Source code for sdpt3glue.sedumi_writer

Functions which express problems in Sedumi format and export them as .mat files
for Matlab

import os

import numpy as np

from cvxopt import matrix as cvxmat

[docs]def write_cvxpy_to_mat(problem_data, target, simplify=True): ''' Args: problem_data: As produced by applying get_problem_data['CVXOPT'] to a cvxpy problem. Returns: (None) Effect: Saves a .mat file containing the A, b, c, K that define the problem in Sedumi format to target (see ''' A, b, c, K, offset = make_sedumi_format_problem( problem_data, simplify=simplify) assert offset == 0 write_sedumi_to_mat(A, b, c, K, target)
[docs]def write_sedumi_to_mat(A, b, c, K, target): ''' Args: A, b, c, K for Sedumi format target: the path where we will save the .mat Effect: Saves a .mat file containing A, b, c, K to target ''' A = sparsify_tall_mat(A) b = sparsify_tall_mat(b) c = sparsify_tall_mat(c) K = clean_K_dims(K) # Check that target folder exists folder = os.path.dirname(target) if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder), {'A': A, 'b': b, 'c': c, 'K': K})
[docs]def clean_K_dims(K): ''' Matlab requires the dimensions to be given in floating point numbers, this checker ensures that they are. ''' for p in K: # let's try treating this like a list or tuple, and if that falls # through then we'll assume it's a single number instead. if isinstance(K[p], list): for i, x in enumerate(K[p]): K[p][i] = 1. * x else: K[p] = 1. * K[p] return K
[docs]def problem_data_prep(problem_data): ''' 'Touch up' the problem data in the following ways: - Make sure the matrix elements aren't integers - Make sure they're dense matrices rather than sparse ones, otherwise there seem to be difficulties constructing block matrices - Transpose c to be a row vector, which matches the organization of A, b, G, h (rows are for constraints, columns are for variables) ''' problem_data['A'] = cvxmat(1. * problem_data['A']) problem_data['b'] = cvxmat(1. * problem_data['b']) problem_data['G'] = cvxmat(1. * problem_data['G']) problem_data['h'] = cvxmat(1. * problem_data['h']) problem_data['c'] = cvxmat(1. * problem_data['c']).T return problem_data
[docs]def make_sedumi_format_problem(problem_data, simplify=True): ''' Input: problem_data: As produced by applying get_problem_data['CVXOPT'] to a cvxpy problem. Returns: A, b, c, K: Data defining an equivalent problem in Sedumi format. ''' problem_data = problem_data_prep(problem_data) dims = problem_data['dims'] assert not dims[ 'q'], "Sorry, at this time we can't handle SOC constraints!" nx = len(problem_data['c']) ni = dims['l'] ne = len(problem_data['b']) num_sdp_vars = sum([s * s for s in dims['s']]) #============================================================================== # EXPANSION STEP: # Construct the expanded vector c_star and matrices A_star and Gs_star # # At this point... # c_star = [ c ] (nx) # [ 0 ] (ni + num_sdp_vars) # # A_star = [ A | 0 | 0 ] (ne) => eqs written in new vars # [ Gl | I | 0 ] (ni) => ineqs written as eqs in new vars # Gs_star= [ Gs | 0 | I ] (num_sdp_vars) => sets the exp in the SDP element # (nx) (ni)(num_sdp_vars) equal to the var representing it #============================================================================== num_sedumi_vars = nx + ni + num_sdp_vars c = np.zeros((1, num_sedumi_vars)) c[0, 0:nx] = problem_data['c'] A = np.zeros((ne + ni + num_sdp_vars, num_sedumi_vars)) b = np.zeros((ne + ni + num_sdp_vars, 1)) # Fill in blocks for Ax = b constraints A[0:ne, 0:nx] = problem_data['A'] b[0:ne] = problem_data['b'] # Fill in blocks for Gx + s = h A[ne:ne + ni, 0:nx] = problem_data['G'][:ni, :] # = Gl A[ne:ne + ni, nx:nx + ni] = np.eye(ni) b[ne:ne + ni] = problem_data['h'][:ni, :] # = hl # Fill out blocks defining h - Gs = vec(Y), where Y is the PSD matrix A[ne + ni:, 0:nx] = problem_data['G'][ni:, :] # = Gs A[ne + ni:, nx + ni:] = np.eye(num_sdp_vars) b[ne + ni:] = problem_data['h'][ni:, :] # = hs obj_cst = 0. K = {'f': nx, 'l': dims['l'], 'q': [], 's': dims['s']} if simplify: A, b, c, K, obj_cst = simplify_sedumi_model(A, b, c, K, allow_nonzero_b=False) assert obj_cst == 0, "This shouldn't be possible with allow_nonzero_b=False." else: A, b, c, K = symmetrize_sedumi_model(A, b, c, K) return A, b, c, K, obj_cst
