tuple | RunLAIRead.parser |
string | RunLAIRead.help = 'The configuration file. Must define section "GRASS" and option "GISBASE"' |
tuple | RunLAIRead.args = parser.parse_args() |
tuple | RunLAIRead.cmdline = RHESSysMetadata.getCommandLine() |
| RunLAIRead.configFile = None |
tuple | RunLAIRead.context = Context(args.projectDir, configFile) |
tuple | RunLAIRead.grassMetadata = RHESSysMetadata.readGRASSEntries(context) |
tuple | RunLAIRead.metadata = RHESSysMetadata.readRHESSysEntries(context) |
list | RunLAIRead.rhessysDir = metadata['rhessys_dir'] |
tuple | RunLAIRead.paths = RHESSysPaths(args.projectDir, rhessysDir) |
list | RunLAIRead.worldfileZero = metadata['worldfile_zero'] |
string | RunLAIRead.headerZero = "%s.hdr" |
tuple | RunLAIRead.worldfileZeroPath = os.path.join(context.projectDir, worldfileZero) |
tuple | RunLAIRead.worldfileDir = os.path.dirname(worldfileZeroPath) |
tuple | RunLAIRead.modulePath = context.config.get('GRASS', 'MODULE_PATH') |
tuple | RunLAIRead.grassDbase = os.path.join(context.projectDir, metadata['grass_dbase']) |
tuple | RunLAIRead.grassConfig = GRASSConfig(context, grassDbase, metadata['grass_location'], metadata['grass_mapset']) |
tuple | RunLAIRead.grassLib = GRASSLib(grassConfig=grassConfig) |
list | RunLAIRead.demRast = grassMetadata['dem_rast'] |
| Make sure mask and region are properly set. More...
tuple | RunLAIRead.result = grassLib.script.run_command('g.region', rast=demRast) |
list | RunLAIRead.basinRast = grassMetadata['basin_rast'] |
tuple | RunLAIRead.headerZeroPath = os.path.join(context.projectDir, headerZero) |
tuple | RunLAIRead.stations = getClimateBaseStationFilenames(headerZeroPath) |
tuple | RunLAIRead.firstStationPath = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(paths.RHESSYS_DIR, stations[0]) ) |
tuple | RunLAIRead.fourDays = datetime.timedelta(days=4) |
tuple | RunLAIRead.tecDurRedef = datetime.timedelta(days=1) |
| RunLAIRead.tecRedef = startDate+tecDurRedef |
tuple | RunLAIRead.laireadPath = os.path.join(context.projectDir, metadata['lairead_bin']) |
tuple | RunLAIRead.oldWorldPath = os.path.join(context.projectDir, worldfileZero) |
string | RunLAIRead.redefWorldName = "%s.Y%dM%dD%dH%d" |
tuple | RunLAIRead.redefWorldPath = os.path.join(context.projectDir, redefWorldName) |
tuple | RunLAIRead.allomPath = os.path.join(context.projectDir, metadata['allometric_table']) |
tuple | RunLAIRead.p |
string | RunLAIRead.tecName = 'tec.lairead' |
tuple | RunLAIRead.tecPath = os.path.join(paths.RHESSYS_TEC, tecName) |
tuple | RunLAIRead.tecDurOutput = datetime.timedelta(days=2) |
| RunLAIRead.tecOutput = startDate+tecDurOutput |
tuple | RunLAIRead.f = open(tecPath, 'w') |
| RunLAIRead.rhessysStart = startDate |
tuple | RunLAIRead.rhessysDur = datetime.timedelta(days=3) |
| RunLAIRead.rhessysEnd = startDate+rhessysDur |
tuple | RunLAIRead.surfaceFlowtablePath = os.path.join(context.projectDir, metadata['surface_flowtable']) |
tuple | RunLAIRead.subSurfaceFlowtablePath = os.path.join(context.projectDir, metadata['subsurface_flowtable']) |
tuple | RunLAIRead.rhessysBinPath = os.path.join(context.projectDir, metadata['rhessys_bin']) |
tuple | RunLAIRead.rhessysCmd |
tuple | RunLAIRead.cmdArgs = rhessysCmd.split() |
tuple | RunLAIRead.process = Popen(cmdArgs, cwd=paths.RHESSYS_DIR, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) |
string | RunLAIRead.outputWorldName = "%s.Y%dM%dD%dH%d.state" |
tuple | RunLAIRead.outputWorldPath = os.path.join(context.projectDir, outputWorldName) |
string | RunLAIRead.newWorldName = 'world' |
tuple | RunLAIRead.newWorldPath = os.path.join(paths.RHESSYS_WORLD, newWorldName) |
string | RunLAIRead.header = "%s.hdr" |
tuple | RunLAIRead.headerPath = os.path.join(paths.RHESSYS_WORLD, header) |