Source code for seapy.couplings.couplingsurfaceplateacoustical

import numpy as np
from .coupling import Coupling

def radiation_efficiency(coupling, component):
    Radiation efficiency of a plate to a cavity and vice versa.

    * area of plate :math:`S = L_x L_y`
    * circumference of plate :math:`U = 2 (L_x + L_y)`
    * :math:`\\alpha  = \\sqrt{\\frac{f}{f_c}}`
    When :math:`f < 0.5 f_c`:
    .. math:: g_1 = \\frac{4}{\\pi^4} (1 - 2 \\alpha^2) (1 - \\alpha^2)^(-0.5) 
    When :math:`f > 0.5 f_c`:
    .. math:: g_1 = 0
    .. math::

    See TA2 Radiation plateapp_ta2
    #component = self.subsystem_from.component
    f = np.array(, dtype=complex)
    """Cast to complex numbers to prevent errors with sqrt further down."""
    fc = coupling.critical_frequency
    lc = coupling.critical_wavelength
    Lx = component.length
    Ly = component.width
    S = component.area
    U = 2.0 * (Lx + Ly)
    fc_band = (fc > coupling.frequency.lower) * (fc < coupling.frequency.upper)
    f_lower = fc > coupling.frequency.upper
    f_upper = fc < coupling.frequency.lower
    alpha = np.sqrt(f/fc)
    g1 =  ( 4.0 / np.pi**4.0 * (1.0 - 2.0 * alpha**2.0) / np.sqrt(1.0 - alpha**2.0) ) * (f < 0.5 * fc)
    g2 = 1.0 / (4.0 * np.pi**4.0) * (  (1.0 - alpha**2) * np.log((1.0+alpha)/(1.0-alpha)) + 2.0 * alpha ) / (1.0-alpha**2.0)**1.5
    sigma1 = lc**2.0 / S * (2.0 * g1 + U / lc * g2)
    sigma2 = np.sqrt(Lx/lc) + np.sqrt(Ly/lc)
    sigma3 = (1.0 - fc/f)**(-0.5)
    sigma1 = np.nan_to_num(sigma1)
    sigma2 = np.nan_to_num(sigma2)
    sigma3 = np.nan_to_num(sigma3)
    """Replace NaN with zeros"""
    sigma = sigma1 * f_lower + sigma2 * fc_band  + sigma3 * f_upper * (sigma3 < sigma2)
    sigma = np.real(np.nan_to_num(sigma))
    return sigma

def critical_frequency(subsystem_plate, subsystem_cavity):
    Critical frequency.
    .. math:: f_c = \\frac{ c_0^2 \\sqrt{3}  } {\\ pi c_L h}
    .. math:: f_c = \\frac{f c_0^2}{c_B^2}
    See Craik, table 3.3, page 51.
    return * (subsystem_cavity.soundspeed_group / subsystem_plate.component.subsystem_bend.soundspeed_phase)**2.0
    #return subsystem_cavity.soundspeed_group**2.0 / (1.81818181 * subsystem_plate.component.subsystem_long.soundspeed_group * subsystem_plate.component.height)
[docs]class CouplingSurfacePlateAcoustical(Coupling): """ A model describing the coupling between a plate and a cavity. """ @property def impedance_from(self): return self.subsystem_from.impedance @property def impedance_to(self): return self.subsystem_to.impedance @property
[docs] def critical_frequency(self): """ Critical frequency. .. math:: f_c = \\frac{ c_0^2 } {1.8 c_L t} See BAC, 3.2.2 script. """ return critical_frequency(self.subsystem_from, self.subsystem_to)
[docs] def critical_wavelength(self): """ Wavelength belonging to critical frequency. .. math:: \\lambda_c = c_{g} / f_c """ try: return self.subsystem_to.soundspeed_group / self.critical_frequency except FloatingPointError: return np.zeros(self.frequency.amount)
[docs] def radiation_efficiency(self): """ Radiation efficiency of a plate for bending waves. """ return radiation_efficiency(self, self.subsystem_from.component)
[docs] def clf(self): """ Coupling loss factor for plate to cavity radiation. .. math:: \\eta_{plate, cavity} = \\frac{\\rho_0 c_0 \\sigma}{\\omega m^{''}} .. attention:: Which speed of sound??? See BAC, equation 3.6 """ try: return self.subsystem_from.component.material.density * self.subsystem_to.soundspeed_group * \ self.radiation_efficiency / (self.frequency.angular * self.subsystem_from.component.mass_per_area) except (ZeroDivisionError, FloatingPointError): return np.zeros(self.frequency.amount)