“row” or “col”) of the output matrix., A, comment='', field=None, precision=None)

Write a csarray object in matrix market format.

  • filename – The filename of the matrix market file.
  • A – The csarray object to write
  • comment – A comment to add to the header of the file.
  • field – The type of values to write out either “integer” or “real”. If None the type is inferred from A.
  • precision – If A stores real numbers, this is the precision to use when writing to file.

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