[docs]def symmetrize_sedumi_model(A, b, c, K): ''' Symmetrize sedumi model. ''' colstart = K['f'] + K['l'] + sum(K['q']) for s in K['s']: for i in range(s): for j in range(i + 1, s): ijcol = colstart + i * s + j jicol = colstart + j * s + i averaged_Acol = 0.5 * (A[:, ijcol] + A[:, jicol]) A[:, ijcol] = averaged_Acol A[:, jicol] = averaged_Acol averaged_c = 0.5 * (c[0, ijcol] + c[0, jicol]) c[0, ijcol] = averaged_c c[0, jicol] = averaged_c colstart + s**2 return A, b, c, K
[docs]def simplify_sedumi_model(A, b, c, K, allow_nonzero_b=False): ''' Tries to eliminate variables using a few simple strategies: 1. If a constraint is expressing :math:`A_{ki}x_i = b_k` where variable :math:`x_i` is a free variable, we can eliminate :math:`x_i`. 2. If a constraint is expressing :math:`A_{ki}x_i + A_{kj}x_j = b_k` where variable :math:`x_i` is a free variable, we can eliminate :math:`x_i`. Args: A, b, c, K: for a problem in Sedumi format allow_nonzero_b: If False, only eliminate if bk = 0 is zero Returns: A, b, c, K: for the simplified problem. offset: A constant which must be added to the optimal value of the simplified problem in order to make it equivalent. With allow_nonzero_b, offset will be 0. ''' n_free = K['f'] # the first n_free variables will be eligible for any kind # of elimination n_nonneg = K['l'] # the next n_nonneg variables will be eligible for only # the simplest substitution aij*xj=bi and only in the case # where bi/aij >=0. n_vars = c.size n_ctr = b.size #============================================================================== # SIMPLICATION STEP: # If some ctr k of A_star*x = hs is actually just equating xi = xj # for some i in the free vars, j in the sdp vars, we need to do the following: # (1) for A_star, c, add column/element i to column/element j # (2) for A_star, c, delete column/element i # (3) for A_star, delete row k # (4) adjust our counts for different variable/constraint types # On the first pass we will do (1) and make lists of which rows/ctrs to eliminate. # On a second pass we will do the rest. # # SIMPLIFICATION PART ONE: Remove dependence on some cols and mark them for removal. #============================================================================== offset = 0 # Given var_i which is a free variable, figure out if there is a row k of # G_star such that Gs_star[ctr_k, var_i] == -1 AND hs[ctr_k] == 0 AND the # only other non-zero element in the row is Gs_star[ctr_k, nx + ni + # ctr_k] == 1 for ctr_k in range(n_ctr): i, j = check_eliminatibility(A[ctr_k, :], b[ctr_k, 0], n_elig=n_free + n_nonneg, allow_nonzero_b=allow_nonzero_b) # Two cases where we can eliminate xi: # 1) xi is a free var free_ok = (i is not None and i < n_free) # 2) xi is a nonneg var, the ctr is of form Akixi = bk, and bk/Aki >= 0 nonneg_ok = (i is not None and j is None and 1. * b[ctr_k, 0] / A[ctr_k, i] >= 0) if free_ok or nonneg_ok: aki = A[ctr_k, i] bk = b[ctr_k, 0] factor = 1. * bk / aki # Akixi (optionally + Akjxj) = bk case, eliminate xi using # xi = (Akj/Aki) - (bk/Aki)*x_j b[:, 0] += -factor * A[:, i] offset += factor * c[0, i] if j is not None: # Akixi + Akjxj = bk case akj = A[ctr_k, j] factor = 1. * akj / aki A[:, j] += -factor * A[:, i] c[0, j] += -factor * c[0, i] # zero out the coefficients of var i to make sure it isn't chosen # for