Source code for speedml.feature

Speedml Feature component with methods that work on dataset features or the feature engineering workflow. Contact author Code, docs and demos

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division,
                        print_function, unicode_literals)
from builtins import *

from speedml.base import Base
from speedml.util import DataFrameImputer

import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
import re

[docs]class Feature(Base):
[docs] def drop(self, features): """ Drop one or more list of strings naming ``features`` from train and test datasets. """ start = Base.train.shape[1] Base.train = Base.train.drop(features, axis=1) Base.test = Base.test.drop(features, axis=1) end = Base.train.shape[1] message = 'Dropped {} features with {} features available.' return message.format(start - end, end)
[docs] def impute(self): """ Replace empty values in the entire dataframe with median value for numerical features and most common values for text features. """ start = Base.train.isnull().sum().sum() Base.test[] = -1 combine = Base.train.append(Base.test) combine = DataFrameImputer().fit_transform(combine) Base.train = combine[0:Base.train.shape[0]] Base.test = combine[Base.train.shape[0]::] Base.test = Base.test.drop([], axis=1) end = Base.train.isnull().sum().sum() message = 'Imputed {} empty values to {}.' return message.format(start, end)
[docs] def mapping(self, a, data): """ Convert values for categorical feature ``a`` using ``data`` dictionary. Use when number of categories are limited otherwise use labels. """ Base.train[a] = Base.train[a].apply(lambda x: data[x]) Base.test[a] = Base.test[a].apply(lambda x: data[x])
[docs] def fillna(self, a, new): """ Fills empty or null values in ``a`` feature name with ``new`` string value. """ start = Base.train[a].isnull().sum() + Base.test[a].isnull().sum() Base.train[a] = Base.train[a].fillna(new) Base.test[a] = Base.test[a].fillna(new) message = 'Filled {} null values across test and train datasets.' return message.format(start)
[docs] def replace(self, a, match, new): """ In feature ``a`` values ``match`` string or list of strings and replace with a ``new`` string. """ if type(match) is str: # [TODO] What is the performance cost of message ops? start = Base.train[Base.train[a] == match][a].shape[0] + Base.test[Base.test[a] == match][a].shape[0] message = 'Replaced {} matching values across train and test datasets.' message = message.format(start) else: # [TODO] Can we possibly use pandas.isin to check counts? message = 'Replaced matching list of strings across train and test datasets.' Base.train[a] = Base.train[a].replace(match, new) Base.test[a] = Base.test[a].replace(match, new) return message
[docs] def outliers(self, a, lower = None, upper = None): """ Fix outliers for ``lower`` or ``upper`` or both percentile of values within ``a`` feature. """ if upper: upper_value = np.percentile(Base.train[a].values, upper) change = Base.train.loc[Base.train[a] > upper_value, a].shape[0] Base.train.loc[Base.train[a] > upper_value, a] = upper_value message = 'Fixed {} or {:.2f}% upper outliers. '.format(change, change/Base.train.shape[0]*100) if lower: lower_value = np.percentile(Base.train[a].values, lower) change = Base.train.loc[Base.train[a] < lower_value, a].shape[0] Base.train.loc[Base.train[a] < lower_value, a] = lower_value message = message + 'Fixed {} or {:.2f}% lower outliers.'.format(change, change/Base.train.shape[0]*100) return message
def _density_by_feature(self, a): vals = Base.train[a].value_counts() dvals = vals.to_dict() Base.train[a + '_density'] = Base.train[a].apply(lambda x: dvals.get(x, vals.min())) Base.test[a + '_density'] = Base.test[a].apply(lambda x: dvals.get(x, vals.min()))
[docs] def density(self, a): """ Create new feature named ``a`` feature name + suffix '_density', based on density or value_counts for each unique value in ``a`` feature specified as a string or multiple features as a list of strings. """ if isinstance(a, str): self._density_by_feature(a) if isinstance(a, list): for feature in a: self._density_by_feature(feature)
[docs] def add(self, a, num): """ Update ``a`` numeric feature by adding ``num`` number to each values. """ Base.train[a] = Base.train[a] + num Base.test[a] = Base.test[a] + num
[docs] def sum(self, new, a, b): """ Create ``new`` numeric feature by adding ``a`` + ``b`` feature values. """ Base.train[new] = Base.train[a] + Base.train[b] Base.test[new] = Base.test[a] + Base.test[b]
[docs] def diff(self, new, a, b): """ Create ``new`` numeric feature by subtracting ``a`` - ``b`` feature values. """ Base.train[new] = Base.train[a] - Base.train[b] Base.test[new] = Base.test[a] - Base.test[b]
[docs] def product(self, new, a, b): """ Create ``new`` numeric feature by multiplying ``a`` * ``b`` feature values. """ Base.train[new] = Base.train[a] * Base.train[b] Base.test[new] = Base.test[a] * Base.test[b]
[docs] def divide(self, new, a, b): """ Create ``new`` numeric feature by dividing ``a`` / ``b`` feature values. Replace division-by-zero with zero values. """ Base.train[new] = Base.train[a] / Base.train[b] Base.test[new] = Base.test[a] / Base.test[b] # Histograms require finite values Base.train[new] = Base.train[new].replace([np.inf, -np.inf], 0) Base.test[new] = Base.test[new].replace([np.inf, -np.inf], 0)
[docs] def round(self, new, a, precision): """ Create ``new`` numeric feature by rounding ``a`` feature value to ``precision`` decimal places. """ Base.train[new] = round(Base.train[a], precision) Base.test[new] = round(Base.test[a], precision)
[docs] def concat(self, new, a, sep, b): """ Create ``new`` text feature by concatenating ``a`` and ``b`` text feature values, using ``sep`` separator. """ Base.train[new] = Base.train[a].astype(str) + sep + Base.train[b].astype(str) Base.test[new] = Base.test[a].astype(str) + sep + Base.test[b].astype(str)
[docs] def list_len(self, new, a): """ Create ``new`` numeric feature based on length or item count from ``a`` feature containing list object as values. """ Base.train[new] = Base.train[a].apply(len) Base.test[new] = Base.test[a].apply(len)
[docs] def word_count(self, new, a): """ Create ``new`` numeric feature based on length or word count from ``a`` feature containing free-form text. """ Base.train[new] = Base.train[a].apply(lambda x: len(x.split(" "))) Base.test[new] = Base.test[a].apply(lambda x: len(x.split(" ")))
def _regex_text(self, regex, text): regex_search =, text) # If the word exists, extract and return it. if regex_search: return return ""
[docs] def extract(self, a, regex, new=None): """ Match ``regex`` regular expression with ``a`` text feature values to update ``a`` feature with matching text if ``new`` = None. Otherwise create ``new`` feature based on matching text. """ Base.train[new if new else a] = Base.train[a].apply(lambda x: self._regex_text(regex=regex, text=x)) Base.test[new if new else a] = Base.test[a].apply(lambda x: self._regex_text(regex=regex, text=x))
[docs] def labels(self, features): """ Generate numerical labels replacing text values from list of categorical ``features``. """ Base.test[] = -1 combine = Base.train.append(Base.test) le = LabelEncoder() for feature in features: combine[feature] = le.fit_transform(combine[feature]) Base.train = combine[0:Base.train.shape[0]] Base.test = combine[Base.train.shape[0]::] Base.test = Base.test.drop([], axis=1)