0.3.1 (2017-03-04)¶
- Bugfix: ribocount: allow creation of zip files larger than 2GB.
0.3.0 (2015-12-10)¶
- Support for multiple read lengths and corresponding offsets.
- Optional arguments check is now split into multiple steps.
- Remove the calculation of read lengths present in the BAM alignment.
0.2.5 (2015-11-30)¶
- Bugfix: Use known versions of libraries as dependencies in setup.py. Otherwise, pip installs latest versions which haven’t been tested.
- Remove Codons label, change START to AUG [riboplot].
0.2.4 (2015-11-25)¶
- Bugfix: ribocount now returns correct read counts if an offset is provided.
- Bugfix: Don’t include read counts in the longest ORF start or stop positions i.e., only include reads upstream or downstream of the start or stop positions.
0.2.3 (2015-11-24)¶
- Bugfix: Recalculate read frame positions after applying offset.
- Add sequence to CSV output.
0.2.2 (2015-10-29)¶
- Use default linewidth (riboplot), Minor changes to default plot style.
- Use ‘Agg’ as the default matplotlib backend (prevent $DISPLAY errors).
- Use smaller images for the help section.
- Fix typo in HISTORY.rst.
- Update Github repository URL.
0.2.1 (2015-10-16)¶
Fix: Add mock again to setup requirements. Matplolib install under Galaxy fails otherwise.
0.2.0 (2015-10-15)¶
- Support for color schemes - options: default, colorbrewer, rgb, greyorfs.
- Plot changes - colored, light background for ORF architecture, legend moved down.
- Image DPI change 300 → 600.
- Sample scripts to plot multiple transcripts and multiple color schemes.
- Ability to output read counts in 5’(
) and 3’(-r
) leader region.
- Report error if a bam index could not be generated (ex. bam sorted using reference names instead of chromosome coordinates).
- No start/stop values when transcript sequences are in lower case.
- Split into three different files.
- Updated test configuration.
- XML wrapper changes - remove ‘leader’, add help text and output label change [ribocount].
- Remove unused pysam import [riboplot].
- Replace doc includes with sym links (breaks Galaxy toolshed otherwise).
- Updated CSS/Table styles (removed number column from table).
- y limit is now 1.25x [riboplot].
- Removed line width on bars [riboplot].
0.1.1 (2015-09-08)¶
- Remove invalid Python 3 version (whl).
- Remove unused test data files.
- Remove strict dependence on matplotlib and pysam versions.
- Cleanup MANIFEST.
0.1.0 (2015-08-24)¶
- First release on PyPI.