Miscellaneous functions ======================= .. function:: rlfl.scatter(map_number, p[, range, flags, need_los]) Find and return a random location within `range`. `flags` defaults to rlfl.CELL_OPEN. `need_los` is default False. `range` defaults to max range. .. function:: rlfl.distance(p1, p2) returns distance between points. .. function:: rlfl.randint(max) return a random number (0 <= n < max) Miscellaneous constants ======================= These constants are decided at compile time. .. attribute:: rlfl.MAX_WIDTH Max width of internal maps .. attribute:: rlfl.MAX_HEIGHT Max height of internal maps .. attribute:: rlfl.MAX_MAPS Maximum number of internal maps stored. Also applies to the path maps. Each map has rlfl.MAX_MAPS path_maps available .. attribute:: rlfl.MAP_PATHS Maximum number of internal paths stored. .. attribute:: rlfl.MAP_PROJECTIONS Maximum number of internal projections stored. .. attribute:: rlfl.MAP_RADIUS Maximum radius. Valid in projections and FOV. .. attribute:: rlfl.MAP_RANGE Maximum range of projections and paths