Source code for seapy.components.plate


.. autoclass:: seapy.components.plate.Component2DPlate


.. autoclass:: seapy.components.plate.SubsystemLong
.. autoclass:: seapy.components.plate.SubsystemBend
.. autoclass:: seapy.components.plate.SubsystemShear

Classes describing a two-dimensional plate.

import numpy as np
from .structural import ComponentStructural
from ..subsystems import SubsystemStructural

[docs]class SubsystemLong(SubsystemStructural): """ Subsystem for longitudinal waves in a 2D isotropic component. """ @property
[docs] def soundspeed_group(self): """Group velocity for longitudinal waves in a 2D isotopic plate. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` .. math:: c_L^{'} = \\sqrt{\\frac{E}{\\rho \\left( 1 - \\mu^2 \\right)}} with: * Young's modulus :math:`E` * density :math:`\\rho` * Poisson's ratio :math:`\\mu` See Lyon, above eq 8.2.5 See Craik, table 3.2, third row, page 49. Often the density is replaced as a surface density (mass per unit area) and the thickness or height of the plate. """ return np.ones(self.frequency.amount) * np.sqrt(self.component.material.young / (self.component.material.density * (1.0 - self.component.material.poisson**2.0)))
[docs] def soundspeed_phase(self): """Phase velocity for longitudinal waves in a 2D isotropic plate. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` .. math:: c_{group} = c_{phase} = c_L See Lyon, above eq 8.2.8 """ return self.soundspeed_group
[docs] def average_frequency_spacing(self): """Average frequency spacing for a 2D isotropic plate. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` .. math:: \\overline{\delta f}_S^{2D} = \\frac{{c_L^1}^2}{\\omega A} with: * soundspeed of longitudinal waves :math:`c_L` * angular frequency :math:`\\omega` * plate area :math:`A` See Lyon, equation 8.2.8 """ #try: return self.soundspeed_group**2.0 / (self.frequency.angular * self.component.area) #except FloatingPointError: #return np.zeros(self.frequency.amount)
[docs] def wavenumber(self, m, n, delta1, delta2): """Wavenumber for longitudinal waves in a plate. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` .. math:: k_L = \\sqrt{\\left[ \\left( m - \\delta_1 \\right) \\frac{\\pi}{L_1} \\right] + \\left[ \\left( n - \\delta_2 \\right) \\frac{\\pi}{L_2} \\right]} See Lyon, equation 8.2.1. """ return np.sqrt( ( ( m - delta1) * np.pi / self.component.length) + ( ( m - delta2) * np.pi / self.component.width) )
[docs] def impedance(self): """Impedance :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ raise NotImplementedError #@property #def wavenumber(self): #""" #Wavenumber of longitudinal waves in a plate. #.. math:: k_L = \\frac{ \\rho \\omega \\left( 1 - \\nu \\right) }{E h} #Langley and Heron, 1990, eq 24. #""" #return self.component.material.density * * (1.0 - self.component.material.poisson) / (self.component.material.young * self.component.height)
[docs]class SubsystemBend(SubsystemStructural): """ Subsystem for bending waves in a 2D isotropic component. """ @property
[docs] def soundspeed_phase(self): """Phase velocity for bending wave. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` .. math:: \\sqrt{\\omega} \\left( \\frac{B}{\\rho_s} \\right)^(1/4) with: * Angular frequency :math:`\\omega` * Bending stiffness :math:`B` * surface density :math:`\\rho_s` See Craik, equation 5.19, page 128. Note that this is the same as .. math:: c_{B,\\phi}^{2D} = \\sqrt{\\omega \\kappa c_L^{'}} See Lyon, above eq. 8.2.5 """ return (self.frequency.angular**2.0 * self.flexural_rigidity / self.component.mass_per_area) **(0.25) #return np.sqrt(self.frequency.angular * self.component.radius_of_gyration * self.component.subsystem_long.soundspeed_phase)
[docs] def soundspeed_group(self): """Group velocity for bending wave. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` .. math:: c_{B, g}^{2D} = 2 c_{B,\\phi}^{2D} See Lyon, above eq. 8.2.5 """ return 2.0 * self.soundspeed_phase
[docs] def average_frequency_spacing(self): """Average frequency spacing for bending waves in a 2D isotropic plate. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` .. math:: \\overline{\\delta f}_B^{2D} = \\frac{2 \\kappa c_L^{', 2D}}{A} with: * radius of gyration :math:`\\kappa` * soundspeed of longitudinal waves :math:`c_L` * plate area :math:`A` See Lyon, eq 8.2.5 """ return 2.0 * self.component.radius_of_gyration * self.component.subsystem_long.soundspeed_group / self.component.area
