Experimental asyncio API


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The asyncio API is not thoroughly unit tested, use with caution. Please report issues on GitHub.

class spacetrack.aio.AsyncSpaceTrackClient(identity, password)[source]

Bases: spacetrack.base.SpaceTrackClient

Asynchronous SpaceTrack client class.

This class should be considered experimental.

It must be closed by calling close(). Alternatively, instances of this class can be used as a context manager.

  • identity – Space-Track username.
  • password – Space-Track password.

For more information, refer to the Space-Track documentation.


Close aiohttp session.

generic_request(class_, iter_lines=False, iter_content=False, **kwargs)[source]

Generic Space-Track query coroutine.

The request class methods use this method internally; the following two lines are equivalent:

await spacetrack.tle_publish(*args, **kwargs)
await spacetrack.generic_request('tle_publish', *args, **kwargs)
  • class – Space-Track request class name
  • iter_lines – Yield result line by line
  • iter_content – Yield result in 100 KiB chunks.
  • **kwargs

    These keywords must match the predicate fields on Space-Track. You may check valid keywords with the following snippet:

    spacetrack = AsyncSpaceTrackClient(...)
    await spacetrack.tle.get_predicates()
    # or
    await spacetrack.get_predicates('tle')

    See _stringify_predicate_value() for which Python objects are converted appropriately.


Lines—stripped of newline characters—if iter_lines=True


100 KiB chunks if iter_content=True


Parsed JSON object, unless format keyword argument is passed.


Passing format='json' will return the JSON unparsed. Do not set format if you want the parsed JSON object returned!


Get full predicate information for given request class, and cache for subsequent calls.