Source code for savReaderWriter.generic

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from ctypes import *
import struct
import sys
import platform
import os
import re
import math
import locale
import encodings
import collections

from savReaderWriter import *
from py3k import *

[docs]class Generic(object): """ Class for methods and data used in reading as well as writing IBM SPSS Statistics data files """ def __init__(self, savFileName, ioUtf8=False, ioLocale=None): """Constructor. Note that interface locale and encoding can only be set once""" locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "" if ioLocale is None else ioLocale) self.savFileName = savFileName self.spssio = self.loadLibrary() self.wholeCaseIn = self.spssio.spssWholeCaseIn self.wholeCaseOut = self.spssio.spssWholeCaseOut self.ioLocale = ioLocale self.ioUtf8 = bool(ioUtf8) # bool() --> needed for UNICODE_BMODE def _encodeFileName(self, fn): """Helper function to encode unicode file names into bytestring file names encoded in the file system's encoding. Needed for C functions that have a c_char_p filename argument. See also -------- Effbot ``_ Python docs ` (under 'unicode filenames)""" #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if not isinstance(fn, unicode): return fn elif sys.platform.startswith("win"): # pragma: no cover return self.wideCharToMultiByte(fn) else: encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() encoding = "utf-8" if not encoding else encoding # actually, ascii try: return fn.encode(encoding) except UnicodeEncodeError: msg = ("File system encoding %r can not be used to " "encode file name %r [%s]") raise ValueError(msg % (encoding, fn, sys.exc_info()[1])) def _loadLibs(self, folder): """Helper function that loads I/O libraries in the correct order""" # Get a list of all the files in the spssio dir for a given OS # Sort the list in the order in which the libs need to be loaded # Using regex patterns ought to be more resilient to updates of the # I/O modules, compared to hardcoding the names debug = False if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): # pragma: no cover # The application is frozen by cx_freeze path = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) path = os.path.join(path, "savReaderWriter", "spssio", folder) else: path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "spssio", folder) libs = sorted(os.listdir(path)) pats = ['(lib)?icuda?t', '(lib)?icuuc', '(lib)?icui', '(lib)?zlib', '(lib)?spssd?io'] libs = [lib for pat in pats for lib in libs if re.match(pat, lib)] isLib = r"""\w+(\.s[ol](?:\.\d+)*| # linux/hp/solaris \.\d+\.a| # aix \.dll| # windows (\.\d+)*\.dylib)$ # mac""" # filter out non-libs libs = [lib for lib in libs if re.match(isLib, lib, re.I | re.X)] load = WinDLL if sys.platform.lower().startswith("win") else CDLL if libs and debug: # pragma: no cover print(os.path.basename(path).upper().center(79, "-")) print("\n".join(libs)) # PermissionError: are the DLLs on a network share (e.g NAS)? return [load(os.path.join(path, lib)) for lib in libs][-1] def loadLibrary(self): # pragma: no cover """This function loads and returns the SPSSIO libraries, depending on the platform.""" arch = platform.architecture()[0] is_32bit, is_64bit = arch == "32bit", arch == "64bit" pf = sys.platform.lower() # windows if pf.startswith("win") and is_32bit: spssio = self._loadLibs("win32") elif pf.startswith("win"): spssio = self._loadLibs("win64") # linux elif pf.startswith("lin") and is_32bit: spssio = self._loadLibs("lin32") elif pf.startswith("lin") and is_64bit and os.uname()[-1] == "s390x": # zLinux64: Thanks Anderson P. from System z Linux LinkedIn Group! spssio = self._loadLibs("zlinux") elif pf.startswith("lin") and is_64bit: spssio = self._loadLibs("lin64") # other