Source code for rattail.db.batch.vendorinvoice.handler

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
#  Copyright © 2010-2015 Lance Edgar
#  This file is part of Rattail.
#  Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
#  terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
#  Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
#  any later version.
#  Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
#  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
#  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Affero General Public License for
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#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#  along with Rattail.  If not, see <>.
Handler for Vendor Invoice batches

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import os

from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload

from rattail.db import api
from rattail.db import model
from rattail.db.batch.handler import FileBatchHandler
from rattail.vendors.invoices import require_invoice_parser

[docs]class VendorInvoiceHandler(FileBatchHandler): """ Handler for vendor invoice batches. """ batch_model_class = model.VendorInvoice show_progress = True po_number_title = "PO Number" def make_batch(self, session, path, **kwargs): parser_key = kwargs.get('parser_key') if parser_key and not kwargs.get('vendor') and not kwargs.get('vendor_uuid'): parser = require_invoice_parser(parser_key) kwargs['vendor'] = api.get_vendor(session, parser.vendor_key) return super(VendorInvoiceHandler, self).make_batch(session, path, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_purchase_order(self, number): """ Fetch the purchase order object corresponding to the given PO number. Custom handlers should override this if aiming to reconcile invoices to purchase orders. """
[docs] def validate_po_number(self, number): """ This method does nothing by default. Derived handlers can validate the PO number as they like. Invalid PO numbers should cause ``ValueError`` to be raised, with text of the reason for validation failure. """
[docs] def refresh_data(self, session, batch, progress=None): """ Refresh all data for the batch. """ self.session = session del batch.data_rows[:] data_path = self.data_path(batch) parser = require_invoice_parser(batch.parser_key) parser.session = session parser.vendor = api.get_vendor(session, parser.vendor_key) batch.invoice_date = parser.parse_invoice_date(data_path) # Pre-cache products by UPC and vendor code. self.vendor = parser.vendor self.products = {'upc': {}, 'vendor_code': {}, 'code': {}} products = session.query(model.Product)\ .options(joinedload(model.Product.brand))\ .options(joinedload(model.Product.costs))\ .options(joinedload(model.Product._codes)) prog = None if progress: prog = progress("Caching products by UPC and vendor item code", products.count()) for i, product in enumerate(products, 1): if product.upc: self.products['upc'][product.upc] = product cost = product.cost_for_vendor(self.vendor) product.vendor_cost = cost if cost and cost.code: self.products['vendor_code'][cost.code] = product for code in self.products['code'][code] = product if prog: prog.update(i) if prog: prog.destroy() # Get data from parser, and convert to rows. data = list(parser.parse_rows(data_path)) self.make_rows(session, batch, data, progress=progress) # If we have a PO number, attempt to reconcile against a purchase order. if batch.purchase_order_number: purchase = self.get_purchase_order(batch.purchase_order_number) if purchase: self.cognize_purchase_order(session, batch, purchase, progress=progress)
[docs] def find_product(self, row): """ Attempt to locate the product for the row, based on UPC etc. """ if row.upc: product = self.products['upc'].get(row.upc) if product: return product if row.vendor_code: product = self.products['vendor_code'].get(row.vendor_code) if product: return product
[docs] def cognize_row(self, session, row): """ Inspect a single row from a invoice, and set its attributes based on whether or not the product exists, if we already have a cost record for the vendor, if the invoice contains a change etc. Note that the product lookup is done first by UPC and then by vendor item code. """ product = self.find_product(row) if not product: row.status_code = row.STATUS_NOT_IN_DB return row.product = product row.upc = product.upc row.brand_name = if product.brand else None row.description = product.description row.size = product.size if product.cost_for_vendor(self.vendor): row.status_code = row.STATUS_OK else: row.status_code = row.STATUS_COST_NOT_IN_DB # Calculate case cost if the parser couldn't provide one. if not row.case_cost and row.unit_cost and row.case_quantity: row.case_cost = row.unit_cost * row.case_quantity
[docs] def cognize_purchase_order(self, session, invoice, purchase, progress=None): """ Cognize the given invoice against the given purchase order object. Custom handlers should override this if aiming to reconcile invoices to purchase orders. """
[docs] def execute(self, batch, progress=None): """ Execute the vendor invoice batch. Note that the default handler does not perform any actions; a custom handler must be used for anything interesting to happen. """ return True