rawdisk.plugins.filesystems.hfs_plus package


rawdisk.plugins.filesystems.hfs_plus.hfs_plus module

class rawdisk.plugins.filesystems.hfs_plus.hfs_plus.HfsPlusPlugin[source]

Bases: rawdisk.plugins.categories.IFilesystemPlugin

Filesystem plugin for HFS+ partition.

detect(filename, offset)[source]

Always returns True, since there is only one partition with this type GUID, no need to do further verification.


Returns HfsPlusVolume object.


Registers this plugin with FilesystemDetector as gpt plugin, with type guid {48465300-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC}

rawdisk.plugins.filesystems.hfs_plus.hfs_plus_volume module

class rawdisk.plugins.filesystems.hfs_plus.hfs_plus_volume.HfsPlusVolume[source]

Bases: rawdisk.filesystems.volume.Volume

Structure for HFS+ volume.

fd (fd): file descriptor used to read volume information vol_header (VolumeHeader): Initialized VolumeHeader object
See Also:
load(filename, offset)[source]

Loads HFS+ volume information

class rawdisk.plugins.filesystems.hfs_plus.hfs_plus_volume.VolumeHeader(data)[source]

Bases: rawdisk.util.rawstruct.RawStruct

Represents HFS+ volume header

signature (2 byte string): The volume signature, which must be kHFSPlusSigWord (‘H+’) for an HFS Plus volume. version (ushort): The version of the volume format, which is currently 4 (kHFSPlusVersion) for HFS Plus volumes. attributes (uint): HFS+ volume attributes

Module contents