Return the URL for a given symbol.
This is where the magic happens. This function could be a lot more clever. At present it required the passed symbol to be almost exactly the same as the entries in the Doxygen tag file.
Parameters : |
Returns: | String representing the filename part of the URL |
Return the URL for a given symbol.
This is where the magic happens.
Parameters : |
Returns: | String representing the filename part of the URL |
Raises : |
Prefer classes over names of constructors
Match the requested symbol reverse piecewise (split on ::) against the tag names to ensure they match exactly (modulo ambiguity) So, if in the mapping there is PolyVox::Volume::FloatVolume and PolyVox::Volume they would be split into:
['PolyVox', 'Volume', 'FloatVolume'] and ['PolyVox', 'Volume']
and reversed:
['FloatVolume', 'Volume', 'PolyVox'] and ['Volume', 'PolyVox']
and truncated to the shorter of the two:
['FloatVolume', 'Volume'] and ['Volume', 'PolyVox']
If we’re searching for the PolyVox::Volume symbol we would compare:
['Volume', 'PolyVox'] to ['FloatVolume', 'Volume', 'PolyVox'].
That doesn’t match so we look at the next in the mapping:
['Volume', 'PolyVox'] to ['Volume', 'PolyVox'].
Good, so we add it to the list
Now, to disambiguate between PolyVox::Array< 1, ElementType >::operator[] and PolyVox::Array::operator[] matching operator[], we will ignore templated (as in C++ templates) tag names by removing names containing <
Takes in an XML tree from a Doxygen tag file and returns a dictionary that looks something like:
{'PolyVox': {'file': 'namespace_poly_vox.html',
'kind': 'namespace'},
'PolyVox::Array': {'file': 'class_poly_vox_1_1_array.html',
'kind': 'class'},
'PolyVox::Array1DDouble': {'file': 'namespace_poly_vox.html#a7a1f5fd5c4f7fbb4258a495d707b5c13',
'kind': 'typedef'},
'PolyVox::Array1DFloat': {'file': 'namespace_poly_vox.html#a879a120e49733eba1905c33f8a7f131b',
'kind': 'typedef'},
'PolyVox::Array1DInt16': {'file': 'namespace_poly_vox.html#aa1463ece448c6ebed55ab429d6ae3e43',
'kind': 'typedef'},
'QScriptContext::throwError': {'arglist': {'( Error error, const QString & text )': 'qscriptcontext.html#throwError',
'( const QString & text )': 'qscriptcontext.html#throwError-2'},
'kind': 'function'},
'QScriptContext::toString': {'arglist': {'()': 'qscriptcontext.html#toString'},
'kind': 'function'}}
Note the different form for functions. This is required to allow for ‘overloading by argument type’.
To access a filename for a symbol you do:
symbol_mapping = mapping[symbol]
if symbol_mapping['kind'] == 'function':
url = symbol_mapping['arglist'][argument_string]
url = symbol_mapping['file']
Parameters : |
Returns: | a dictionary mapping fully qualified symbols to files |
Return a mapping to a single URL in the form. This is needed since mapping entries for functions are more complicated due to function overriding.
If the mapping to be returned is not a function, this will simply return the mapping entry intact. If the entry is a function it will attempt to get the right version based on the function signature.
Parameters : |
Returns: | dictionary something like: {'kind' : 'function', 'file' : 'something.html#foo'}
Takes a c++ symbol or funtion and splits it into symbol and a normalised argument list.
Parameters : |
Returns: | a tuple consisting of two strings: (qualified function name or symbol, normalised argument list) |