# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2010 - 2015 Dharmesh Patel <mr.dlpatel@gmail.com>.
# Licence : BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
from shoppingCart.tax import calculate
from shoppingCart.utils import id_from_object, get_dict_of_ids, get_list_of_ids
__all__ = ['Cart']
[docs]class Cart(object):
Collection of :class:`CartItem` objects.
def __init__(self, site=None, customer=None):
:param site: Unique id or name of :class:`Site` object or instance of :class:`Site`.
:param customer: Unique id or name of :class:`Customer` object or instance of :class:`Customer`.
self.site = site
self.customer = customer
def __intiallize(self):
To intiallize or reset class member variable's value.
self.__items = list()
self.__taxes = list()
self.currency_rate = 1
self.price_accuracy = 2
self.currency_symbol = '€'
self.currency_code = 'EUR'
self.__shipping_charge = 0.0
self.shipping_method = 'Flat Rate Per Order'
self.tax_type = 'excluded'
self.__discounts = list()
[docs] def add_item(self, product, price=0.0, quantity=1, taxes=[], options={}):
To add or update product, price, quantity, taxes and options in :class:`CartItem` object.
:param product: Unique id or name of :class:`Product` object or instance of :class:`Product`.
:param price: Product price.
:param quantity: Product quantity(default 1).
:param taxes: Taxes of the product(default []).
:param options: Options of the product(default {}).
if not isinstance(quantity, (int, float)):
raise TypeError('quantity field value must be integer or float type', 'quantity')
elif not (quantity or quantity >= 1):
raise ValueError('quantity field value must be greater then 1', 'quantity')
option_values = []
for option_value in options.values():
if isinstance(option_value, dict):
option_value = option_value.keys()[0]
cart_item = self.find_item(product, option_values)
if cart_item:
cart_item.update_quantity(cart_item.quantity + quantity)
if not price:
raise ValueError('price value is 0.0')
elif not isinstance(price, (int, float)):
raise TypeError('price value must be integer or float type', 'price')
cart_item = CartItem(self, product, price, quantity, taxes, options)
[docs] def update_item(self, product, quantity, option_values=[]):
To update :class:`CartItem` object quantity.
:param product: Unique id or name of :class:`Product` object or instance of :class:`Product`.
:param quantity: Updated quantity.
:param option_values: Option values of the product(default []).
if not isinstance(quantity, (int, float)):
raise TypeError('quantity field value must be integer or float type', 'price')
elif not (quantity or quantity >= 1):
raise ValueError('quantity field value must be greater then 1')
cart_item = self.find_item(product, option_values)
if cart_item:
[docs] def remove_item(self, product, option_values=[]):
To remove existing :class:`CartItem` object related to product.
:param product: Unique id or name of :class:`Product` object or instance of :class:`Product`.
:param option_values: Option values of the product(default []).
cart_item = self.find_item(product, option_values)
if cart_item:
[docs] def remove_items(self):
To remove all existing :class:`CartItem` objects.
self.__items = list()
[docs] def find_item(self, product, option_values=[]):
To find :class:`CartItem` object related to product.
:param product: Unique id or name of :class:`Product` object or instance of :class:`Product`.
:param option_values: Option values of the product(default []).
:return: :class:`CartItem` object if cart item is exist else None.
product = id_from_object(product)
option_values = get_list_of_ids(option_values)
for cart_item in self.__items:
cart_product = id_from_object(cart_item.product)
if not cmp(cart_product, product):
if option_values:
if not cart_item.has_options:
cart_item_option_values = []
cart_item_options = get_dict_of_ids(cart_item.get_options())
for option, option_value in cart_item_options.items():
if isinstance(option_value, dict):
option_value = option_value.keys()[0]
if not cmp(option_values, cart_item_option_values):
return cart_item
if not cart_item.has_options:
return cart_item
return None
[docs] def get_items(self):
:return: List of :class:`CartItem` objects.
return self.__items
[docs] def add_discount(self, amount, type='percentage'):
To apply discount.
:param amount: Discount amount.
:param type: Discount type like 'percentage' or 'amount'(default amount).
self.__discounts.append({'amount': amount, 'type': type})
[docs] def remove_discounts(self):
To remove all applied discounts.
self.__discounts = list()
[docs] def get_discounts(self):
:return: List of applied discounts.
return self.__discounts
[docs] def add_tax(self, amount, type='percentage'):
To apply taxes.
:param tax: Tax amount according to country region.
:param type: Tax type like 'percentage' or 'fixed'(default percentage).
:return: True if tax is applied and tax is already exist then False.
if not isinstance(amount, (int, float)):
raise TypeError('tax field value must be integer or float type', 'price')
if type not in ('percentage', 'fixed'):
raise ValueError('type field value must be `percentage` or `fixed`', 'type')
tax_exist = self.find_tax(amount, type)
if not tax_exist:
self.__taxes.append({'amount': amount, 'type': type})
return True
return False
[docs] def remove_tax(self, amount, type='percentage'):
To remove existing tax.
:param amount: Tax amount according to country region.
:param type: Tax type like 'percentage' or 'fixed'(defualt percentage).
if not isinstance(amount, (int, float)):
raise TypeError('tax field value must be integer or float type', 'price')
tax_exist = self.find_tax(amount, type)
if tax_exist:
self.__taxes.remove({'amount': amount, 'type': type})
return True
return False
[docs] def remove_taxes(self):
To remove all applied taxes.
self.__taxes = list()
[docs] def find_tax(self, amount, type='percentage'):
To find applied tax.
:param amount: Tax amount according to country region.
:param type: Tax type like 'percentage' or 'fixed'(defualt percentage).
