skgpuppy.MLE module

class skgpuppy.MLE.MLE(density, theta0, support=None, dims=None, fisher_matrix=None)

Bases: object

A class for numerical maximum likelihood estimation

  • density – lambda x,theta with x and theta being vectors
  • theta0 – the initial parameters of the density
  • dims – Number of dimensions of x
  • support – The support of the density
  • fisher_matrix – Fisher Information Matrix for the density (containts functions of theta)


Either support or dims has to be supplied (support is recommended for estimating the fisher information)


Calculate the fisher information matrix

Parameters:order – using derivates of this order (1 or 2)
Returns:function (w.r.t. theta) calculating the fisher information matrix


If the fisher information matrix was provided to the constructor, then this is used instead of the numerical methods.

Parameters:observations – vector of x vectors
Returns:theta (estimated using maximum likelihood estimation)
mle_ci(observations, alpha=0.05)

95% CI (if alpha is not given)

Returns:lower bound, upper bound
sigma(theta, observations=None, n=1)

Estimate the quality of the MLE.

  • theta – The parameters theta of the density
  • observations – A list of observation vectors
  • n – Number of observations

The variances corresponding to the maximum likelihood estimates of theta (quality of the estimation) as 1-d array (i.e. diagonal of the cov matrix)


Either the observations vector or n have to be provided.