Examples ======== .. _token-gen-example: A Mock Google Token Generator ----------------------------- Transform a UUID into a form that looks similar to Google temporary passwords. :: from uuid import uuid4 from shorten.key import bx_encode def group(string, n): return [string[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(string), n)] class GoogleTokenGenerator(object): """\ This will produce 16 character alphabetic revokation tokens similar to the ones Google uses for its application-specific passwords. Google tokens are of the form: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx with alphabetic characters only. """ alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' def create_token(self, key): token_length = 16 group_size = 4 groups = token_length/group_size # Generate a random UUID uuid = uuid4() # Convert it to a number with the given alphabet, # padding with the 0-symbol as needed) token = shorten.key.bx_encode(int(uuid.hex, 16), self.alphabet) token = token.rjust(token_length, self.alphabet[0]) return '-'.join(group(token, group_size)[:groups]) from shorten import MemoryStore store = MemoryStore(token_generator=GoogleTokenGenerator()) key, token = store.insert('aardvark') # 'mmoy-vvwg-trhc-uzqq' token URL Shortening Service ---------------------- Imitate goo.gl, bit.ly, tinyurl and countless other URL shortening services in under a hundred lines of code. `Flask `_, `rfc3987 `_ and `redis `_ are required. .. code:: sh $ virtualenv --no-site-packages .python && source .python/bin/activate $ pip install flask rfc3987 redis Our API will read in a URL from a POST variable and return JSON containing the shortened link and the revokation URL. Proper HTTP response codes are also returned - 400 for errors and 200 for successful operations. Let's set up the Flask skeleton code: :: from flask import Flask, request, redirect, url_for from flask import jsonify as _jsonify def jsonify(obj, status_code=200): obj['status'] = 'error' if 'error' in obj else 'okay' res = _jsonify(obj) res.status_code = status_code return res app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/', methods=['POST']) def shorten(): pass @app.route('/', methods=['GET']) def bounce(): pass @app.route('/r', methods=['POST']) def revoke(token): pass After creating a Redis connection, the store should be created with a minimum key length (as to not conflict with site URLs) and a URL-safe alphabet: :: import redis from shorten import RedisStore, NamespacedFormatter, UUIDTokenGenerator from shorten import alphabets redis_client = redis.Redis() formatter = NamespacedFormatter('shorten') token_gen = UUIDTokenGenerator() store = RedisStore(redis_client=redis_client, min_length=3, counter_key='shorten:counter_key', formatter=formatter, token_gen=token_gen, alphabet=alphabets.URLSAFE_DISSIMILAR) Now the endpoint functions can be filled out: :: from rfc3987 import parse from werkzeug import iri_to_uri from shorten import RevokeError def valid_url(url): return bool(parse(url, rule='URI_reference')) @app.route('/', methods=['POST']) def shorten(): url = request.form['url'].strip() if not valid_url(url): return jsonify({'error': str(e)}, 400) key, token = store.insert(url) url = url_for('bounce', key=key, _external=True) revoke = url_for('revoke', token=token, _external=True) return jsonify({'url': url, 'revoke': revoke}) @app.route('/', methods=['GET']) def bounce(key): try: uri = store[key] return redirect(iri_to_uri(uri)) except KeyError as e: return jsonify({'error': 'url not found'}, 400) @app.route('/r/', methods=['POST']) def revoke(token): try: store.revoke(token) except RevokeError as e: return jsonify({'error': e}, 400) The above code can be found in ``example.py``. To run the server, install gevent and Gunicorn, then run Gunicorn in the same directory as ``example.py``: .. code:: sh $ pip install gunicorn gevent $ gunicorn example:app -b -w 3 -k gevent_wsgi