slippinj.generator package


slippinj.generator.hive_templates module

class slippinj.generator.hive_templates.HiveTemplatesRender(self_, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: slippinj.generator.wf_templates.WfTemplatesRender

Process templates to generate custom Hive scripts

render_hive_folder(template_dir, template, output_folder, tables_configuration)[source]

Render all the templates related to hive :param template_dir: string :param template: string :param output_folder: string :param tables_configuration: dict

slippinj.generator.templates_lib module

class slippinj.generator.templates_lib.TemplatesLib(self_, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Manage all the templates library interaction

render(base_directory, template_file, template_vars)[source]

Render the given template with the template_vars :param base_directory: string Path where the template can be found :param template_file: string :param template_vars: dict :return: string

slippinj.generator.wf_templates module

class slippinj.generator.wf_templates.WfTemplatesRender(self_, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Proccess the templates to generate a whole Oozie Workflow using Jinja2 syntax

render_workflow_folder(base_directory, template_dir, output_folder, template_vars)[source]

From the given template render all the files found inside and recreate the structure into output directory :param base_directory: string :param template_dir: string :param output_folder: string :param template_vars: dict

Module contents