smis Installation Guide

The smis library is provides as Python package at the Python Package Index and as source code, which can be obtained from its GitHub repository. The following sections describe the requirements and installation process of the library.

Software Requirements

The library is currently implemented using Python 2.7.x, and it is being tested using that version. It may work under Python 3.x, but I haven’t tested the functionality. If you decided to use the source version of the library, downloaded from its GitHub repository, you will have to use Python 2.7.x to insure all the requirements can be satisfied in your environment for development.

Due to some security restriction accessing the Autodesk InfraWorks 360 Model Information Service, the minimum version of Python required is 2.7.9. This is due to the fact that the Autodesk InfraWorks 360 Model Information Service requires secure requests using the TLS 1.2 protocol, which is supported out of the box by Python 2.7.9 or higher.

Python 2.7.9 or higher also comes pre-packaged with pip, which allows to install the library from Python Package Index, which is the recommended procedure.

Access Requirements

In order to access the Autodesk InfraWorks 360 Model Information Service, you need to request a consumer key and secret that will enable your application to access the service. You can request the consumer key and secret by contacting Autodesk A.D.N.

Installing the Library using PIP

The installation using pip through Python Package Index is identical to other python packages. The library will be installed into your site-packages folder and will become available to your Python environment:

> pip install smis


I prefer and recommend to create a virtual environment for each application I work in Python, that way, I don’t clutter the global Python environment. You can create a virtual environment for your smis applications by following the instructions in the virtualenv documentation site.

Downloading the Source Code

If you plan to contribute or if you would like to checkout the code, you can get the library source from its GitHub repository. Once you download the source to your machine, you will need to install all the required packages to insure everything is setup correctly:

> git clone
> pip install -r requirements.txt

To insure you have the project setup correctly, you can execute all the tests, and if no errors are found, then your environment has been setup correctly (see notes about Setting Up Credentials):

# Executing the unit tests.
> nosetests ./tests/unit

# Executing acceptance tests.
> behave ./tests/acceptance

Setting Up Credentials

To contribute to the source, you need to insure that all the test automation is working; therefore, you need to run the tests. There are two test harness: a unit test harness which verifies the low-level implementation of the library and that can be executed without credentials; and an acceptance test harness that performs calls into the live service to insure the library functionality works as expected. For the later, you need to setup your credentials.

There are two sets of credentials required for any application to be able to access the service. First, you need to request a consumer key and secret unique to each application you intend to develop. This includes the ability to run the acceptance tests (see Access Requirements). You also need an active user in Autodesk 360 because all requests to Autodesk InfraWorks 360 Model Information Service are performed on behalf of a user.

Once you have both sets of credentials you can create a smis.txt file in the user directory in your system. The file uses a standard .ini format for the parameters:

consumer_key=<replace with your consumer key>
consumer_secret=<replace with your consumer secret>
user_name=<replace with your user name usually your email>
password=<replace with your password>

The acceptance test harness will load your credentials from this file, and will allow you run the automation.
