3. Execution timing

3.1. Scheduling time

RunTask executes a given task when the scheduling time reaches the next run time computed for that task. The scheduling time is derived from the system time applying the following formulas

scheduling_time_continuous = system_time * speed + epoch

scheduling_time = scheduling_time_continuous - scheduling_time_continuous%tick

If speed = 1. and epoch = 0. , the scheduling time has the same time scale of the system time. If speed is increased above 1., scheduling time runs faster, this can be useful for debugging or demos of tasks having long run periods. The opposite, if speed is decreased below 1.. The epoch parameter allows to shift the scheduling time in the future or in the past for the same pourposes as above.

To have a more ordered and efficient task execution, the scheduling time is designed to be discrete with elementary increments of the tick quantity, as it can be seen from the second formula. Also the system time has a minimum increment tick, but this quantity is generally far lower (generally 1 microsecond) than the scheduling time tick. So, the system time can be considered continuous with respect to the scheduling time. In any case, there are no computational constraints on the scheduling time tick value and it can be lowered above 0.0 at will.

3.2. Timing generators

The run time of each task controlled by RunTask is given by a “timing generator”. Timing generators are special methods of the RunTask class. Three timing generators are available at present, each one implementing a different scheduling scheme.

aligned, this time generator schedules the first task execution at the first occurrence of an integer multiple of a given period from the origin of the scheduling time plus an optional time phase. The next executions are run at regular intervals from the first one with the same fixed period. For example, if the execution period is 1 second and the phase is 0, the task is run every second and each execution occurs aligned to a second boundary.

now, this time generator schedules the first task execution immediately (as soon as possible during RunTask execution). The next executions are run at regular intervals of time from the first one with a given fixed period. For example, if the execution period is 1 second and phase is 0 and the first task run occurs at 01:23:45.678, the next run is at 01:23:46.678 and so on.

uniform, this time generator schedules the task execution with a random sequence of time periods having a uniform distribution between a minimum and a maximum given values. The first task execution is scheduled at the first occurrence of an integer multiple of the first value of the random sequence from the origin of the scheduling time. Each next execution time is computed by adding to the previous execution time the next time period from the random sequence. For example, let the random sequence be 1, 4.345, 6.4467, ... The first task execution occurs to the first occurence of a second boundary, for example let it be 01:23:45.000. Then the second execution will occur at 01:23:49.345. The third execution will occur at 01:23:55.7917 and so on.

For each task controlled by RunTask, one timing generator can be specified.

3.3. Run time computation

All timing generators compute the next task execution time referred to a continuous scheduling time: the nominal run time. The scheduling time of RunTask is discrete, as seen above, with minimum increments of the tick quantity and the task is run when the last increment of the scheduling time reaches or exceeds the nominal run time. This is the effective run time of the task. So there is a difference between the nominal run time and the effective run time that is always less or equal to the tick of the scheduling time.

A special attention is given to avoid computational drifts for timing generators that execute a task at fixed periods (aligned and now). The sequence of the nominal execution times is not computed by the cumulative summation of the fixed period, since the floating representation of time suffers of numerical rounding errors that cumulate on the summation.

3.4. Fractional periods

There are cases in which the fixed execution period comes out from an integer division of an integer frequency (i.e. a counter dividing a frequency). Generally the division produces a float result with conversion errors. To exactly represent such kind of period, the timing generators with fixed periods (aligned and now) accept a fractional period written as a tuple of two elements: numerator, denominator. In such a case, the computation of the nominal run time is carried out without fractional approximations.

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