root2matplot is deprecated! The same functionality has been moved to a new package called rootplot:
ROOT is a powerful data analysis tool within the particle physics community, and the primary lens through which we see our data. The framework includes quite a bit of graphical capabilities, but producing high-quality graphics output was not the first priority in designing its capabilities or its interface.
It becomes useful, then, to consider using an outside library focused on graphics for producing final plots. The pyROOT interface to ROOT makes it easy to have ROOT objects interact with other python modules. The goal of root2matplot is to enable easy plotting of ROOT histograms using the full-featured and mature matplotlib library.
Some possibilities in matplotlib that are unavailable in ROOT include transparent fills and text output using LaTeX.
You may want to use root2matplot to achieve effects or complex diagrams that would be difficult or impossible in ROOT, or you may simply want to recreate a ROOT figure with the higher-quality text available through a LaTeX engine.
For immediate figures with a minimum of effort (with output directly from ROOT or through matplotlib, take a look at the section on the overlayHists command-line tool, which is included in root2matplot
root2matplot is developed and maintained by Jeff Klukas [(klukas) (at) (wisc) (dot) (edu)]. Feel free to contact the author for help or with suggestions.
The root2matplot library requires that you have both pyROOT and matplotlib available within a single python installation. This may not be easy (so if you have a CERN lxplus account, check below). You can find some help on the PyROOT site, although specific needs may vary by platform, and you may need to search for additional information (like instructions for a Mac OSX 10.6 installation).
The easiest installation of root2matplot is through pip:
$ pip install root2matplot
If you don’t have pip installed, you can obtain it through easy_install, which is probably already installed on your system if you have python installed:
$ easy_install pip
The pip installer will place the root2matplot library in an appropriate place in your python tree. It will also install the overlayHists script in an appropriate bin directory so that it is available on the command line.
root2matplot is version controlled with Mercurial. To download the latest development version:
$ hg clone http://bitbucket.org/klukas/root2matplot
$ ln -s root2matplot/lib/root2matplot/ /path/to/your/python/lib/area
As a temporary solution for lxplus users, you may logon to any of the SLC5 machines (lxplus5) and source the following script:
$ source /afs/cern.ch/user/k/klukas/public/Sharing/root2matplot_setup.sh
This will point to a local installation of root2matplot and should also set up a compatible cocktail of python, matplotlib, and ROOT. After you run the script, you can check that it works by trying out one of the below examples.
A first example:
import root2matplot as r2m
import ROOT
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from random import gauss
th1f = ROOT.TH1F("hpx", "Distribution of p_{x};p_{x};Events", 40, -4, 4)
for i in range(25000):
th1f.Fill(gauss(0., 1.))
# Make a figure with width 6 inches and height 4 inches
plt.figure(1, (8, 6))
# Create an axes instance
ax1 = plt.axes()
hist = r2m.Hist(th1f)
# Plot a bar chart in red
Running this will produce the following as a png file and also display the plot onscreen:
So far, this is probably not the prettiest output you’ve seen, but we’re relying on all of matplotlib‘s defaults. The real power of the solution is the amount of customization that’s possible, and how comparitively easy it is to achieve the results you desire.
Notice that ROOT’s simplified TeX-esque syntax doesn’t isn’t understood by matplotlib. By default, matplotlib uses an internal typesetting engine that allows simple expressions following the official TeX syntax, using $ to denote math mode and \ characters to start commands. To handle conversion from the names you gave the histograms in ROOT to names that are compatible with matplotlib, you can provide a list of ordered pairs in the Hist constructor with the replace keyword:
replacements = [('p_{x}', r'$p_x$'),
('#eta', r'$\eta$')]
hist.bar(color='r', replace=replacements)
This will replace all instances of p_{x} with $p_x$, generating the correct LaTeX expressions, and you should give it a try. Notice the r prefix on the second string, which denotes a “raw” string. In this case, it doesn’t matter, but if the LaTeX string were to contain any commands using \, a normal string would interpret these as escaped characters.
Now, let’s add the replacements above and make a more ROOT-style filled histogram with a single line along the top of the bins:
import root2matplot as r2m
import ROOT
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from random import gauss
th1f = ROOT.TH1F("hpx", "Distribution of p_{x};p_{x};Events", 40, -4, 4)
for i in range(25000):
th1f.Fill(gauss(0., 1.))
