The following is a list of all physical quantities relevant to SEA.
Angular frequency is the frequency of an oscillation in unit radians per second (rad/s).
Speed of sound c describes the speed at which a wave passes through a medium.
Phase speed
Group speed
Radius of gyration or gyradius is the name of several related measures of the size of an object, a surface,
or an ensemble of points. It is calculated as the root mean square distance of the objects’ parts from either its center of gravity or a given axis.
The velocity level is given by
where is a reference velocity.
The power dissipation P in a subsystem i is given by
where is the loss factor of the subsystem.
The conductivity C describes the vibrational coupling. The coupling is however more often desribed by coupling loss factors. The conductivity and the coupling loss factor are related as
The modal density n is obtained by differentiating the mode count N with respect to the angular frequency .
Modal densities in SeaPy are as function of , so
The modal overlap M describes the overlap of modes and thus dissipation.
The modal energy e is the energy in a band per mode.
Loss factor describes the amount of energy lost per cycle.