Source code for seapy.couplings.couplingsurfaceacoustical

Acoustical surface coupling


import numpy as np
from .coupling import Coupling
from .couplingsurfaceplateacoustical import CouplingSurfacePlateAcoustical
[docs]def tau(f, fc, rho_0, rho_s, c_0, S, U=0.0): """Non-resonant transmission coefficient by Leppington et al (1987). :param f: Frequency :param fc: Critical frequency :param rho_0: Density air :param rho_s: Density plate :param c_0: Speed of sound in air :param S: Surface :param U: Shape function .. math:: \\tau = \\left( \\frac{\\rho_0 c_0}{\\pi f \\rho_s \\left(1-f^2/f_c^2 \\right)} \\right)^2 \\left( \\ln{\\left[ \\frac{2 \\pi f \\sqrt{S}}{c_0} \\right]} + 0.160 + U(l_x,l_y) + \\frac{1}{4 \\mu^6} \\left[(2\\mu^2-1)(\\mu^2+1)^2\\ln{\\left(\\mu^2-1\\right)} + (2\\mu^2+1)(\\mu^2-1)^2 \\ln{\\left(\\mu^2+1\\right)} - 4\\mu^2 - 8\\mu^6 \\ln{\\mu} \\right] \\right) See Craik, equation 4.22, page 101. .. note:: The shape function :math:`U(l_x,l_y)` is assumed to be zero. .. note:: The term B3*(C1 + C2 + C3) (see source) can be ignored except close to the critical frequency. We will nevertheless calculate them, and in case they become `nan` we replace the factor with zero. """ mu2 = fc/f # mu^2 A = ( rho_0 * c_0 / (np.pi*f*rho_s*(1.0-mu2**2.0)) )**2.0 B1 = np.log(2.0*np.pi*f*np.sqrt(S)/c_0) B2 = 0.160 + U #B3 = np.nan_to_num( 1.0 / (4.0*mu2**3.0) ) #C1 = np.nan_to_num( (2.0*mu2-1.0)*(mu2+1.0)**2.0*np.log(mu2-1.0) ) #C2 = np.nan_to_num( (2.0*mu2+1.0)*(mu2-1.0)**2.0*np.log(mu2+1.0) ) #C3 = np.nan_to_num( -4.0*mu2 - 8.0*mu2**3.0*np.log(np.sqrt(mu2)) ) B3 = ( 1.0 / (4.0*mu2**3.0) ) C1 = ( (2.0*mu2-1.0)*(mu2+1.0)**2.0*np.log(mu2-1.0) ) C2 = ( (2.0*mu2+1.0)*(mu2-1.0)**2.0*np.log(mu2+1.0) ) C3 = ( -4.0*mu2 - 8.0*mu2**3.0*np.log(np.sqrt(mu2)) ) #print('mu2' + str(mu2)) #print('A' + str(A)) #print('B1' + str(B1)) #print('B2' + str(B2)) #print('B3' + str(B3)) #print('C1' + str(C1)) #print('C2' + str(C2)) #print('C3' + str(C3)) return A * (B1 + B2 + np.nan_to_num( B3*(C1 + C2 + C3)) )
[docs]class CouplingSurfaceAcoustical(Coupling): """ Coupling for cavity3D to cavity transmission. """ @property def _coupling_plate(self): """Coupling between plate and room. """ for coupling in self.junction.linked_couplings: if isinstance(coupling, CouplingSurfacePlateAcoustical) and coupling.subsystem_to==self.subsystem_to: return coupling else: print(self) raise ValueError("No coupling between plate and room present.") #density = None #"""Density of the wall between the rooms. #.. note:: This attribute might in the future be replaced by a reference to the component representing the wall. #""" @property
[docs] def area(self): """Area. """ return self._coupling_plate.subsystem_from.component.area
[docs] def impedance_from(self): """ Choses the right impedance of subsystem_from. Applies boundary conditions correction as well. """ return self.subsystem_from.impedance
[docs] def impedance_to(self): """ Choses the right impedance of subsystem_from. Applies boundary conditions correction as well. """ return self.subsystem_to.impedance
[docs] def tau(self): """ Non-resonant transmission coefficient by Leppington et al (1987). .. seealso:: :func:`seapy.couplings.couplingsurfaceacoustical.tau` """ U = 0.0 fc = self._coupling_plate.critical_frequency rho_s = self._coupling_plate.subsystem_from.component.material.density f = mu2 = fc/f # mu^2 rho_0 = self.subsystem_from.component.material.density c_0 = self.subsystem_from.soundspeed_group S = self.area return tau(f, fc, rho_0, rho_s, c_0, S, U=U) #A = ( rho_0 * c_0 / (np.pi*f*rho_s*(1.0-mu2**2.0)) )**2.0 #B1 = np.log(2.0*np.pi*f*np.sqrt(S)/c_0) #B2 = 0.160 + U #B3 = 1.0 / (4.0*mu2**3.0) #C1 = (2.0*mu2-1)*(mu2+1.0)**2.0*np.log(mu2-1) #C2 = (2.0*mu2+1)*(mu2-1.0)**2.0*np.log(mu2+1) #C3 = -4.0*mu2 - 8.0*mu2**3.0*np.log(np.sqrt(mu2)) #return A * (B1 + B2 + B3*(C1 + C2 + C3))
[docs] def sound_reduction_index(self): """Sound reduction index. .. math:: R_{12} = 10 \\log_{10}{\\frac{1}{\\tau_{12}}} with: * transmission coefficient :math:`tau`. See Craik, equation 1.26, page 10. """ return 10.0 * np.log10(1.0 / self.tau)
[docs] def clf(self): """ Coupling loss factor for transmission from a 3D cavity to a 3D cavity. .. math:: \\eta_{12} = \\frac{c S \\tau_{12}}{8 \\pi f V} See Craik, equation 4.20, page 100. """ return self.subsystem_from.soundspeed_group * self.area / (8.0 * np.pi * * self.subsystem_from.component.volume) * self.tau