elif pf.startswith("darwin") or pf.startswith("mac"): # Mac: Thanks Rich Sadowsky! spssio = self._loadLibs("macos") elif pf.startswith("aix") and is_64bit: spssio = self._loadLibs("aix64") elif pf.startswith("hp-ux"): spssio = self._loadLibs("hpux_it") elif pf.startswith("sunos") and is_64bit: spssio = self._loadLibs("sol64") else: msg = "Your platform (%r, %s) is not supported" % (pf, arch) raise EnvironmentError(msg) return spssio def wideCharToMultiByte(self, fn): # pragma: no cover """Maps a wide character string to a new character filename string. The new character string is not necessarily from a multibyte character set. See also -------- MSDN ``_ """ from ctypes import wintypes _CP_UTF8 = 65001 _CP_ACP = 0 # ANSI _LPBOOL = POINTER(c_long) _wideCharToMultiByte = windll.kernel32.WideCharToMultiByte _wideCharToMultiByte.restype = c_int _wideCharToMultiByte.argtypes = [wintypes.UINT, wintypes.DWORD, wintypes.LPCWSTR, c_int, wintypes.LPSTR, c_int, wintypes.LPCSTR, _LPBOOL] codePage = _CP_ACP dwFlags = 0 lpWideCharStr = fn cchWideChar = len(fn) lpMultiByteStr = None cbMultiByte = 0 # zero requests size lpDefaultChar = None lpUsedDefaultChar = None # get size mbcssize = _wideCharToMultiByte( codePage, dwFlags, lpWideCharStr, cchWideChar, lpMultiByteStr, cbMultiByte, lpDefaultChar, lpUsedDefaultChar) if mbcssize <= 0: raise WinError(mbcssize) lpMultiByteStr = create_string_buffer(mbcssize) # convert retcode = _wideCharToMultiByte( codePage, dwFlags, lpWideCharStr, cchWideChar, lpMultiByteStr, mbcssize, lpDefaultChar, lpUsedDefaultChar) if retcode <= 0: raise WinError(retcode) return lpMultiByteStr.value def openSavFile(self, savFileName, mode=b"rb", refSavFileName=None): """This function opens IBM SPSS Statistics data files in mode <mode> and returns a handle that should be used for subsequent operations on the file. If <savFileName> is opened in mode "cp", meta data information aka the spss dictionary is copied from <refSavFileName>""" # determine which spssOpen* function should be used mode = mode.decode("utf-8") if hasattr(mode, "decode") else mode spssOpen = {"rb": self.spssio.spssOpenRead, "wb": self.spssio.spssOpenWrite, "cp": self.spssio.spssOpenWriteCopy, "ab": self.spssio.spssOpenAppend}.get(mode) if not spssOpen: raise ValueError("Invalid mode argument: %r" % mode) # get a file descriptor/handle for the file expanduser, abspath = os.path.expanduser, os.path.abspath expandfn = lambda fn: self._encodeFileName(expanduser(abspath(fn))) savFileName = expandfn(savFileName) with open(savFileName, mode) as f: fd = f.fileno() # open the .sav file savFileName = c_char_py3k(savFileName) fh = c_int(fd) if mode == b"cp": if not refSavFileName: raise ValueError("You must specify a reference (=donor) file") refSavFileName = c_char_py3k(expandfn(refSavFileName)) spssOpen.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_char_p, POINTER(c_int)] retcode = spssOpen(savFileName, refSavFileName, byref(fh)) else: spssOpen.argtypes = [c_char_p, POINTER(c_int)] retcode = spssOpen(savFileName, byref(fh)) msg = "Problem opening file %r in mode %r" % (savFileName.value, mode) checkErrsWarns(msg, retcode) return fh.value def closeSavFile(self, fh, mode=b"rb"): """This function closes the .sav file associated with <fh> that was open in mode <mode>.""" mode = mode.encode("utf-8") if hasattr(mode, "encode") else mode spssClose = {b"rb": self.spssio.spssCloseRead, b"wb": self.spssio.spssCloseWrite, b"cp": self.spssio.spssCloseWrite, b"ab": self.spssio.spssCloseAppend}.get(mode) spssClose.argtypes = [c_int] retcode = spssClose(fh) if spssClose else 9999 msg = "Problem closing file in mode %r" % mode checkErrsWarns(msg, retcode) @property def releaseInfo(self): """This function reports release- and machine-specific information