elimination again A[:, i] *= 0. c[0, i] *= 0. # To wrap up, list all the variables which are still nontrivial to the # model n_deleted_f = 0 n_deleted_l = 0 cols_to_keep = [] vars_fl = n_free + n_nonneg for col in range(vars_fl): # free vars not in constraints must have 0 coeff in obj, else unbounded. # nonneg vars not in constraints must have >=0 coeff in obj, else unbounded. # if a var makes the probblem unbounded, we'll leave it alone and let # the user find out when they actually solve. free_and_deletable = col < n_free and c[0, col] == 0 nneg_and_deletable = col >= n_free and col < vars_fl and c[0, col] >= 0 if free_and_deletable and not abs(A[:, col]).any(): n_deleted_f += 1 elif nneg_and_deletable and not abs(A[:, col]).any(): n_deleted_l += 1 else: cols_to_keep.append(col) # SOC vars eliminatable iff they're not the first var of their vector and # they're unused in any ctrs. col_start = n_free + n_nonneg for i, q_size, in enumerate(K['q']): cols_to_keep.append(col_start) for col in range(col_start + 1, col_start + q_size): if c[0, col] == 0 and not abs(A[:, col]).any(): K['q'][i] += -1 else: cols_to_keep.append(col) col_start += q_size # All SDP vars kept cols_to_keep += range(col_start, n_vars) # Symmetrize the use of PSD matrix variables. We do this now because it might # zero out some additional ctrs which we'll check for next. A, b, c, K = symmetrize_sedumi_model(A, b, c, K) # Now figure out which ctrs are nontrivial (trivial meaning 0x = 0). # Note that A ctr of 0x = b would make the problem infeasible, but in that case # we'll leave it in so the user finds it when they solve. rows_to_keep = [] for row in range(n_ctr): if b[row, 0] != 0 or abs(A[row, :]).any(): rows_to_keep.append(row) #============================================================================== # SIMPLIFICATION STEP PART TWO: construct final matrices with only # the rows/cols we want #============================================================================== # new downsized problem A = A[np.ix_(rows_to_keep, cols_to_keep)] b = b[np.ix_(rows_to_keep, [0])] c = c[np.ix_([0], cols_to_keep)] # problem dimensions assert len(cols_to_keep) + n_deleted_f + n_deleted_l K = {'f': K['f'] - n_deleted_f, 'l': K['l'] - n_deleted_l, 'q': K['q'], 's': K['s']} return A, b, c, K, offset
[docs]def check_eliminatibility(g, h, n_elig=None, allow_nonzero_b=False): ''' Tests if constraint :math:`gx = h` fits either pattern :math:`ax_i = d` or pattern :math:`ax_i + bx_j = d`, with the requirement that the :math:`x_i` variable be one of the first n_elig variables. Returns: ``i, None`` such that the constraint has the form :math:`ax_i = d` for some :math:`a, d`. ``i, j`` such that the constraint has the form :math:`ax_i + bx_j = d` for some :math:`a, b, d`. ``None, None`` if neither pattern applies. ''' n = len(g) if n_elig is None: n_elig = n if not allow_nonzero_b and h != 0: return None, None for i in range(n_elig): if g[i] != 0: j = i + 1 while j < n and g[j] == 0: j += 1 # having stopped, see which we have found: if j == n: return i, None # the end of the row elif not abs(g[j + 1:]).any(): return i, j # the second of exactly two nonzero coefficients else: return None, None # the second of three or more nonzero coefficients # If nothing's been returned yet, it's because all the eliminatible # vars' coeffs are zero. return None, None
[docs]def sparsify_tall_mat(M, block_height=1000): ''' Returns a sparse matrix in scipy.sparse.coo_matrix form which is equivalent to M ''' i = 0 spmat_collector = [] while i * block_height < M.shape[0]: curr_block = M[i * block_height:(i + 1) * block_height, :] spmat_collector += [scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(curr_block.astype('d'))] i += 1 return scipy.sparse.construct.vstack(spmat_collector)