
Development takes places on GitHub, see <>.

External libraries

There are very few actual rules for slugging inside the library itself, most of these come from external libraries. These are:

  • glibc‘s locales, the LC_CTYPE section
  • unihandecode, a fork of unidecode that also handles asian languages other than chinese. unihandecode itself brings in four different transcription libraries for Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese.

This is done mainly to offset the weaknesses of the respective libraries, as glibc handles asian transliterations rather poorly and incomplete, while unidecode (and with this, unihandecode) doesn’t handle any language specific substitutions at all.

The glibc-locale parser

The script contains a parser for glibc-locale files and extracts the LC_CTYPE section to use with the script. Try python --help for a bit of help.

Generating the localedata files

First, make sure the development dependencies are installed:

$ pip install click remember logbook

Afterwards, if you haven’t done so, checkout the glibc-submodule:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Now the glcp tool can be used to generate the necessary localedata.

$ mkdir -p slugger/localedata
$ glcp -o slugger/localedata glibc/localedata/locales/*


Slugger is licensed under the LGPL license like glibc, as it uses an integral part of that library (the localedata information).