ID-generating decorators

In cases where you want to generate IDs automatically, decorators are available. These should be the outermost decorators, as they change the signature of some of the put methods slightly.

>>> from simplekv.memory import DictStore
>>> from simplekv.idgen import HashDecorator
>>> store = HashDecorator(DictStore())
>>> key = store.put(None, b'my_data') #  note the passing of 'None' as key
>>> print(key)
class simplekv.idgen.HashDecorator(decorated_store, hashfunc=<built-in function openssl_sha1>, template='{}')

Hash function decorator

Overrides KeyValueStore.put() and KeyValueStore.put_file(). If a key of None is passed, the data/file is hashed using hashfunc, which defaults to hashlib.sha1.

class simplekv.idgen.UUIDDecorator(store, template='{}')

UUID generating decorator

Overrides KeyValueStore.put() and KeyValueStore.put_file(). If a key of None is passed, a new UUID will be generated as the key. The attribute uuidfunc determines which UUID-function to use and defaults to ‘uuid1’.


There seems to be a bug in the uuid module that prevents initializing uuidfunc too early. For that reason, it is a string that will be looked up using getattr() on the uuid module.