
Each Semantic module (Units, Numbers, Dates, Solver) is packaged as a service. That is, to use the module, you must instantiate an object of type (for example) NumberService. This allows the user to parameterize their function calls universally (e.g., by providing a specific timezone to be used across extractions for the Date module).

Typical usage of the Date module, for example, might look like:

#!/usr/bin/env python
from semantic.dates import DateService

service = DateService()
date = service.extractDate("On March 3 at 12:15pm...")

Or, if the user were to provide a specific timezone (with pytz):

#!/usr/bin/env python
from semantic.dates import DateService
from pytz import timezone

service = DateService(tz=timezone('US/Eastern'))
date = service.extractDate("On March 3 at 12:15pm...")

The other modules function similarly; you can find a wide range of use cases and examples in the test suite.

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