replace = [('p_{x}', r'$p_x$'),
('#eta', r'$\eta$')]
hist = r2m.Hist(th1f, replace=replace)
hist.hist(color='r', histtype='stepfilled')
plt.savefig('firstrep', dpi=50)
Imagine that you are preparing a LaTeX document using the mathpazo package, which sets up Palatino as the default font. With matplotlib, you can generate an output PS or PDF that has all its text rendered with the full-blown LaTeX distribution on your system, so that your plots match exactly with the rest of your document. The following example loads the PDF backend, and enables the text.usetex option to tell matplotlib to use your real LaTeX engine. It also highlights some extra matplotlib functions, like transparent fills, legends, and colormaps.:
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rc('text', usetex=True)
matplotlib.rc('font', family="serif", serif="palatino")
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import ROOT
import root2matplot as r2m
from random import gauss
th1f_1 = ROOT.TH1F("hpt1", "Distribution of pT;pT;Events", 40, 0, 8)
th1f_2 = ROOT.TH1F("hpt2", "Distribution of pT;pT;Events", 40, 0, 8)
for i in range(2500):
th1f_1.Fill(gauss(4, 1.))
th1f_2.Fill(gauss(6, 1.))
cmap = plt.get_cmap('Set3')
colors = [cmap(i/5.) for i in range(5)]
plt.figure(1, (6, 4))
ax1 = plt.axes()
replace = [('pT', r'$p_\mathrm{T}$'),
('ZMM', r'$Z\rightarrow \mu\mu$'),
('ttbar', r'$t\bar{t}$')]
hist1 = r2m.Hist(th1f_1, replace)
hist2 = r2m.Hist(th1f_2, replace)
stack = r2m.HistStack()
stack.add(hist1, color=colors[0], label="ZMM", replace=replace)
stack.add(hist2, color=colors[1], label="ttbar", replace=replace)
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
The result should look like this:
root2matplot also supports 2D histograms. A Hist2D object has functions such as box, col, or colz to replicate ROOT drawing options, but also the ability to make contour plots:
import root2matplot as r2m
import ROOT
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from random import gauss
th2f = ROOT.TH2F("data", "", 20, -3, 3, 20, -3, 3)
for i in range(20000):
th2f.Fill(gauss(0., 1.), gauss(0., 1.))
ax = plt.axes()
hist = r2m.Hist2D(th2f)
plt.clf() # clear figure
ax = plt.axes(aspect='equal')
The results should look like:
Core implementation of the module
A container to hold the parameters from a ROOT histogram.
Generate a matplotlib bar figure.
All additional keyword arguments will be passed to pyplot.bar.
Generate a horizontal matplotlib bar figure.
All additional keyword arguments will be passed to pyplot.barh.
Return the simple quotient with errors added in quadrature.
Generate a matplotlib errorbar figure.
All additional keyword arguments will be passed to pyplot.errorbar.
Generate a horizontal matplotlib errorbar figure.
All additional keyword arguments will be passed to pyplot.errorbar.
Generate a matplotlib hist figure.
All additional keyword arguments will be passed to pyplot.hist.
A container to hold the paramters from a 2D ROOT histogram.
Draw a box plot with size indicating content using pyplot.scatter.
The data will be normalized, with the largest box using a marker of size maxsize (in points).
A container to hold Hist objects for plotting together.
When plotting, the title and the x and y labels of the last Hist added will be used unless specified otherwise in the constructor.
Add a Hist object to this stack.
Any additional keyword arguments will be added to just this Hist when the stack is plotted.
Make a matplotlib bar plot, with all Hists in the stack overlaid.
Any additional keyword arguments will be passed to pyplot.bar. You will probably want to include a transparency value (i.e. alpha=0.5).
Make a horizontal clustered matplotlib bar plot.
Any additional keyword arguments will be passed to pyplot.barh.
Make a matplotlib bar plot, with each Hist stacked upon the last.
Any additional keyword arguments will be passed to pyplot.bar.
Make a matplotlib errorbar plot, with all Hists in the stack overlaid.
Passing ‘offset=True’ will slightly offset each dataset so overlapping errorbars are still visible. Any additional keyword arguments will be passed to pyplot.errorbar.
Make a horizontal matplotlib errorbar plot, with all Hists in the stack overlaid.
Any additional keyword arguments will be passed to pyplot.errorbar.
Make a matplotlib hist plot.
Any additional keyword arguments will be passed to pyplot.hist, which allows a vast array of possibilities. Particlularly, the histtype values such as ‘barstacked’ and ‘stepfilled’ give completely different results. You will probably want to include a transparency value (i.e. alpha=0.5).
Return the value of the lowest bin of all hists in the stack.
If threshold is specified, only values above the threshold will be considered.
A wrapper for TFiles, allowing easier access to methods.
Replace the current axes with a set of upper and lower axes.
The new axes will be transparent, with a breakmark drawn between them. They share the x-axis. Returns (upper_axes, lower_axes).
If ybounds=[ymin_lower, ymax_lower, ymin_upper, ymax_upper] is defined, upper_frac will be ignored, and the y-axis bounds will be fixed with the specified values.
Draw histograms to image files, specifying options on the command line.
You can overlay plots from multiple ROOT files with identical structure.