about the open file.""" relInfo = ["release number", "release subnumber", "fixpack number", "machine code", "floating-point representation code", "compression scheme code", "big/little-endian code", "character representation code"] relInfoArr = (c_int * len(relInfo))() func = self.spssio.spssGetReleaseInfo func.argtypes = [c_int, (c_int * len(relInfo))] retcode = func(self.fh, relInfoArr) checkErrsWarns("Problem getting ReleaseInfo", retcode) info = dict([(item, relInfoArr[i]) for i, item in enumerate(relInfo)]) return info @property def byteorder(self): """This function returns the byte order of the open file as a string. It returns either 'little' or 'big'.""" endianness = self.releaseInfo["big/little-endian code"] return "big" if endianness else "little" @property def spssVersion(self): """Return the SPSS version that was used to create the opened file as a three-tuple indicating major, minor, and fixpack version asunde ints. NB: in the transition from SPSS to IBM, a new four-digit versioning nomenclature is used. This function returns the old three-digit nomenclature. Therefore, no patch version information is available.""" info = self.releaseInfo major = info["release number"] minor = info["release subnumber"] fixpack = info["fixpack number"] ver_info = (major, minor, fixpack) fields = "major minor fixpack" return collections.namedtuple("SpssVersion", fields)(*ver_info) @property def spssioVersion(self): """This function returns the version of the IBM SPSS I/O libraries as a named tuple with the fields major, minor, patch, fixpack. May also be inspected by passing an empty savFileName, as in: savReaderWriter.Generic("").spssioVersion""" if not hasattr(self, "spssio"): self.spssio = self.loadLibrary() version_pattern = re.compile(br"\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+") for line in open(self.spssio._name, "rb"): m = if m: ver_info = map(int,".")) fields = "major minor patch fixpack" version = collections.namedtuple("SpssioVersion", fields) return version(*ver_info) @property def fileCompression(self): """Get/Set the file compression. Returns/Takes a compression switch which may be any of the following: 'uncompressed', 'standard', or 'zlib'. Zlib comression requires SPSS v21 I/O files.""" compression = {0: b"uncompressed", 1: b"standard", 2: b"zlib"} compSwitch = c_int() func = self.spssio.spssGetCompression func.argtypes = [c_int, POINTER(c_int)] retcode = func(self.fh, byref(compSwitch)) checkErrsWarns("Problem getting file compression", retcode) return compression.get(compSwitch.value) @fileCompression.setter def fileCompression(self, compSwitch): compression = {b"uncompressed": 0, b"standard": 1, b"zlib": 2} compSwitch = compression.get(compSwitch) func = self.spssio.spssSetCompression func.argtypes = [c_int, c_int] retcode = func(self.fh, compSwitch) invalidSwitch = retcodes.get(retcode) == 'SPSS_INVALID_COMPSW' if invalidSwitch and self.spssVersion[0] < 21: msg = "Writing zcompressed files requires >=v21 SPSS I/O libraries" raise ValueError(msg) checkErrsWarns("Problem setting file compression", retcode) @property def systemString(self): """This function returns the name of the system under which the file was created aa a string.""" sysName = create_string_buffer(42) func = self.spssio.spssGetSystemString retcode = func(c_int(self.fh), byref(sysName)) checkErrsWarns("Problem getting SystemString", retcode) return sysName.value def getStruct(self, varTypes, varNames, mode=b"rb"): """This function returns a compiled struct object. The required struct format string for the conversion between C and Python is created on the basis of varType and byte order. --varTypes: SPSS data files have either 8-byte doubles/floats or n-byte chars[]/ strings, where n is always 8 bytes or a multiple