Source code for seapy.couplings.coupling


.. autoclass:: Coupling


import abc
import math
import cmath
import numpy as np

from ..base import Base, JunctionLink, SubsystemFromLink, SubsystemToLink

[docs]class Coupling(Base): """ Abstract base class for couplings. """ SORT = 'Coupling' _DEPENDENCIES = ['subsystem_from', 'subsystem_to'] junction = JunctionLink() """ Junction this coupling is part of. """ subsystem_from = SubsystemFromLink() """ Type of subsystem origin for coupling """ subsystem_to = SubsystemToLink() """ Type of subsystem destination for coupling """ #size = None #""" #Size of the coupling. #""" #def __init__(self, name, junction, subsystem_from, subsystem_to, **properties):
[docs] def __init__(self, name, system, **properties): """ Constructor. :param name: Identifier :type name: string :param junction: junction :type junction: :class:`seapy.junctions.junction` :param subsystem_from: subsystem from :type subsystem_from: :class:`seapy.subsystems.Subsystem` :param subsystem_to: subsystem_to :type subsystem_to: :class:`seapy.subsystems.Subsystem` """ super().__init__(name, system, **properties) #self.junction = junction #self.subsystem_from = subsystem_from #self.subsystem_to = subsystem_to
[docs] def disable(self, subsystems=False): """ Disable this coupling. Optionally disable dependent subsystems as well. :param subsystems: Disable subsystems :type subsystems: bool """ self._enabled = False if subsystems: self.subsystem_from.disable() self.subsystem_to.disable()
[docs] def enable(self, subsystems=False): """ Enable this coupling. Optionally enable dependent subsystems as well. :param subsystems: Enable subsystems :type subsystems: bool """ self._enabled = True if subsystems: self.subsystem_from.enable() self.subsystem_to.enable()
@property @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def impedance_from(self): """Impedance of :attr:`subsystem_from` corrected for the type of coupling. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ return
@property @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def impedance_to(self): """Impedance of :attr:`subsystem_to` corrected for the type of coupling. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ return
[docs] def reciproce(self): """Reciproce or inverse coupling. :returns: Reciproce coupling if it exists, else None. """ for coupling in self.junction.linked_couplings: if coupling.subsystem_from == self.subsystem_to and coupling.subsystem_to == self.subsystem_from: return coupling
[docs] def conductivity(self): """Conductivity of coupling. .. math:: \\omega n_i \\eta_{i,j} with: * angular frequency :math:`\\omega` * modal density of subsystem ``i`` :math:`n_i` * coupling loss factor of this coupling :math:`\\eta_{i,j}` """ return self.frequency.angular * self.subsystem_from.modal_density * self.clf
[docs] def clf(self): """Coupling loss factor `\\eta`. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` In case the CLF is not specified for the given coupling it is calculated using the SEA consistency relation. \\eta_{12} = \\eta_{21} \\frac{n_2}{n_1} """ try: clf = self.reciproce.__class__.clf except AttributeError: raise ValueError("Cannot calculate CLF. Reciproce CLF has not been specified.") else: return clf * self.subsystem_to.modal_density / self.subsystem_from.modal_density
[docs] def mobility_from(self): """Mobility of :attr:`subsystem_from` corrected for the type of coupling. :returns: Mobility :math:`Y` :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ return 1.0 / self.impedance_from
[docs] def mobility_to(self): """Mobility of :attr:`subsystem_to` corrected for the type of coupling. :returns: Mobility :math:`Y` :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ return 1.0 / self.impedance_to
[docs] def resistance_from(self): """Resistance of :attr:`subsystem_from` corrected for the type of coupling. :returns: Impedance :math:`Z` :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ return np.real(self.impedance_from)
[docs] def resistance_to(self): """Resistance of :attr:`subsystem_to` corrected for the type of coupling. :returns: Impedance :math:`Z` :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ return np.real(self.impedance_to)
[docs] def modal_coupling_factor(self): """Modal coupling factor of the coupling. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` .. math:: \\beta_{ij} = \\frac{ f * \\eta_{ij} } { \\overline{\\delta f_i} } See Lyon, above equation 12.1.4 """ return * self.clf / self.subsystem_from.average_frequency_spacing