[docs] def wavenumber(self): """Wavenumber of flexural waves in a plate. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` .. math:: k_B = \\sqrt[4]{ \\frac{ \\rho \\omega }{B}} with: * density of the plate :math:`\\rho` * angular frequency :math:`\\omega` * flexural rigidity :math:`\\B` See Langley and Heron, 1990, eq 18. """ return np.power(self.component.material.density * self.frequency.angular / self.flexural_rigidity, 0.25)
[docs] def flexural_rigidity(self): """Flexural rigidity of a plate. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` .. math:: B = \\frac{E h^3}{12 \\left( 1 - \\nu^2 \\right)} with: * Young's modulus :math:`E` * plate thickness/height :math:`h` * Poisson's ratio :math:`\\nu` See Craik, equation 3.2, page 48. """ return self.component.material.young * self.component.height**3.0 / (12.0 * (1.0 - self.component.material.poisson**2.0)) #@property #def impedance(self): #"""Impedance. #:rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` #""" #raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def impedance_point_force(self): """Point impedance. .. math:: Z_{B}^{F, 2D} = 8 \\rho h \\kappa_B c_L with: * density of the plate :math:`\\rho` * radius of gyration :math:`kappa_B` * soundspeed of longitudinal waves :math:`c_L` See Lyon, page 201, table 10.1 """ return 8.0 * self.component.material.density * self.component.height * self.component.radius_of_gyration * self.component.subsystem_long.soundspeed_group
[docs]class SubsystemShear(SubsystemStructural): """ Subsystem for shear waves in a 2D isotopic component. """ @property
[docs] def soundspeed_phase(self): """ Phase velocity for shear waves in a 2D isotropic plate. .. math:: c_S = \\sqrt{\\frac{G}{\\rho}} with: * shear modulus :math:`G` * density of the plate :math:`\\rho` See Lyon, above eq. 8.2.5 """ return np.ones(self.frequency.amount) * np.sqrt(self.component.material.shear / self.component.material.density)
[docs] def soundspeed_group(self): """ Group velocity for shear wavees in a 2D isotropic plate. .. math:: c_{group} = c_{phase} = 2 C_S See Lyon, above eq. 8.2.5 """ return self.soundspeed_phase
[docs] def average_frequency_spacing(self): """ Average frequency spacing for shear waves in a 2D isotropic plate. .. math:: \\overline{\\delta f}_S^{2D} = \\frac{c_S^2}{\\omega A} with: * soundspeed of shear waves :math:`c_S` * angular frequency :math:`\\omega` * area of the plate :math:`A` See Lyon, eq 8.2.5 """ #try: return self.soundspeed_group**2.0 / (self.frequency.angular * self.component.area) #except FloatingPointError: #return np.zeros(self.frequency.amount)
[docs] def wavenumber(self): """ Wavenumber of shear waves. .. math:: k_S = \\frac{2 \\rho \\omega \\left( 1 + \\nu \\right) }{E h} with: * density :math:`\\rho` * angular frequency :math:`\\omega` * Poisson's ratio :math:`\\nu` * Young's modulus :math:`E` * plate thickness :math:`h` Langley and Heron, 1990, eq 25 """ return self.component.material.density * self.frequency.angular * (1.0 + self.component.material.poisson) / (self.component.material.young * self.component.height)
@property def impedance(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Component2DPlate(ComponentStructural): """ Two-dimensional plate component. The following subsystems are implemented for this component: * :class:`seapy.components.plate.SubsystemLong` * :class:`seapy.components.plate.SubsystemBend` * :class:`seapy.components.plate.SubsystemShear` """ SUBSYSTEMS = {'Long': SubsystemLong, 'Bend': SubsystemBend, 'Shear': SubsystemShear} @property
[docs] def area(self): """Area of the plate. .. math:: A = l w with: * length :math:`l` * width :math:`w` """ return self.length * self.width
[docs] def mass_per_area(self): """ Mass per unit area. Also called the surface density. .. math:: m^{''} = \\rho h with: * density :math:`\\rho` * plate thickness/height :math:`h` """ return self.material.density * self.height
[docs] def radius_of_gyration(self): """ Radius of gyration :math:`\\kappa` is given by dividing the height of the plate by :math:`\\sqrt{12}`. .. math:: \\kappa = \\frac{h}{\\sqrt{12}} with: * plate thickness/height :math:`h` See Lyon, above eq. 8.2.5 """ return self.height / np.sqrt(12.0)
[docs] def area_moment_of_inertia(self): """ Area moment of inertia. .. math:: J = \\frac{h^3}{12} with: * plate thickness/height :math:`h` Following equation includes resistance to deflection and is thus part of the bending wave subsystem: .. math:: J = \\frac{h^3}{12 \\left( 1 - \\nu^2 \\right)} """ return self.height**3.0 / 12.0 #return self.height**3.0 / (12.0 * (1.0 - self.poisson()**2.0))