Most of the style options for your output can be specified in a rootlogon.C or matplotlibrc depending on which kind of output you’d like. Documentation on this kind of configuration can be found on the websites of ROOT and matplotlib respectively.
There are, however, several style options which are specific to overlayHists. These include the line colors and markers used, as well as the dictionary used for text replacement with matplotlib. If you’d like to customize these for your own use, simply make a configuration file with a .py extension and add the file to your list of arguments to overlayHists. You can get a nice default with all the configurable parameters by calling:
$ overlayHists --config
The command-line options available are described in the help message output:
$ overlayHists -h
Usage: overlayHists [options] [style_config.py] [file1.root ...]
Documentation: http://packages.python.org/root2matplot/
Function: overlays corresponding histograms from several files, dumping the
images into a directory structure that mirrors that of the ROOT file and,
if output format is pdf, also merging all images into a single file.
Most style options can be controlled from your rootlogon.C macro.
Power users: advanced operation using configuration files is described in the
full online documentation. This allows you control over colors, styles,
names for the legends, and more. Get the default config with --config.
Matplotlib: if you have the matplotlib python plotting library installed on your
system, you can produce output in matplotlib. This will be activated by
enabling any of the options 'mpl', 'bar', 'errorbar', 'hist', or 'stack'.
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--config do nothing but write a template configuration file
called overlayHists_config.py
-e EXT, --ext=EXT choose an output extension; default is png
-m, --markers add markers to histograms
-s, --sticky enable name-based special plotting options (see below)
--merge creates a single pdf file containing all plots
--noclean skips destroying the output directory before drawing
--data=FILENUM the histogram from the FILENUMth (starting from 1)
file will be drawn as black datapoints, while all
others will be filled, as is the custom for showing
data vs. Monte Carlo.
--output=NAME name of output directory; default is 'overlaidHists'
--numbering add a page number in the upper right of each plot
--path=PATH only process plot(s) in the given location or its
subdirectories; PATH may be a regular expression (use
.* for wildcard)
--normalize=VALUE if integer, normalize to the VALUEth file (starting
with 1); if float, scale by VALUE
--range=LOWxHIGH only use the specified data range in determining the
--colormap=COLORMAP Select colors from the given matplotlib colormap
rather than the defaults
--ncolors=NCOLORS The number of colors with which to divide the colormap
--legend=LOC Place legend in LOC, according to matplotlib location
codes; examples include 'upper right', 'center', or
'center left'
--title=TITLE Replace the plot titles, or add to them by preceeding
with a '+'
--xlabel=XLABEL Replace the x-axis labels, or add to them by
preceeding with a '+'
--ylabel=YLABEL Replace the y-axis labels, or add to them by
preceeding with a '+'
--grid Toggle the grid on or off for both axes
--gridx Toggle the grid on or off for the x axis
--gridy Toggle the grid on or off for the y axis
Divide all plots by the histogram in path DENOM
--processors=NUM Divide plot making up into NUM different processes
Options specific to ROOT (default) output:
--draw="p H" argument to pass to ROOT's Draw command; try 'e' for
error bars
--draw2D="box" argument to pass to ROOT's Draw command for 2D hists
(only drawn when a single file is present); set to ""
to turn off 2D drawing
-f, --fill Histograms will have a color fill
Producing output with matplotlib:
--mpl produce output in matplotlib; automatically turned on
by --stack, --errorbar, --bar, or --hist
--mpl2D="box" Type of plot to produce for 2D histograms in
matplotlib. Choose from 'contour', 'col', 'colz', or
--stack output a matplotlib stacked bar graph
--errorbar output a matplotlib errorbar graph
--bar output a matplotlib bar graph
--hist output a matplotlib hist graph (with solid fill)
--alpha=ALPHA set the transparency factor used for matplotlib bar
and hist graphs (default is 0.5; 1.0 is fully opaque)
--transparent use a transparent background
--size=SIZE Define the plot size as 'width x height' in inches;
default is '6x4.5'
--dpi=DPI Set the resolution of matplotlib output (default is
Special plotting options:
Use the command line options given below to apply changes to all
plots. If you only wish to apply an option to a specific plot, you
can use '-s' to turn on sticky keywords (such as 'Norm'). Any plot
that includes the given keyword in its ROOT name will have the option
applied regardless of its presence or absence on the command line.
-n, --area-normalize
'Norm': area normalize the histograms
--efficiency 'Eff' : force y axis scale to run from 0 to 1
--logx 'Logx': force log scale for x axis
--logy 'Logy': force log scale for y axis
--zero 'Zero': force zero for the y-axis minimum
--overflow 'Overflow' : display overflow content in highest bin
--underflow 'Underflow': display underflow content in lowest bin
--ratio=FILENUM 'Ratio': cut the canvas in two, displaying on the
bottom the ratio of each histogram to the histogram in
the FILENUMth (starting from 1) file.