List all the contents of comments made on a single Gist by providing the GistName/GistID and USERNAME if the gist is not yours.
Fetch all the comments on a Gist listall(name='*gistname*') listall(id='*gistid*').
# listing comments on your gist = *GISTNAME*
# listing comments on a gist of user = *GITHUBUSERNAME*
GHgist.comments().listall(user='GITHUBUSERNAME', name='GISTNAME')
Fetch any comment’s contents just by providing it’s GistName/GistID along with the CommentID.
- name/id - GistName/GistID
- Required
- commentid - commentid of a comment
- Required
GHgist.comments().get(name='bootstrap-min.css', commentid='862438')
Post a comment on a Gist providing GistName/GistID, BODY of Comment and USERNAME. Commenting on your own Gist doesn’t require USERNAME as an argument.
- name/id - GistName/GistID
- Required
- body - contents of a comment to be posted
- Required
- user - comment on a Github user’s gist
- Optional if commenting on your Gist only Required if commenting on others Gist
# commenting on your own Gist with id='*GISTID*' and body='*CONTENTS_OF_COMMENT*'
GHgist.comments().create(id='5948962', body='hello')
# commenting on Github user = '*USERNAME*' with name='*GISTNAME*' with body='*CONTENTS_OF_COMMENT*'
GHgist.comments().create(user='caspyin',name='', body='very helpful')
Edit Body of any comment on a Gist by providing GistName/GistID, commentID, BODY to be edited and USERNAME (if the Gist is not yours).
GHgist.comments().edit(name='bootstrap-min.css', commentid='862438',body='heya! world')
Delete any comment you have made on a Gist by provoding GistName/GistID along with commentID.
user must be authenticated
GHgist.comments().delete(name='bootstrap-min.css', commentid='862454')