thereof. --byte order: files are written in the byte order of the host system (mode="wb") and read/appended using the byte order information contained in the SPSS data file (mode is "ab" or "rb" or "cp")""" if mode in (b"ab", b"rb", b"cp"): # derive endianness from file endianness = "<" if self.byteorder == "little" else ">" elif mode == b"wb": # derive endianness from host if sys.byteorder == "little": endianness = "<" elif sys.byteorder == "big": # pragma: no cover endianness = ">" else: # pragma: no cover endianness = "@" structFmt = [endianness] ceil = math.ceil for varName in varNames: varType = varTypes[varName] if varType == 0: structFmt.append("d") else: fmt = str(int(ceil(int(varType) / 8.0) * 8)) structFmt.append(fmt + "s") return struct.Struct("".join(structFmt)) def getCaseBuffer(self): """This function returns a buffer and a pointer to that buffer. A whole case will be read into this buffer.""" caseSize = c_long() func = self.spssio.spssGetCaseSize func.argtypes = [c_int, POINTER(c_long)] retcode = func(self.fh, byref(caseSize)) caseBuffer = create_string_buffer(caseSize.value) checkErrsWarns("Problem getting case buffer", retcode) return caseBuffer @property def sysmis(self): """This function returns the IBM SPSS Statistics system-missing value (`$SYSMIS`) for the host system (also called 'NA' in other systems).""" if hasattr(self, "_sysmis"): return self._sysmis try: self._sysmis = -1 * sys.float_info[0] # Python 2.6 and higher. except AttributeError: self.spssio.spssSysmisVal.restype = c_float self._sysmis = self.spssio.spssSysmisVal() return self._sysmis @property def missingValuesLowHigh(self): """This function returns the 'lowest' and 'highest' values used for numeric missing value ranges on the host system. This can be used in a similar way as the LO and HI keywords in missing values specifications (cf. `MISSING VALUES foo (LO THRU 0)`. It may be called at any time.""" Range = collections.namedtuple("MissingValueRange", "lo hi") try: lowest, highest = c_double(), c_double() func = self.spssio.spssLowHighVal func.argtypes = [POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_double)] retcode = func(byref(lowest), byref(highest)) checkErrsWarns("Problem getting min/max missing values", retcode) return Range(lowest.value, highest.value) except SPSSIOError: # Windows, maybe more return Range(-sys.float_info.max, sys.float_info.max) @property def ioLocale(self): """This function gets/sets the I/O Module's locale. This corresponds with the SPSS command `SET LOCALE`. The I/O Module's locale is separate from that of the client application. The <localeName> parameter and the return value are identical to those for the C run-time function setlocale. The exact locale name specification depends on the OS of the host sytem, but has the following form:: <lang>_<territory>.<codeset>[@<modifiers>] The 'codeset' and 'modifier' components are optional and in Windows, aliases (e.g. 'english') may be used. When the I/O Module is first loaded, its locale is set to the system default. See also -------- linux : `<>`_ windows : `<>`_""" if hasattr(self, "setLocale"): return self.setLocale else: localeName = locale.setlocale(locale.LC_CTYPE) msg = "NOTE. Locale not set; getting current locale: %s" print(msg % localeName) return localeName @ioLocale.setter def ioLocale(self, localeName=""): if not localeName: localeName = locale.setlocale(locale.LC_CTYPE) # see also issue #26 func = self.spssio.spssSetLocale func.argtypes = [c_int, c_char_p] func.restype = c_char_p self.setLocale = func(locale.LC_ALL, c_char_py3k(localeName)) if self.setLocale is None: raise ValueError("Invalid ioLocale: %r" % localeName) @property def fileCodePage(self): """This function provides the Windows code page number of the encoding applicable to a file.""" nCodePage = c_int() func = self.spssio.spssGetFileCodePage func.argtypes = [c_int, POINTER(c_int)] retcode = func(self.fh, byref(nCodePage)) checkErrsWarns("Problem getting file codepage", retcode) return nCodePage.value
