# Copyright (c) 2014, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
# of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
"""Tools for dynamically generating thrift code"""
import distutils.spawn
import imp
import os.path
import tempfile
from six import iterkeys, iteritems
from sparts import ctx
from sparts.compat import OrderedDict, check_output
from sparts.fileutils import NamedTemporaryDirectory
def compile(path, root='.', debug=False, **kwargs):
"""Return a compiled thrift file module from `path`
Additional kwargs may be passed to indicate options to the thrift compiler:
- new_style [default:True]: Use new-style classes
- twisted [default:False]: Generated twisted-friendly bindings
- tornado [default:False]: Generate tornado-friendly bindings
- utf8strings [default:False]: Use unicode strings instead of native
- slots [default:True]: Use __slots__ in generated structs
comp = CompileContext(root=root, debug=debug)
return comp.compileThriftFileAt(path, **kwargs)
def _require_executable(name):
"""Given `name`, assert on and return the path to that binary."""
path = distutils.spawn.find_executable(name)
assert path is not None, 'Unable to find %s in PATH' % repr(name)
return path
class CompileContext(object):
def __init__(self, root='.', debug=False):
self.root = root
self.thrift_bin = _require_executable('thrift')
self.include_dirs = OrderedDict()
self.dep_files = {}
self.dep_contents = {}
self.debug = debug
def makeTemporaryIncludeDir(self):
d = NamedTemporaryDirectory(prefix='tsrc_')
56 if self.debug:
for k, v in iteritems(self.dep_contents):
d.writefile(k, v)
60 for k, v in iteritems(self.dep_files):
d.symlink(k, v)
return d
def makeIncludeArgs(self, temp_include_dir=None):
result = []
for k in iterkeys(self.include_dirs):
result += ['-I', k]
71 if temp_include_dir is not None:
result += ['-I', temp_include_dir.name]
return result
def getThriftOptions(self, new_style=True, twisted=False, tornado=False,
utf8strings=False, slots=True, dynamic=False,
dynbase=None, dynexc=None, dynimport=None):
param = 'py'
options = []
81 if new_style:
82 if twisted:
assert not tornado
86 if tornado:
89 if utf8strings:
96 if slots:
# TODO: Dynamic import jonx
99 if len(options):
param += ':' + ','.join(options)
return param
def addIncludeDir(self, path):
assert os.path.exists(path) and os.path.isdir(path)
self.include_dirs[os.path.abspath(path)] = True
def addDependentFilePath(self, path):
assert os.path.exists(path)
self.dep_files[os.path.basename(path)] = os.path.abspath(path)
path = os.path.dirname(path) or '.'
def addDependentFileContents(self, name, contents):
self.dep_contents[name] = contents
def importThriftStr(self, payload, **kwargs):
"""Compiles a thrift file from string `payload`"""
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.thrift') as f:
120 if self.debug:
f.delete = False
return self.importThrift(f.name, **kwargs)
def importThrift(self, path, **kwargs):
"""Compiles a .thrift file, importing its contents into its return value"""
path = os.path.abspath(path)
assert os.path.exists(path)
assert os.path.isfile(path)
srcdir = self.makeTemporaryIncludeDir()
pathbase = os.path.basename(path)
srcdir.symlink(pathbase, path)
outdir = NamedTemporaryDirectory(prefix='to1_')
outdir_recurse = NamedTemporaryDirectory(prefix='tor_')
139 if self.debug:
args = [self.thrift_bin] + self.makeIncludeArgs(srcdir) + \
["--gen", self.getThriftOptions(**kwargs), '-v',
"-out", outdir.name, srcdir.join(pathbase)]
args = [self.thrift_bin] + self.makeIncludeArgs(srcdir) + \
["--gen", self.getThriftOptions(**kwargs), '-v', '-r',
"-out", outdir_recurse.name, srcdir.join(pathbase)]
# Prepend output directory to the path
with ctx.add_path(outdir_recurse.name, 0):
thriftname = os.path.splitext(pathbase)[0]
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(outdir.name):
# Emulate relative imports badly
dirpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(outdir, dirpath))
with ctx.add_path(dirpath):
# Add types to module first
if 'ttypes.py' in filenames:
ttypes = self.importPython(dirpath + '/ttypes.py')
result = ttypes
# Then constants
if 'constants.py' in filenames:
result = self.mergeModules(
self.importPython(dirpath + '/constants.py'),
for filename in filenames:
# Skip pyremotes
if not filename.endswith('.py') or \
filename == '__init__.py':
# Attach services as attributes on the module.
svcpath = dirpath + '/' + filename
svcname = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
svcmod = self.importPython(svcpath)
svcmod.__file__ = os.path.abspath(svcpath)
svcmod.__name__ = '%s.%s (generated)' % \
(thriftname, svcname)
setattr(result, svcname, svcmod)
assert result is not None, "No files generated by %s" % (path, )
# Set the __file__ attribute to the .thrift file instead
# of the dynamically generated jonx
result.__file__ = os.path.abspath(path)
result.__name__ = thriftname + " (generated)"
return result
def mergeModules(self, module1, module2):
198 if module1 is None:
return module2
201 if module2 is None:
return module1
for k in dir(module2):
setattr(module1, k, getattr(module2, k))
return module1
def importPython(self, path):
"""Create a new module from code at `path`.
Does not pollute python's module cache"""
assert os.path.exists(path)
# Any special variables we want to include in execution context
orig_locals = {}
exec_locals = orig_locals.copy()
# Keep a copy of the module cache prior to execution
with ctx.module_snapshot():
execfile(path, exec_locals, exec_locals)
# Generate a new module object, and assign the modified locals
# as attributes on it.
result = imp.new_module(path)
for k, v in exec_locals.iteritems():
setattr(result, k, v)
return result