:mod:`rattail.sw.locms.deploy` ============================== .. automodule:: rattail.sw.locsms.deploy This module attempts to simplify deployment of "hotfixes" (in the form of commands, support files, and data) and samples, etc., to various nodes within SMS "environments" (be they development or production). .. autofunction:: flip_archive_bit .. autofunction:: get_node .. autoclass:: Environment .. autoclass:: HotfixEnvironment .. autoclass:: HotfixFile .. autoclass:: Node :members: .. autoclass:: SamplesEnvironment Target Folders -------------- The following functions can be used to locate a full target path. The function signatures intentionally match, to accommodate the mapping used by :attr:`TARGET_DIRS`. .. todo:: This whole concept probably already needs some refactoring... .. autofunction:: get_inbox_path .. autofunction:: get_root_path .. autofunction:: get_office_path .. autofunction:: get_target_path And for convenience: .. attribute:: TARGET_DIRS A dictionary which, for each supported target folder, maps a human-readable name to the appropriate ``get_*_path()`` function (see above).