rule.py : Contains structure to create fuzzy rules.
Most notably, contains the `Rule` object which is used to connect atecedents
with conqeuents in a `ControlSystem`.
from __future__ import print_function, division
import networkx as nx
from .term import (Term, WeightedTerm, TermAggregate, FuzzyAggregationMethod,
from .state import StatefulProperty
from .visualization import ControlSystemVisualizer
[docs]class Rule(object):
Rule in a fuzzy control system, connecting antecedent(s) to consequent(s).
antecedent : Antecedent term(s) or logical combination thereof, optional
Antecedent terms serving as inputs to this rule. Multiple terms may
be combined using operators `|` (OR), `&` (AND), `~` (NOT), and
parentheticals to group terms.
consequent : Consequent term(s) or logical combination thereof, optional
Consequent terms serving as outputs from this rule. Multiple terms may
be combined using operators `|` (OR), `&` (AND), `~` (NOT), and
parentheticals to group terms.
label : string, optional
Label to reference the meaning of this rule. Optional, but recommended.
If provided, the label must be unique among rules in any particular
Fuzzy Rules can be completely built on instantatiation or one can begin
with an empty Rule and construct interactively by setting `.antecedent`,
`.consequent`, and `.label` variables.
aggregate_firing = StatefulProperty(None)
[docs] def __init__(self, antecedent=None, consequent=None, label=None):
Rule in a fuzzy system, connecting antecedent(s) to consequent(s).
antecedent : Antecedent term(s) or combination thereof, optional
Antecedent terms serving as inputs to this rule. Multiple terms may
be combined using operators `|` (OR), `&` (AND), `~` (NOT), and
parentheticals to group terms.
consequent : Consequent term(s) or combination thereof, optional
Consequent terms serving as outputs from this rule. Multiple terms
may be combined using operators `|` (OR), `&` (AND), `~` (NOT), and
parentheticals to group terms.
label : string, optional
Label to reference the meaning of this rule. Optional, but
self.aggregation_method = FuzzyAggregationMethod()
self._antecedent = None
self._consequent = None
if antecedent is not None:
self.antecedent = antecedent
if consequent is not None:
self.consequent = consequent
if label is not None:
self.label = label
self.label = id(self)
def __repr__(self):
Concise, readable summary of the fuzzy rule.
if len(self.consequent) == 1:
cons = self.consequent[0]
cons = self.consequent
return "IF %s THEN %s" % (self.antecedent, cons)
def antecedent(self):
Antecedent clause, consisting of multiple term(s) in this fuzzy Rule.
if self._antecedent is None:
raise ValueError("Antecedent not set")
return self._antecedent
def antecedent(self, value):
Method to interactively set Antecedent term(s).
if not isinstance(value, TermPrimitive):
raise ValueError("Unexpected antecedent type")
# Should be either Term or TermAggregate
self._antecedent = value
def antecedent_terms(self):
Utility function to list all Antecedent terms present in this clause.
# Grab all the terms that make up my antecedent clause
terms = []
def _find_terms(obj):
if isinstance(obj, Term):
elif obj is None:
assert isinstance(obj, TermAggregate)
return terms
def consequent(self):
Consequent clause, consisting of multiple term(s) in this fuzzy Rule.
if self._consequent is None:
raise ValueError("Consquent not set")
return self._consequent
def consequent(self, value):
Accept consequents in four formats:
a) Unweighted single output.
e.g.: output['term']
b) Weighted single output
e.g.: (output['term']%0.5)
c) Unweighted multiple output
e.g.: (output1['term1'], output2['term2'])
d) Weighted multiple output
e.g.: ( (output1['term1']%1.0), (output2['term2']%0.5) )
if isinstance(value, Term):
self._consequent = [WeightedTerm(value, 1.)]
elif isinstance(value, WeightedTerm):
self._consequent = [value]
elif not hasattr(value, '__iter__'):
raise ValueError("Unexpected consequent type")
# Must be one of formats b) to d)
self._consequent = []
for i in value:
if isinstance(i, Term):
self._consequent.append(WeightedTerm(i, 1.))
elif isinstance(i, WeightedTerm):
raise ValueError("Unexpected consequent type")
def graph(self):
NetworkX directed graph representing this Rule's connectivity.
graph = nx.DiGraph()
# Link all antecedents to me by decomposing
# TermAggregate down to just Terms
for t in self.antecedent_terms:
assert isinstance(t, Term)
graph.add_path([t, self])
graph = nx.compose(graph, t.parent.graph)
# Link all consequents from me
for c in self.consequent:
assert isinstance(c, WeightedTerm)
graph.add_path([self, c.term])
graph = nx.compose(graph, c.term.parent.graph)
return graph
[docs] def view(self):
Show a visual representation of this Rule.