# This script solves the concentration of a reactant by solving the axial
# dispersion model for a first order reaction. The model is represented
# by a second order differential equation:
# uS*(dCi/dx) = DL*(d^2Ci/dx^2) + Ri
# uS = superficial velocity, DL = axial dispersion coefficient,
# Ri = reaction rate and Ci = concentration of i
# The ODE obeys the following boundary conditions:
# Ci0 = Ci - DL/uS*(dCi/dx) at x=(+0)
# dCi/dx = 0 at x=L
# where L is the total length of the reactor.
# For convinience the ODE is scaled by making vi = Ci/Ci0 and z = x/L
# and by making dvi = -dXi the dependent variable represents the
# conversion of the reactant from Ci = Ci0*(1-Xi)
# The ODE is now:
# d^2vi/dz^2 = Pe(dvi/dz + Ri*L/Ci0/uS) where Pe =uS*L/DL
# with Boundary Conditions (BC) given by:
# dvi/dz = Pe*vi at z = (+0)
# dvi/dz = 0.0 at z = (1)
# The problem is to find the concentration of the reactant at the outlet
# for a firts order reaction Ri = k*Ci0*(1-vi) with the following
# parameters Pe = 16, Ci0 = 1 and k*L/uS = kt = 2.0.
# The problem was taken from E. B. Nauman, Chemical Reactor
# Design, Optimization, and Scaleup, McGraw-Hill, 2001.
import scikits.bvp_solver
from numpy import zeros, array, linspace
import pylab as pl
# Definition of the problem parameters
PeL = 16.0
Ci0 = 1.0
kt = 2.0
# By converting the original problem into a set of 2 firts order
# ODE's. Reaction rate is then Ri = -k*Ci0*(1-vi) the problem is defined as:
dvdz = zeros(2)
def systemode(z, v):
dvdz[0] = v[1]
dvdz[1] = PeL*(v[1]-kt*(1.0-v[0]))
return dvdz
# Defining the BC on the left (z=0) and the right (z=1) side:
BCleft = zeros(1)
BCright = zeros(1)
def boundary_conditions(va, vb):
BCleft[0] = va[1] - PeL * va[0]
BCright[0] = vb[1]
return (BCleft), (BCright)
# Problem definition: a set of 2 first order ODE with a BC on the left side.
# Because the total length was scaled, the solution is reduced within an
# interval of (0.0 , 1.0)
problem = scikits.bvp_solver.ProblemDefinition(num_ODE = 2,
num_parameters = 0,
num_left_boundary_conditions = 1,
boundary_points = (0.0, 1.0),
function = systemode,
boundary_conditions = boundary_conditions)
# By using conversion instead of concentration the solution is narrowed to
# an interval where the minimum value is 0.0 and the maximum is 1.0.
# Thus (0.0 , 1.0) is a sensible guess to initialize the problem
guess = array ([0.0 , 1.0])
# Once the problem and the BC's are being defined the solution of the problem
# is done by calling
solution = scikits.bvp_solver.solve(problem, solution_guess = guess, max_subintervals = 300)
# Getting the solution from z =0 to z = 1.0
z = linspace (0.0, 1.0, 100, endpoint = True )
v = solution(z)
# Comparison of the results
print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
print 'The analytical solution of the problem at the outlet is: '
print 'Final Conversion= 0.83605373297390484'
print 'Final Concentration = 0.16394626702609519'
print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
print 'The numerical solution of the problem at the outlet is: '
print 'Final Conversion= ', v[0,99]
print 'Final Concentration = ', 1.0- v[0,99]
print '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
# Plotting of the solution along z
pl.plot(z, v[1,:], 'b-', z, v[0,:], 'g-')
pl.legend(('dv/dz[0]', 'dv/dz[1]'))
pl.xlabel('Normalized Reactor Length')
pl.title('System of ODEs for the Axial Dispersion Model')
pl.plot(z, v[0,:], 'g-')
pl.xlabel('Normalized Reactor Length')
pl.ylabel('Conversion of Reactant')
pl.title('Conversion produced by the Axial Dispersion Model')