Source code for rattail.db.batch.vendorcatalog.model

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
#  Copyright © 2010-2015 Lance Edgar
#  This file is part of Rattail.
#  Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
#  terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
#  Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
#  any later version.
#  Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
#  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
#  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Affero General Public License for
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#  You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#  along with Rattail.  If not, see <>.
Models for vendor catalog batches

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr

from rattail.db.model import Base, Vendor, Product
from rattail.db.batch.model import FileBatchMixin, BatchRowMixin
from rattail.db.types import GPCType

[docs]class VendorCatalog(FileBatchMixin, Base): """ Vendor catalog, the source data file of which has been provided by a user, and may be further processed in some site-specific way. """ __tablename__ = 'vendor_catalog' __batchrow_class__ = 'VendorCatalogRow' @declared_attr def __table_args__(cls): return cls.__default_table_args__() + ( sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['vendor_uuid'], ['vendor.uuid'], name='vendor_catalog_fk_vendor'), ) parser_key = sa.Column(sa.String(length=100), nullable=False, doc=""" The key of the parser used to parse the contents of the data file. """) vendor_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=False) vendor = relationship(Vendor, doc=""" Reference to the :class:`Vendor` to which the catalog pertains. """) effective = sa.Column(sa.Date(), nullable=True, doc=""" General effective date for the catalog, as determined by the data file. Note that not all catalog files will include this; also, some catalogs include effective dates on a per-product basis. """)
[docs]class VendorCatalogRow(BatchRowMixin, Base): """ Row of data within a vendor catalog. """ __tablename__ = 'vendor_catalog_row' __batch_class__ = VendorCatalog @declared_attr def __table_args__(cls): return cls.__default_table_args__() + ( sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['product_uuid'], ['product.uuid'], name='vendor_catalog_row_fk_product'), ) STATUS_NO_CHANGE = 1 STATUS_NEW_COST = 2 STATUS_UPDATE_COST = 3 STATUS_PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND = 4 STATUS = { STATUS_NO_CHANGE: "no change", STATUS_NEW_COST: "new cost", STATUS_UPDATE_COST: "cost update", STATUS_PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND: "product not found", } upc = sa.Column(GPCType(), nullable=True, doc=""" UPC for the row. """) product_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=True) product = relationship(Product, doc=""" Reference to the :class:`Product` with which the row is associated, if any. """) vendor_code = sa.Column(sa.String(length=30), nullable=True, doc=""" Vendor's unique code for the product. The meaning of this corresponds to that of the :attr:`ProductCost.code` column. """) brand_name = sa.Column(sa.String(length=100), nullable=True, doc=""" Brand name of the product. """) description = sa.Column(sa.String(length=255), nullable=False, doc=""" Description of the product. """) size = sa.Column(sa.String(length=255), nullable=True, doc=""" Size of the product, as string. """) case_size = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), nullable=False, default=1, doc=""" Number of units in a case of product. """) case_cost = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=9, scale=5), nullable=True, doc=""" Cost per case of the product. """) unit_cost = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=9, scale=5), nullable=True, doc=""" Cost per unit of the product. """) old_vendor_code = sa.Column(sa.String(length=30), nullable=True, doc=""" Original vendor code for the product, if any. """) old_case_size = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), nullable=False, default=1, doc=""" Original case size for the product, if any. """) old_case_cost = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=9, scale=5), nullable=True, doc=""" Original case cost for the product, if any. """) old_unit_cost = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=9, scale=5), nullable=True, doc=""" Original unit cost for the product, if any. """) case_cost_diff = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=9, scale=5), nullable=True, doc=""" Case cost difference between the catalog and product's original cost record. """) unit_cost_diff = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=9, scale=5), nullable=True, doc=""" Unit cost difference between the catalog and product's original cost record. """)