Bases: seapy.base.Base
Class for junctions between components.
Parameters: |
__init__(name, system, shape, **properties) | Constructor. |
addComponent(component) | Add component to junction. |
addCoupling(subsystem_from, subsystem_to[, name]) | Add coupling to junction. |
addCouplingManual(name, model, ...) | Add a coupling to the junction, specifying manually which model to use for the coupling. |
Junction.df | |
disable([couplings]) | Disable this junction. |
enable([couplings]) | Enable this junction. |
info([attributes]) | Return dataframe. |
plot(quantity[, yscale]) | Plot quantity. |
removeComponent(component) | Remove component from junction. |
removeCoupling(coupling) | Remove coupling from junction. |
updateCouplings() | Update couplings. |
SORT | str(object=’‘) -> str |
classname | Name of class of the object. |
components | Components that are part of this junction. |
enabled | Switch indicating whether the object is enabled. |
frequency | Frequency. |
impedance | Total impedance at the coupling. |
included | Indicates whether the object is included in the analysis. |
linked_couplings | |
name | |
shape | Shape of the junction. |
subsystems | Subsystems that are used in this junction. |
subsystems_available | All available subsystems in this junction. |
Parameters: |
Add coupling to junction.
Parameters: |
Add a coupling to the junction, specifying manually which model to use for the coupling.
Parameters: |
Disable this junction. Optionally disable junctions’ couplings.
Parameters: | couplings (bool) – Disable couplings |
Enable this junction. Optionally enable junctions’ couplings.
Parameters: | couplings (bool) – Enable couplings |
Total impedance at the coupling.
Return type: | numpy.ndarray |
All couplings.
Remove component from junction.
Parameters: | component – Component to be removed. |
All available subsystems in this junction.
Returns: | Generator |
The method subsystems() lists all the subsystems that are used in couplings in this junction. This method lists all the subsystems that are part of the components in this junction. It therefore also includes subsystems that are not coupled to others.
See also