Mocker ====== Extension for mocking http external resources. Usage ----- .. code-block:: python from seismograph.ext import mocker with mocker.path('/users/', json={'name': 'Username'}): pass @mocker.mock('/user/', json={'name': 'Username'}) def do_something(): pass some_api = mocker.declare_external_resource('/it/can/be/base/path') with some_api.path('/users/', json={'name': 'Username'}): pass @some_api.mock('/user/', json={'name': 'Username'}) def do_something(case): pass # or @some_api('/user/', json={'name': 'Username'}) def do_something(case): pass # You can to run server from program instance import seismograph class Program(seismograph.Program): def setup(self): self.ext('mocker').start() def teardown(self): self.ext('mocker').stop() # or from command line interface !! Need to require mocker where it using How to run mock server ---------------------- It's doing so .. code-block:: shell seismograph.mocker -m /absolute/path/to/mocks/dir -i -p 5000 or so .. code-block:: shell python -m seismograph.ext.mocker -m /absolute/path/to/mocks/dir -i -p 5000 Mock file --------- File extension to content type: * filename.html.mock - text/html * filename.json.mock - application/json Mock file example :: # This is comment line # # Order of lines is not important in reality # but body has to be in the end of file # # Meta data for response # URL is url rule from flask lib # GET 200 /hello # # Headers # Server: nginx/1.2.1 # # Remind, body has to be in the end # { "hello": "hello world!", "data": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], "test": { "test": 3.5 } } Config ------ You should to use **MOCKER_EX** option in config for configure extension. Config is python dictionary. +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | **PATH_TO_MOCKS** | Absolute path to directory where contains mock files | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | **PORT** | Port which listen mock server | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | **DEBUG** | Debug mode | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | **HOST** | Host for start server. Should set ip address. | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | **BLOCK_TIMEOUT** | Timeout for release mocked url | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+