:return: True if tax is exist else False.
if {'amount': amount, 'type': type} in self.__taxes:
return True
return False
[docs] def get_taxes(self):
:return: list of applied taxes.
taxes = []
for cart_item in self.get_items():
return taxes
[docs] def sub_total(self):
:return: Total cart amount(without discount deduction).
total = 0.0
for cart_item in self.__items:
total += cart_item.sub_total()
return round(total, self.price_accuracy)
[docs] def total_discount(self):
:return: Total discount amount.
total_discount = 0.0
for cart_item in self.get_items():
total_discount += cart_item.discount_amount()
return round(total_discount, self.price_accuracy)
[docs] def total_untaxed_amount(self):
:return: Untaxed amount after deducating discount amount.
total_untaxed_amount = self.sub_total() - self.total_discount()
if self.tax_type == 'included':
total_untaxed_amount -= self.total_tax()
return round(total_untaxed_amount, self.price_accuracy)
[docs] def total_tax(self):
:return: Total tax amount.
total_tax = 0.0
if self.tax_type == 'included':
total = self.sub_total() - self.total_discount()
total = self.total_untaxed_amount()
total_tax = calculate(total, self.__taxes, self.tax_type, self.currency_rate, self.price_accuracy)
for cart_item in self.get_items():
total_tax += cart_item.tax_amount()
return round(total_tax, self.price_accuracy)
[docs] def total(self):
:return: Total amount(`tax excluded` or `tax included`) by adding total untaxed amount, total tax and shipping charge.
return round(self.total_untaxed_amount() + self.total_tax() + self.shipping_charge, self.price_accuracy)
[docs] def count(self):
:return: Total quantity.
for cart_item in self.get_items():
self.total_items += cart_item.quantity
return self.total_items
[docs] def clear(self):
To clean :class:`Cart` Object.
def is_empty(self):
:return: True if cart has an item else False.
if self.__items:
return False
return True
def is_discount_applied(self):
:return: True if discount is applied else False.
if self.__discounts:
return True
return False
def has_taxes(self):
:return: True if tax is applied else False.
if self.get_taxes():
return True
return False
def _get__shipping_charge(self):
:return: Shipping charge.
return round(self.__shipping_charge * self.currency_rate, self.price_accuracy)
def _set__shipping_charge(self, value):
To set shipping charge amount.
:param value: Shipping charge amount.
self.__shipping_charge = value
shipping_charge = property(_get__shipping_charge, _set__shipping_charge)
[docs]class CartItem(object):
Collection of :class:`Product` and it's quantity, taxes and options.
def __init__(self, cart, product, price, quantity, taxes=[], options={}):
:param cart: Instance of :class:`Cart`.
:param product: Unique id or name of :class:`Product` object or instance of :class:`Product`.
:param price: Product price.
:param quantity: Product quantity.
:param taxes: Taxes(default []).
:param options: Options(default {}).
for tax in taxes:
if not isinstance(tax, dict):
raise TypeError('taxes should be list of `dict` type value', 'taxes')
self.product = product
self.__price = price
self.quantity = quantity
self.__taxes = taxes
self.__options = options
self.__cart = cart
[docs] def update_quantity(self, quantity):
To update existing quantity related to :class:`Product` object.
:param quantity: Product quantity.
self.quantity = quantity
[docs] def get_options(self):
:return: Dict of product's option.
for option, option_value in self.__options.items():
if isinstance(option_value, dict):
for key, value in option_value.items():
if value.has_key('price'):
value['price'] = round(value['price'] * self.__cart.currency_rate, self.__cart.price_accuracy)
return self.__options
[docs] def get_taxes(self):
:return: List of applied taxes.
return self.__taxes
[docs] def sub_total(self):
:return: Total amount by multiplying product price and quantity(without discount deduction).
price = self.price
for option, option_value in self.get_options().items():
if isinstance(option_value, dict):
for key, value in option_value.items():
if value.has_key('price'):
price += value['price']
return round(price * self.quantity, self.__cart.price_accuracy)
[docs] def discount_amount(self):
:return: Discount amount.
discount_amount = 0.0
sub_total = self.sub_total()
for discount in self.__cart.get_discounts():
if discount['type'] == 'percentage':
discount_amount += round(sub_total * (float(discount['amount'])/100), self.__cart.price_accuracy)
elif discount['type'] == 'amount':
discount_amount += round(float(discount['amount']) * self.__cart.currency_rate, self.__cart.price_accuracy)
return round(discount_amount, self.__cart.price_accuracy)
[docs] def untaxed_amount(self):
:return: Untaxed amount(after deducating discount amount).
total = self.sub_total() - self.discount_amount()
if self.__cart.tax_type == 'included':
total -= self.tax_amount()
return round(total, self.__cart.price_accuracy)
[docs] def tax_amount(self):
:return: Tax amount.
tax_amount = 0.0
if self.__cart.tax_type == 'included':
total = self.sub_total() - self.discount_amount()
total = self.untaxed_amount()
tax_amount = calculate(total, self.__taxes, self.__cart.tax_type, self.__cart.currency_rate, self.__cart.price_accuracy)
return tax_amount
[docs] def total(self):
:return: Total amount(`tax excluded` or `tax included`) by adding untaxed and taxed amount.
return round(self.untaxed_amount() + self.tax_amount(), self.__cart.price_accuracy)
def has_options(self):
:return: True if product has an option else False.
if self.__options:
return True
return False
def has_taxes(self):
:return: True if product has tax else False.
if self.__taxes:
return True
return False
def _get_price(self):
:return: Price by multiplying currency rate.
return round(self.__price * self.__cart.currency_rate, self.__cart.price_accuracy)
def _set_price(self, value):
To set product price.
:param value: Product price.
self.__price = value
price = property(_get_price, _set_price)
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