Source code for rosetta.modeling.prediction_plotter

Helpful module for plotting predictions
import pylab as pl
import numpy as np

#  Globals
EPS = 1e-5

#  Plotter2D objects

[docs]class BasePlotter2D(object): """ Abstract base class for 2D plotters. Not to be used directly. """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def plot( self, clf, X, y, mode='predict', contourf_kwargs={}, scatter_kwargs={}): """ Plot levelsets of clf then plot the X/y data. Parameters ---------- clf : Trained sklearn classifier mode : 'predict', 'predict_proba' If 'predict', plot the 0/1 levelsets using clf.predict If 'predct_proba', plot a contour plot of clf.predict_proba. contourf_kwargs : Dict kwargs passed to pylab.contourf scatter_kwargs : Dict kwargs passed to pylab.scatter """ if self.box_ends is not None: box_ends = self.box_ends else: box_ends = ( X[:, 0].min(), X[:, 0].max(), X[:, 1].min(), X[:, 1].max()) # Calling self.plot_levelsets also calls self._revise_vmin_vmax self.plot_levelsets( clf, box_ends=box_ends, mode=mode, **contourf_kwargs) # The colorbar must be added after plot_levelsets, before plot_data # If 0/1 predictions, the colorbar is misleading if mode == 'predict_proba': pl.colorbar() self.plot_data(X, y, **scatter_kwargs)
[docs] def plot_levelsets( self, clf, box_ends=None, mode='predict', **contourf_kwargs): """ Plot level sets of the model clf. Parameters ---------- clf : Trained sklearn model box_ends : 4-tuple xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax plot levelsets within box defined by box_ends box_ends : 4-tuple xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax plot levelsets within box defined by box_ends Over-rides self.box_ends if self.box_ends is not set. mode : 'predict', 'predict_proba' If 'predict', plot the levelsets using clf.predict If 'predct_proba', plot a contour plot of clf.predict_proba. contourf_kwargs : Keyword arguments Passed to pylab.contourf """ # Define box_ends if box_ends is None: assert self.box_ends is not None box_ends = self.box_ends # Define defaults and arguments depending on mode # func is the function that gives the levelsets if mode == 'predict': func = lambda xx, yy: clf.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) elif mode == 'predict_proba': func = lambda xx, yy: clf.predict_proba( np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])[:, 1] else: raise ValueError("mode %s is not handled" % mode) # Set up the colors and grid cmap = xx, yy = self._create_meshgrid(box_ends) # Get the predictions Z = func(xx, yy) Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape) self._revise_vmin_vmax(Z) N = min(50, len(np.unique(Z))) contourf_kwargs.setdefault('vmin', self.vmin) contourf_kwargs.setdefault('vmax', self.vmax) pl.contourf(xx, yy, Z, N, cmap=cmap, **contourf_kwargs) self._add_x_names()
def _revise_vmin_vmax(self, values): """ Resets self.vmin, self.vmax to the new smallest/largest values seen. """ values = np.asarray(values) self.vmin = min(getattr(self, 'vmin', np.inf), values.min()) self.vmax = max(getattr(self, 'vmax', -np.inf), values.max()) def _add_x_names(self): """ Add x_names to the current axes. """ if self.x_names: pl.xlabel(self.x_names[0], fontsize='large') pl.ylabel(self.x_names[1], fontsize='large') def _create_meshgrid(self, box_ends): """ Creates a 200 x 200 meshgrid of points bounded by the box_ends. """ xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = box_ends xstep = (xmax - xmin) / 200. ystep = (ymax - ymin) / 200. xx, yy = np.meshgrid( np.arange(xmin, xmax, xstep), np.arange(ymin, ymax, ystep)) return xx, yy
[docs]class ClassifierPlotter2D(BasePlotter2D): """ For plotting 2D classifiers. Initialize the ClassifierPlotter2D, then train different (2-d) classifiers on different data sets and plot the data and level sets of the classifier. """ def __init__( self, y_markers=None, y_names=None, x_names=None, cmap='PuBu', box_ends=None): """ Parameters ---------- y_markers : List E.g. ['x', 'o'] to plot the first y value as an 'x' and the second as 'o'. y_names : List E.g. ['negative', 'positive'] x_names : List E.g. ['height', 'weight'] if x1 is 'height' and x2 is 'weight' cmap : String Use this colormap (from for plots. append a '_r' to reverse color. Use tab completion in IPython on to see all possible maps, or goto: box_ends : 4-tuple xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax plot levelsets within box defined by box_ends """ self.y_markers = y_markers self.y_names = y_names self.x_names = x_names self.cmap = cmap self.box_ends = box_ends
[docs] def plot_data(self, X, y, **scatter_kwargs): """ Plot the (X, y) data as a bunch of labeled markers. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray y : np.ndarray Numeric data only scatter_kwargs : Keyword arguments Passed to pylab.scatter() """ # Set some sensible defaults scatter_kwargs.setdefault('s', 100) scatter_kwargs.setdefault('linewidths', 2) scatter_kwargs.setdefault('color', 'k') scatter_kwargs.setdefault('facecolors', 'none') # All possible values of y classes = sorted(list(np.unique(y))) # Plot each class with a different marker for i, yval in enumerate(classes): marker = ( self.y_markers[i] if self.y_markers else 'ox+*01234567' [i % 12]) label = self.y_names[i] if self.y_names else yval idx = np.where(y == yval) pl.scatter( X[idx, 0], X[idx, 1], marker=marker, label=label, **scatter_kwargs) self._add_x_names() pl.legend()
[docs]class RegressorPlotter2D(BasePlotter2D): """ For plotting 2D regressors. Initialize the RegressorPlotter2D, then train different (2-d) regressors on different data sets and plot the data and level sets of the regressor. """ def __init__(self, x_names=None, y_name=None, cmap='PuBu', box_ends=None): """ Parameters ---------- x_names : List E.g. ['height', 'weight'] if x1 is 'height' and x2 is 'weight' cmap : String Use this colormap (from for plots. append a '_r' to reverse color. Use tab completion in IPython on to see all possible maps, or goto: box_ends : 4-tuple xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax plot levelsets within box defined by box_ends """ self.x_names = x_names self.y_name = y_name self.cmap = cmap self.box_ends = box_ends
[docs] def plot_data(self, X, y, **scatter_kwargs): """ Plot the (X, y) data as filled in circles. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray y : np.ndarray Numeric data only scatter_kwargs : Keyword arguments Passed to pylab.scatter() """ self._revise_vmin_vmax(y) # Set some sensible defaults cmap_ = scatter_kwargs.setdefault('cmap', cmap_) scatter_kwargs.setdefault('marker', 'o') scatter_kwargs.setdefault('s', 100) scatter_kwargs.setdefault('linewidths', 2) scatter_kwargs.setdefault('color', 'k') scatter_kwargs.setdefault('vmin', self.vmin) scatter_kwargs.setdefault('vmax', self.vmax) pl.scatter( X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=y, label=self.y_name, **scatter_kwargs) self._add_x_names() if self.y_name: pl.legend()