[docs] def isCompatibleEncoding(self): """This function determines whether the file and interface encoding are compatible.""" try: # Windows, note typo 'Endoding'! func = self.spssio.spssIsCompatibleEndoding except AttributeError: func = self.spssio.spssIsCompatibleEncoding func.argtypes = [c_int, POINTER(c_int)] func.restype = c_bool isCompatible = c_int() retcode = func(self.fh, byref(isCompatible)) msg = "Error testing encoding compatibility: %r" % isCompatible.value checkErrsWarns(msg, retcode) if not isCompatible.value and not self.ioUtf8: msg = ("NOTE. SPSS Statistics data file %r is written in a " "character encoding (%s) incompatible with the current " "ioLocale setting (%s). It may not be readable. Consider " "changing ioLocale or setting ioUtf8=True.") print(msg % (self.savFileName, self.fileEncoding, self.ioLocale)) return bool(isCompatible.value)
@property def ioUtf8(self): """This function returns/sets the current interface encoding * ``ioUtf8 = False`` --> `CODEPAGE` mode, * ``ioUtf8 = True`` --> UTF-8 mode, aka. `UNICODE` mode This corresponds with the SPSS command `SHOW UNICODE` (getter) and `SET UNICODE=ON/OFF` (setter). See also -------- SPSS-unicode-mode : `<>`_ """ if hasattr(self, "ioUtf8_"): return self.ioUtf8_ self.ioUtf8_ = self.spssio.spssGetInterfaceEncoding() return bool(self.ioUtf8_) @ioUtf8.setter def ioUtf8(self, ioUtf8): try: func = self.spssio.spssSetInterfaceEncoding func.argtypes = [c_int] retcode = func(int(ioUtf8)) label = retcodes.get(retcode) # files_open: ignore error with nested context managers if retcode > 0 and label != "SPSS_FILES_OPEN": msg = "Error setting IO interface [%s]" raise SPSSIOError(msg % label) except TypeError: raise Exception("Invalid interface encoding: %r (must be bool)") if retcode < 0: checkErrsWarns("Problem setting ioUtf8", retcode) @property def fileEncoding(self): """This function obtains the encoding applicable to a file. The encoding is returned as an IANA encoding name, such as ISO-8859-1, which is then converted to the corresponding Python codec name. If the file contains no file encoding, the locale's preferred encoding is returned""" try: pszEncoding = create_string_buffer(20) # is 20 enough?? func = self.spssio.spssGetFileEncoding retcode = func(c_int(self.fh), byref(pszEncoding)) checkErrsWarns("Problem getting file encoding", retcode) iana_codes = encodings.aliases.aliases rawEncoding = pszEncoding.value.lower().decode("utf-8") if rawEncoding.replace("-", "") in iana_codes: iana_code = rawEncoding.replace("-", "") else: iana_code = rawEncoding.replace("-", "_") fileEncoding = iana_codes[iana_code] return fileEncoding except KeyError: print ("NOTE. IANA coding lookup error. Code %r " % iana_code + "does not map to any Python codec.") return locale.getpreferredencoding() @property def record(self): """Get/Set a whole record from/to a pre-allocated buffer""" args = c_int(self.fh), byref(self.caseBuffer) retcode = self.wholeCaseIn(*args) if retcode: checkErrsWarns("Problem reading row", retcode) record = list(self.unpack_from(self.caseBuffer)) return record @record.setter def record(self, record): try: self.pack_into(self.caseBuffer, 0, *record) except struct.error: msg = sys.exc_info()[1] if any([isinstance(value, unicode) for value in record]): msg += ". Use ioUtf8=True to write unicode strings" raise TypeError(msg) self.wholeCaseOut.argtypes = [c_int, c_char_p] retcode = self.wholeCaseOut(self.fh, c_char_py3k(self.caseBuffer.raw)) if retcode: checkErrsWarns("Problem writing row\n" + record, retcode)