Bases: object
A broadcast object mimics the behavior of Numpy broadcasting.
Takes an input of shape (x, y) and a desired output shape (x, y, z), the broadcast object reports shape=(x,y,z) and overrides __getitem__ to return the appropriate values.
Bases: object
Return a local numpy array for the given region.
If necessary, data will be copied from remote hosts to fill the region. :param region: Extent indicating the region to fetch.
Return the table shard with the best locality for extent ex. :param table: :param ex:
Split an array of shape shape into Extent`s containing roughly `TILE_SIZE elements.
Parameters: |
Return type: | list of Extent |
Bases: object
A rectangular tile of a distributed array.
These correspond (roughly) to a slice taken from an array (without any step component).
Arrays are indexed from the upper-left; for an array of shape (sx, sy, sz): (0,0...) is the upper-left corner of an array, and (sx,sy,sz...) the lower-right.
Extents are represented by an upper-left corner (inclusive) and a lower right corner (exclusive): [ul, lr). In addition, they carry the shape of the array they are a part of; this is used to compute global position information.
Return type: | The intersection of the 2 extents as a TileExtent, or None if the intersection is empty. |
Return a new TileExtent representing base[idx]
Parameters: |
Create a new extent with the given coordinates and array shape.
Parameters: |
Return the extents that overlap with region.
Parameters: |
Given a list of extents, return the shape of the array necessary to fit all of them. :param extents:
Construct a TileExtent from a slice or tuple of slices.
Parameters: |
Return type: | TileExtent corresponding to idx. |
Return type: | The intersection of the 2 extents as a TileExtent, or None if the intersection is empty. |
Parameters: |
Return type: | A new extent using this extent as a basis, instead of (0,0,0...) |
Parameters: |
Return type: | A slice representing the local offsets of other into this tile. |
Return the shape for the result of applying a reduction along axis to an input of shape input_shape. :param input_shape: :param axis:
Bases: object
A tile of an array: an extent (offset + size) and data for that extent.
Return a tile for src, masked to update the area specifed by overlap.
Parameters: |