Source code for seapy.components.acoustical2d
Room 2D
Classes describing a two-dimensional cavity.
.. autoclass:: seapy.components.acoustical2d.Component2DAcoustical
.. autoclass:: seapy.components.acoustical2d.SubsystemLong
import numpy as np
from .acoustical import ComponentAcoustical
from ..subsystems import SubsystemAcoustical
[docs]class SubsystemLong(SubsystemAcoustical):
Subsystem for a fluid in a 2D cavity.
[docs] def average_frequency_spacing(self):
Average frequency spacing for a fluid in a thin, flate space.
Valid for :math:`f < c_0 / 2h` where `h` is the thickness of the layer.
.. math:: \\overline{\\delta f}_0^{2D} = \\frac{c_0^2}{\\omega A}
See Lyon, eq 8.2.12
return self.soundspeed_group**2.0 / (self.frequency.angular * self.component.area)
[docs]class Component2DAcoustical(ComponentAcoustical):
Component for a fluid in a 2D cavity.
SUBSYSTEMS = {'Long': SubsystemLong}
area = None
"""Area :math:`A` of cavity.
thickness = None
"""Thickness or width of cavity.
[docs] def volume(self):
"""Volume of cavity.
return self.area * self.thickness